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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 17, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

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By Rich Kozlovich 

This week has been mind boggling, and the hits just keep on coming.  If you've found you despise the media, good, but you probably don't despise the corrupt media as much as they deserve, and for the first time the majority of voters agree, at least when it comes to Kamala.

I often wonder how some of these people who are constantly in the news function as human beings.  Former Rep. Kinzinger, of the J6 commission fame, just can't wait to flush Trump down the drain.  Why would he say something so idiot? Because if Trump is elected all those on that committee will come under investigation for their criminal activity in how they handled, and even destroyed the evidence, including him and Liz.  

Then we have James Carville who calls the Harris/Walz act "classy" and the Trump/Vance act "trashy".   Well, I've listed commentaries this week about the "class" demonstrated by the Harris/Walz team, and it ain't pretty.  I've always thought Carville had a screw loose. 

Time and truth are on the same side, and here's another example of how vile and insane this man is.  He's certifiable in my opinion, right along with Bernie Sanders who's just thrilled at the  strong Progressive agenda being laid out by Kamala.  Really?  What agenda?  

She's shot off her mouth about "I'm gonna to this, and I'm gonna do that", and I'm gonna build 3 million homes in 4 years, but could only build eight EV stations in two and a half yearsShe's gonna go total Soviet and put price controls on food, rent, drugs, and well ________ fill in the blank because that's going to shift like the wind, and as in all price control schemes, disaster follows in the form of shortages, rationing, and corruption.   Monica Showalter calls it Castro writ large, and that worked out so well in Venezuela more than 40% of the population wants to leave.  

That's history, and that history is incontestable.   I would also like to know where and how she plans on getting the legislative authority to do all that?  That's what's called an agenda. 

So, where's the progressive agenda Bernie is so thrilled about?  There isn't one, and for good reason Democrats have "begged" her not to release one before the election.  

Update 8/18/24, 7:21AM:  It appears she's now release an "agenda".  According to Clarice Feldman in her article, Two Heroes and a Marxist Airhead: She has finally set forth her agenda (until now it has been a secret with not even a hint of it on her website). It appears to have been written by slovenly kids who spent their college years in the student union advocating for “the masses.” RK

As usual, Bernie is a communist dolt, and if Kamala did release an actual agenda she'd have to do interviews to promote it, and she's running away from that hornets nest scenario like a sprinter at the Olympics, and for good reason.  The more she's interviewed the more doltish she looks.  Unless you consider her sit down scripted meaningless love fest with Walz, who has also developed an allergy to interviews.

The Democrats are trying to turn Kamala from an "unattractive border girl into a dazzling "joy-filled lady", but it’s harder going than in the musical."   This is scam to get Kamala elected President is shady beyond belief, and Kamala, the ’Vibe Queens’ campaign has no positive accomplished roots, and that's for every position she takes.  And now she's running away from Bidenomics, she's not having to address how and why the Biden/Harris administration allowed China to steal America’s intellectual property, something Trump put a halt to, and they reversed.  She's needs to justify their policies on immigration which has caused massive levels of criminal activity in America.  But that means doing interviews.

Then we have dingle-berry Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who's up for re-election, who wants to override the SCOTUS decision on Loper to end the Chevron Doctrine by introducing legislation to give bureaucrats unrestricted power to legislate from their desks based on whatever whim strikes them.   And make no mistake, no matter how they word it, no matter how they attempt to claim that's not their goal, and that's not what will happen, that's exactly what will happen because that's what happened unendingly before Loper for decades.   

"The role of Congress is to pass laws, not push that responsibility to bureaucrats."

Leftists in government hate freedom, and they really hate having to do their jobs by passing legislation to address specifics in issues.  That might come back to haunt them since then the public would end up seeing who they really are, and most of the time it isn't a pretty picture.

I have seven commentaries of my own and twenty five really outstanding pieces by others.

Have a good weekend, and best wishes! 

My Commentaries

  1. Truth is Always an Absolute Defense, Unless You Live in the UK
  2. Vance And the Republicans Really Are Weird. The Democrats Said So!
  3. Big Government and Big Business: Corruption That Can Be Fixed!
  4. Will the Real Tim Walz Please Stand Up!
  5. Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor!
  6. Illegal Immigration Prospers Because None Dare Call it Treason!
  7. We're Long Past An Article Five Convention of States


  1. Should Christians Fear Kamala Harris? By Tim Donner
  2. Who is directing the war on agriculture and nutrition? By Paul Driessen
  3. The Consequence of US Public Schools By John Droz, Jr.
  4. Truth or Consequences By John Droz, Jr.
  5. Putting Things in Perspective By John Droz, Jr.
  6. An Editorial Board Flunks By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Harris Repackages False ‘Happy Warrior’ Claims As Old As FDR By Mary Grabar
  8. You Can’t Defend Israel Unless You Talk About Islam  By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Did Kamala Profit From Communist Cuba?  By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Tim Walz's 30-Year Relationship With China  By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Every ‘Rabbi’ From ‘Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris’ Belongs to Anti-Israel Groups.  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. It's the Democrats Stupid! By Robin Itzler
  13. So Who is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz? By Robin Itzler
  14. Ignore the Leftist Media By Robin Itzler
  15. Is There a Real Kamala Harris? By Robin Itzler
  16. Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies: No Fraudulent Demonstration Projects Allowed! By Francis Menton
  17. Maduro Hangs On In Venezuela By Francis Menton
  18. The Zero Emissions Grid Demonstration Project Follies By Francis Menton
  19. Kamala Harris, Price Controls, and the Contest for the Dumbest Policy Proposal of 2024 By Dan Mitchell
  20. A Preview of Kamalanomics? By Dan Mitchell
  21. Minnesota’s Failed Class-Warfare Tax Policy By Dan Mitchell
  22. Ranking Regulatory Burdens By Dan Mitchell
  23. The High Cost of Short-Run Political Decision-Making By Dan Mitchell
  24. Amnesia 2024: Media’s ‘Reintroduction’ of Kamala Harris By Andrew Moran
  25. Energy should play key role in 2024 Pennsylvania (and US) elections By Don Ritter

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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