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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 18, 2022

Nolte: Fascist Transsexual Artist Calls for Warner Bros. to Blacklist J.K. Rowling

John Nolte 4 Jul 2022 

Some guy or girl (who can be sure anymore?) named Fox Fisher is openly calling for Warner Bros. to blacklist Harry Potter scribe, J.K. Rowling.  Get a load of Fascist Fox’s Newsweek bio blurb… “Fox Fisher is a brown, queer, pansexual, non-binary, trans masculine artist, author, film-maker and educator.”

Oh, okay.

In other words, Fascist Fox is a narcissistic weirdo who’s fabricated an endless series of triggers around an identity to ensure people trip over them. This, of course, allows Fascist Fox to assume a position of superiority by pretending to be offended. You see, when you can’t feel good about yourself through merit or accomplishment, your self-esteem can only come from things that don’t matter, like your skin color and sex life.........In a sane world, Fox Fisher would be called what he is… a neurotic loser..............One area where Rowling and I might disagree is that I see transsexuals as mentally ill. The evidence is everywhere.................I would add that patronizing these people is doing them no favors. It’s also doing society no favors. Most especially, it’s doing women and girls no favors...............To Read More....


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