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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, January 9, 2023

P&D Today

De Omnibus Dubitandum

Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality.  Everything were told has a historical context and structural foundation.  Everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality.  If what's presented to us fails in either category, it's wrong.  All that's left to do is develop the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong.

By Rich Kozlovich   

Let me tell you the Tale of Two Trails.  

There are two trails through the jungle leading to a certain destination. One of them is over rough and torturous ground. It's very difficult, but it's also the safest and everyone who takes that trail makes it there safely.  

The other trail is over easy ground, takes little effort, and everyone moves swiftly to their destination, except at the end of the trail is a pride of lions, and just as everyone is getting the end of the journey the lions jump out, kill everyone and eat them.  Always!  

So why do people keep taking the easy trail to suicide?  Because people will always be people and will take the easy way out, but fortunately there are those who naturally born for heterodoxy and are prepared to be the rock in the current.  Those I follow and publish are those rocks in the current.  Those are my heroes.  


Media Corruption Leads America to Suicide

Scientific Integrity is an Oxymoron.  

People will always be people, and will act in their own best interests, and while that's accepted as "truth" regarding most professions, that's also true of scientists and academics.  Whether one believes in evolution or not, I don't and I think I present an excellent argument for not believing, this isn't just about evolution, it's about questioning everything, and I don't care whether it's science, politics or religion, everything that impacts humanity must be questioned.  If science can't be questioned it isn't science, it's propaganda, and usually government imposed propaganda, and truth be told, history has shown that to be true about everything else also, and usually accompanied by violence and bloodshed.

In this pandemic, make no mistake, all this hysteria surrounding the covid pandemic was filled with lies, propaganda and outright tyranny in complete violation of the Constitution, which the left was on the verge of overturning.  Their ultimate goal.  Their quest in America for almost 150 years.  

P&D is all about history and facts.  Time and truth are on the same side and P&D is prepared to follow the facts wherever they may lead. Today's primary theme? 

The Amazing Fauci and His Fabulous Fables. 

I store a lot of articles dealing with issues and then come back and use them for source material in articles.  Well,  this is my primary theme for today as I emptied one of my Fauci, Pandemic and Adverse reaction draft files.....there's much more coming, as I have a lot more information stored, and if there's any justice in the world that information will put him in jail. 

Green Energy is a Failure.  Why are we still debating this? We have the history, we have the science.  Time and truth are on the same side, so why are we still following these nitwits down the suicide trail where the lions are waiting for us?

Education is Job One in America.  That's the theme that conservatives need to take up and turn into a national crusade.  


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