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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Feral youth just beat a 17-year-old to death

November 12, 2023 By Andrea Widburg

Jonathan Lewis, 17, was just trying to stand up for a smaller friend who’d been robbed and dumped into a garbage can. Instead, the same mob turned on him...and beat him to death. We have a serious violence problem in America, and it’s a combination of lax law enforcement and cultural breakdown..............We know that much of this violence is driven by a criminal justice system that functions as a revolving door. If you’re “in good” with the Democrats in your city, state, or country (that is, if you belong to a pro-Democrat voting bloc), you just don’t need to worry about serious criminal consequences. We know, too, that this violence is driven because leftist bureaucrats and politicians are preventing school administrators from disciplining students, even those who are violent.

And there’s the cultural factor. I’m sure that no one missed that Jonathan Lewis was white and his attackers black. Indeed, given that blacks are less than 14% of the American population, it’s unpleasantly surprising how often they feature prominently in viral videos about mobs of young people getting into brawls or coming together to beat an individual (sometimes fatally, as happened to Lewis). ................

The reality is that black culture—led by white leftists and complicit black Marxists—tells young black people that self-control is white, that laws are racist, and that violence is a fire that is needed to purify America’s original sin of slavery. However, while whites occasionally get caught in the crossfire generated by this lie, as happened to Jonathan Lewis, we all know who really falls victim to this evil mindset: blacks. Their communities are broken, and their young men are killed........................To Read More... 

Editor's Note: Please review, Central Park Rape: The Secret File, and take some time to review my

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