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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, August 23, 2024

More on Communist Tim Walz

By Robin Itzler 

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition, E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK 


What we have learned by Kamala Harris having radical communist Minnesota Governor Tim Walz join the Democrat ticket, is that California and Minnesota are very similar states. (Except the weather is better in California.) In “Beijing Tim,” Peachy Keenan opens with:

“Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’s brand-new VP pick, is a fanatical far-left lunatic wearing the friendly armor of hapless, bloated oaf from the sticks.”

As you read more about communist Tim Walz, ask yourself if Minnesota sounds like the same crap in California.

Socialist/Communist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders was the one who encouraged Harris to select Socialist/Communist Tim Walz for her running mate. In “Walz is Harris’ First Unforced Error—and An Opportunity for Trump,” Marc Thiessen writes:

“In doing as Sanders urged, Harris made the same mistake Trump did in picking Ohio Sen. JD Vance: choosing a running mate who appeals almost exclusively to the base rather than to skeptical swing voters in key battleground states who will decide the election....The difference is that most Americans are more comfortable with the MAGA agenda than they are with the democratic socialism of the Harris-Walz ticket.”

Thiessen closes his article by saying that Trump has to stay disciplined and on message, something he was doing before Biden dropped out. He closes with:

“But since Biden dropped out, Trump has started to go off the rails again. If he does not correct course soon, he will blow one of the most winnable presidential elections in history.

With her selection of Walz, Harris has given Trump an opening. The fundamentals of the election are still in his favor. Harris faces a huge challenge to win the presidency. But Trump can easily lose it.”

  • CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Walz about being called a “big-government liberal.” Walz responded that he was “more than happy to take the label.”
  • Walz praises socialism. During the ridiculously named “White Dudes for Harris,” video call, Walz declared that “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”
  • Walz signed legislation that takes effect in January 2025 giving ILLEGAL ALIENS taxpayer-funded health care through MinnesotaCare.
  • Walz signed legislation giving ILLEGAL ALIENS drivers licenses.
  • Walz signed legislation giving ILLEGAL ALIENS free college tuition.
  • Violent crime in Minnesota has increased for three consecutive years.
  • Spending on schools increased but student reading and math scores on national tests sunk to their lowest in more than 20 years.
  • As a teacher, Walz volunteered to run the unsanctioned, unofficial Gay-Straight alliance club at his high school. Walz spent a lot of unsupervised time with minor children. Walz took children on trips to China.
  • Walz LIED about being a football coach. He was the part-time defensive coordinator.
  • Walz let Minneapolis burn for FOUR DAYS before calling in the National Guard. And his wife. Gwen. left their windows open so she could smell Minneapolis burning—as she proudly stated in a video interview.
  • Walz has ZERO investments in any American stocks or bonds.
  • Walz repeatedly LIED about his National Guard service, letting people think he had FOUGHT in Afghanistan. Walz abandoned his unit before its deployment! Plus, Walz LIED about his rank in the National Guard. He was demoted in rank in 2005 and yet for decades repeatedly lied about his rank and service on his official bios as well as in interviews.
  •  James G. of California writes:

“As a veteran Walz makes me want to puke. Not only is he a liar, he is a coward. There is only one reason he abandoned his unit before it deployed; he valued his skin more than the valued the lives of his men and his duty to the United States. He took the oath and broke it; he has no place in any kind of public service. In my opinion, he should have been court-martialed an given a dishonorable discharge. I’m sickened by his pretense and the lies being spun by the “media” and the DNC (Democratic National Committee); they are proving themselves to be the enemy of the people.”

  • Walz praised his “master teacher” Imam Asad Zaman who is a radical Muslim cleric. The Iman has promoted Hitler and refused to condemn Hamas’ vicious October 7 attack on Israel where 1,400 people were injured, raped, kidnapped and/or murdered.
  • Walz lied about his 1995 DUI arrest. Tried blaming it on a hearing disability. He was driving 96 mph in a 55-mph zone—and he was DRUNK!
  • “Beijing Walz” founded Educational Travel Adventures. For more than 30 years, Walz took American high schoolers on trips to Communist China. These annual trips ended in 2003. 
  • In 2003, “Beijing Walz” married his wife Gwen. They specifically married on the fifth anniversary of Tiananmen Square. Years later, Gwen told the Star-Herald that Tim picked the date..........“He wanted to have a date he’ll always remember.”
  • In 2003, they honeymooned in Communist China. 
Read Beijing Tim by Peachy Keenan.

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