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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Pope Francis: 'In the Name of God, I Ask the Great Extractive Industries…to Stop Poisoning Food and People’

By Staff | July 25, 2022 |
Pope Francis has already released his statement to mark the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,” an annual event which he created in 2015 and which is marked on September 1 of each year. “In the first place, it is our sister, mother earth, who cries out,” says Francis.“Prey to our consumerist excesses, she weeps and implores us to put an end to our abuses and to her destruction,” he says. “Then too, there are all those different creatures who cry out,” says the pope. “At the mercy of a ‘tyrannical anthropocentrism,’ completely at odds with Christ’s centrality in the work of creation, countless species are dying out and their hymns of praise silenced............ To Read More...

Pope apologizes for 'evil committed by so many Christians' -Pope Francis issued a historic apology Monday for the Catholic Church’s cooperation with Canada’s “catastrophic” policy of Indigenous residential schools, saying the forced assimilation of Native peoples into Christian society destroyed their cultures, severed families and marginalized generations. “I am deeply sorry,” Francis said to applause from school survivors and Indigenous community members gathered at a former residential school south of Edmonton, Alberta. He called the school policy a “disastrous error” that was incompatible with the Gospel and said further investigation and healing is needed.............. 
Pope Francis Begs Forgiveness for ‘Evil’ Committed Against Indigenous Canadians - Pope Francis held his first meeting with the indigenous peoples of Canada on Monday, in which he repeatedly apologized for the sins and evil committed by Christians against the native population. Reiterating the nature of his visit as “a penitential pilgrimage,” the pontiff said he traveled to Canada “to tell you in person of my sorrow, to implore God’s forgiveness, healing and reconciliation, to express my closeness and to pray with you and for you.”  Referring back to meetings with representatives of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit in the Vatican earlier this year, Francis said he feels a “deep sense of pain and remorse” when thinking back on “the tragic situations that so many of you, your families and your communities have known; of what you shared with me about the suffering you endured in the residential schools.”.........


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