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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 6, 2021

Australia COVID-19 suppression threatened by delta outbreak

By David Hogberg, Healthcare Reporter August 06, 2021

Australia is currently battling a COVID-19 outbreak that may have been caused, in part, by the considerable success the country has had previously in stopping the coronavirus, one that shows the limits of its strict suppression strategy.

Australia registered nearly 4,000 COVID-19 cases in July, driven by the more infectious delta variant. In the six months prior, cases only totaled 2,000, according to data from Australia’s Department of Health.

On Thursday, the second-most populous city, Melbourne, entered a new lockdown, following the states South Australia, Victoria, and part of New South Wales, including the capital city of Sydney. The country now faces the prospect of much lengthier lockdowns than the ones that have previously been imposed.

“It will be our primary method of controlling outbreaks until at least 80% of adults are fully vaccinated,” said Adrian Esterman, a professor of biostatistics and the University of South Australia...........To Read More..

 My Take - I wonder if these people ever read a history book.  During the Spanish Influenza pandemic, and that was a real pandemic, there were three waves, the first two missing Australia due to the nation being isolated and locked down internationally.  But as this article says, there's bound to be leaks, and there was during the third wave, and Australia was devastated, just as was the rest of the world.  

Lockdowns don't work, masks don't work, social distancing doesn't work.  Vaccinations and herd immunity are the only things that work, and in this case, the vaccinations seem not to be working very well as they're now claiming a third shot is necessary, and it seems clear that may not be enough.  

It's been claimed natural immunity is 700 times more effective (I have no idea how they come up with these numbers, but natural immunity is clearly vastly more effective), and at some point those of humanity that don't have natural immunity already will be exposed and develop natural immunity creating herd immunity.  This virus is with us forever now, just as seasonal flu and the rest of the viruses we've faced in the last 100 years.  And every year there will be cases of this virus and every year there will be those who will be sickened, and some will die.  

That's the reality the world has always faced, and that's not going to change. 

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