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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Those Opposing Fossil Fuels are Really Opposing Human Survival


If you have time to read just one book this year, make it FOSSIL FUTURE, Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas–Not Less, by philosopher Alex Epstein. It will arm you for life with the information to discuss the human-caused climate change fraud with people who will actually listen. The scam is a path to the destruction of capitalism and the installation of Communism. If you think we are being too strident in mentioning Communism, consider the following quote from Alexander Trachtenberg, then head of the American communist party, at a rally in Madison Square Garden in New York City in 1944.

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take you under the label of Communism. We will not take you under the label of Socialism…We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under Liberalism, under Progressivism, under Democracy. But take it we will.”

In the United States, they are doing this under the guidance of Billionaires, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and most of the jet-setters who attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. There they continued their plot to change the world into a system they could rule. You see, many, if not most, mega-rich people are sure they can run your life and the world better than you, or us, because they so cleverly made tons of money. Surprisingly, they have nothing, tangibly, to look forward to in the future, having all that money can buy, other than Increased Power. They know that only Communism, by whatever its name they choose, can achieve this for them. With all its faults, capitalism cannot readily become a tyranny, although the current US administration is doing its best to make it so. 

Author Alex Epstein is a trained philosopher, and indeed this text is a philosophy book aimed at presenting a complete view of a scientific discipline, rarely fully understood by anyone. He captured the knowledge he sought beginning in 2007, in his initial 2014 book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuel. His goal with every section, paragraph, and sentence of his new book is to arm the reader with the intent of utilizing fossil fuels to maximize the “human flourishing” of the world’s population. 

At a time when government, education, and financial institutions are attacking fossil fuels, Alex provides the ammunition to fight the myths and presents common sense solutions that advance the cause for reliable sources of energy. He identifies “human flourishing” as the standard by which we should evaluate any climate policy and attitude toward sources of energy.

This term appears in the book’s sub-title and is repeated throughout the text, so we will define it here. Human Flourishing is an effort to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment within the context of a larger community of individuals. Each then has the right to pursue his or her such efforts. It conjures thoughts in our minds of the US Declaration of Independence, in which Thomas Jefferson said each of us has an inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. The climate scare has to be considered the biggest obstacle to that pursuit in decades.

In his first book, as well as this one, Epstein makes the controversial prediction that fossil fuel use would grow, not shrink. This is because the benefits of increasing fossil fuel use far outweigh any conceivable negative impacts. If the book has any weaknesses, in our opinion, it would be his open mind toward the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on the Earth’s temperature though he does convey his sensible belief that, if there is any impact, it is completely insignificant.

Epstein’s prediction of increasing fossil fuel is based on his conviction that it will have a unique ability to provide low-cost, reliable energy in a world where far more energy will be needed for the billions of people who still use almost no energy. He explains how low-cost, reliable energy empowers us to use machines to improve our lives, the environment, and our health.

In an interview with conservative billionaire (sadly, almost an oxymoron in today’s woke culture) Peter Thiel, developer of PayPal, during the launch of Epstein’s latest book, the author referred to the infamous initials ESG, standing for the environment, social, and governance, as important to connect with the initials CCP for Chinese Communist Party. Scoring their population on their conduct is really where ESG began. He also made a brilliant comment that threads through this entire book that “technology is trying to make more with less,” while everything connected to the fossil fuel fraud is trying to make less with more and thus impoverishing a population.

Throughout Fossil Future, Epstein successfully takes on the insanity we have been exposed to by calmly replacing it with a philosophic point of view from which all lies fall away. I (Dr. Lehr) so admire this approach as my own 60-year history in the energy field has prevented me from going about this debate without losing my cool and walking away. 

Understand that Epstein tells us that the countries most avidly embracing fossil fuel elimination are the world’s freest countries. Contrast this with the fact that unfree China, whose goal is to rule the world, uses 85 percent fossil fuel and uses it to manufacture most of the solar panels and wind turbines, beginning to stifle our ability to maintain our standard of living.

While the developed world is now universally told how bad carbon dioxide resulting from the burning of fossil fuels is, Epstein explains in detail how the use of these energy sources results in higher environmental quality and human flourishing. In contrast, he details the apocalyptic consequences of eliminating fossil fuels, promoted, he says, by The New York Times, The Washington Post, financial institutions such as Blackrock, corporations such as Apple, and of course, the United Nations.

As a trained philosopher Epstein has studied the history of ideas extensively and admits to being haunted by the fact that some of the worst ideas in history, such as slavery, racism, and eugenics, were successfully spread as the consensus of experts. It turns out that it is not that the research experts perform to produce these ideas are so in error, but rather it is because the system we rely on to tell us what the experts think is significantly distorting what the positions that experts actually hold. In climate science, this is further complicated by the fact that in any science this complex, there is hardly anyone expert in every phase of the discipline.

The fundamental principle of the flourishing human framework is that it should be the primary moral goal of our evaluations. It is a long-term and wide-ranging goal that looks generations ahead. The anti-human goal of eliminating fossil fuels is immoral. 

There will be few days in your life when you do not read or hear some of the many lies about fossil fuels and carbon dioxide, our molecule of life. A ten-page dose of Alex Epstein’s philosophical approach to this subject each day will arm against those bent on destroying our way of life.

Alex Epstein will appear on our radio program, THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY, this weekend, July 23 and 24, at both 11 am and 8 pm on America Out Loud Talk Radio to discuss the philosophical intentions of those apparently desiring to destroy our way of life.


Dr. Jay Lehr is a Senior Policy Analyst with the International Climate Science Coalition and former Science Director of The Heartland Institute. He is an internationally renowned scientist, author, and speaker who has testified before Congress on dozens of occasions on environmental issues and consulted with nearly every agency of the national government and many foreign countries. After graduating from Princeton University at the age of 20 with a degree in Geological Engineering, he received the nation’s first Ph.D. in Groundwater Hydrology from the University of Arizona. He later became executive director of the National Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers.

Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa, Canada-based International Climate Science Coalition, and a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute. He has 40 years experience as a mechanical engineer/project manager, science and technology communications professional, technical trainer, and S&T advisor to a former Opposition Senior Environment Critic in Canada’s Parliament.

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