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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 8, 2022

Mitt Romney: Master troll

Mitt Romney penned an especially inspirational piece in the Atlantic for the 4th of July, in which he itemized our national problems and then blamed us (the people who don't reside in Washington, D.C.) for them.

Mitt started out his missive with a little criticism of our crop management practices.

Even as we watch the reservoirs and lakes of the West go dry, we keep watering our lawns, soaking our golf courses, and growing water-thirsty crops.

We're told by the Left that we can't have meat because it's mean-spirited.  Little did we understand that we're also supposed to feel guilty about growing water-thirsty crops — which would be all crops.  So meat and plants are out as food.  What does Senator Delecto recommend that we feed the masses with?  Soylent Green?  Will they be serving that in the French Laundry, too?  Is processed human remains best with red or white wine?

Then the good senator moved on to global warming................ To Read More.....

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