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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Vote to Oust! It'll Be a Good Object Lesson

Ask for my loyalty, I’ll give you my honesty. Ask for my honesty, you’ll have my loyalty. - Col. John Boyd

By Rich Kozlovich

One thing that's always been true of human nature. If you permit people to commit bad acts without suffering repercussions, they'll not only continue in their bad behavior, their behavior will worsen.  That's Speaker Johnson, and the reason his popularity is soaring among Democrats, even though they pretty much hate him, but they now know he's their boy and will give them what they want never bucking the system in fear government shutdown before the election.  Ergo, more bad behavior, which I outline in my

On May 2, 2024 Sally Zelikovsky posted this article, To Oust Or Not To Oust?, saying:

Conservatives are haunted by House Republicans who make all manner of campaign promises but, once in office, forget their obligations to voters or justify why they reneged on their word to support or reject a particular piece of legislation. Our biggest disappointments to date are probably their epic failure regarding Obamacare and capitulations ad nauseam regarding anything budgetary.

Well, no conservative can find fault with that statement, but she goes on to claim this whole mess with electing and then ousting McCarthy as Speaker was a "bloody mess", and it was, but she clearly feels this should be a lesson to Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene and not happen again. She then goes on to state:

Wondering how deep the rift might be, I decided to poll Tea Party and MAGA conservatives who belong to 75m & Rising, a group I started after Trump’s 2020 loss. I asked:

“Do you support Marjorie Taylor Greene’s efforts to oust Speaker Michael Johnson?” Out of 280 responses, 23.2% were Yes; 38.9% were No; and 37.9% agreed that “While Republicans must change how they do business, the solution isn’t ousting him at this time.”

In this solid sample of Tea Party and MAGA conservatives—precisely the type of individuals who support politicians like Gaetz and Greene—76.8% do not support ousting Speaker Johnson......

All that sounds great, but the fact is his popularity among the nation's Republican's is crashing, so I think it well to look back through time and ask, when is the right time to take a stand? If it isn't done now, when? If not by Greene and company, then who?

The answer is always the same. "Never and no one". That question has been asked repeatedly, and “never and no one" has been the answer repeatedly, all the while claiming Republicans must change they way they do things.

Talk about cognitive dissonance.

The problem with her group poll is probably similar nationwide with those who claim to be conservatives.   About 15 years ago they did an analysis of the Republican party nationwide, and 5% were Ron Paul Republicans, 30% were Rockefeller Republicans, and in the leadership, and 65% were varying degrees of Reagan Republicans. Those numbers were reflective of Ohio then, and is just now changing, and the same is true for the Republican party nationwide.

Ron Paul Republicans are going to drift into the Reagan Republican category, and some Reagan Republicans will drift into the Ron Paul Republican category. But no one will be drifting into the Rockefeller Republican category.

Rockefeller RINO's are going to be sacrificed! They’re becoming extinct, except for the moles, like Johnson, and that will always be a problem, but to solve that it must be made clear treason to the conservative principles they ran on will cost them.

As Herodotus noted: Culture is king, and that's what this really is all about.   The Republican culture, which currently is a mess and disjointed, failing in definition or clarity, just like her group.  There's a reason the Republicans are called the Stupid Party, they earned it, and this is the chance to fix it.

The fix? The conservative caucus must unify behind Marjorie Taylor Greene and company and create that conservative culture, and do it now! And no matter what anyone thinks about Greene, she's just like U.S. Grant.  When Lincoln was told he needed to fire U.S. Grant becaue he drank too much, he said he can't because "he fights".  Well, like Grant, Greene fights!

It's clear the Democrats are going to support Johnson, so any move to remove him by Republicans will the thwarted. But such an effort to oust Johnson by Greene is a needed object lesson, in spite of the fact it will clearly fail, as this must be an object lesson and be part of a long range vision.

It must be made clear to RINO's, this is the future. No more Mr. Nice Guy, no more going along to get along. They will be declaring to the RINO's:

You wear the clothes, and you talk the talk of your peers to gain acceptance. Then secretly work to undermine those you claim to support corrupting all around you to prevent resistance to your hidden schemes that are detrimental to the nation. You are the enemies in our camp, and that's not acceptable.

That's a message that needs to be sent regularly. 

 "To be somebody or to do something. In life there is often a roll call. That's when you will have to make a decision. To be or to do? Which way will you go?" - Col. John Boyd


  1. Not sure how a group named 75 MILLION only has 280 responses to a survey. Not even sure if this survey merits any reality since it is based on people responding versus polling.
