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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Gazette: Kamala Harris - It's the Democrats Stupid!

By Rich Kozlovich

This is part of a series of gazettes outlining who and what Kamala really is, what she stands for, what she represents, and the disasters that surrounds she and all of her peers, which is the desire to destroy America as it was founded, which is why they're doing everything in their power to destroy the Constitution, they only thing standing between freedom and a socialist system of world governance under the auspices of the most corrupt institution ever created, the United Nations, molded by the World Economic Forum, and controlled by China.  

This cartoon will be part of each gazette. 


Make no mistake.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are absolutely antisemites, anti-Christian, anti-White racists, and anti-American in their views and their actions.   Lies, deceit, corruption, and destruction is at the heart of who and what they are.  And if elected, that's what they will promote.  

The effort to whitewash their history is failing, but it's exposing the corruption that surrounds them, but that exposure isn't being done by what's now being called the 'legacy' media, including their desire to defraud the election process with these illegal non-citizens, and allowing them to destroy America's major cities. Cities that will take decades to recover, and some may never come back.   

If it walks like a communist, and if it talks like a communist, it's a communist.

Tags: The Kamala Policy Conundrum, The Reality of Kamala, Kamala Now Reigneth!, So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!, Intelligence Alert!, Kamala Harris Weekly, Almost!,Kamala Harris Weekly, Part I, Kamala Harris Weekly, Part II, Kamala Harris Watch, Part III




 Babara Boxer Says Kamala Is Mainstream - Former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports” that Vice President Kamala Harris represented the “mainstream” and added that she was the “American dream.” Tur said, “They’re going to go after her as a progressive Californian, somebody who’s out of touch with the rest of the country. How does she combat that, senator?” Boxer said, “First of all, she’s been vice president for almost four years. She’s represented the whole country. Second of all, I got the same thing when I ran. Oh, you’re too liberal, too short, to this. You vote this way. I used to say, only two words, really, only two words define me and those two words are Barbara Boxer. Now, she certainly can do the same thing because she is mainstream America. She’s the hope, she’s the opportunity, she’s the American dream.”......

The saddest part of James O’Keefe’s latest exposé is that it’s not shocking -July 31, 2024 by Andrea Widburg - The compliance manager for the DNC, Biden’s campaign, and Kamala’s campaign is every bit as bizarre as you’d expect, but his opinions as generic and obvious More

  1. They want to confiscate the nation's wealth. 
  2. Impose massively restrictive regulations.
  3. Destroy the nuclear family.
  4. Destroy Judaic/Christian religion.
  5. Blame white America for everyone else's failures in life.
  6. Legalize government censorship.
  7. Ignore the Second Amendment.
  8. Destroy the rule of law making their two tier justice system permanent.
  9. Create and even larger more intrusive government.
  10. Force judges to accept oversight by leftist bureaucrats, and/or by Executive Orders
  11. Criminalize anyone who questions gender.
  12. Unrestricted abortion including after birth "abortion".
What singularly characterizes the left? Contempt! August 1, 2024 by Patricia McCarthy They hate any and all things truly American: the national anthem, faith, the flag, families, love of country, rule of law, the protection of innocence and common decency. President Trump was invited by the Black Journalists of America to be a guest at a debate or conversation with his opponent.  But no opponent showed up; it was a set-up … that’s what the left does.   ABC’s Rachel Scott submarined the former president right off the bat.  She was arrogant, rude, and so unserious.  She was just a hit-person, disrespectful and oozing contempt.  Like the rest of the left, she didn't play fair.  But, no matter, Trump can handle himself with far more aplomb and respect for his interrogators than those on the left ever do. ...........
What singularly characterizes the left? Contempt! August 1, 2024 by Patricia McCarthy They hate any and all things truly American: the national anthem, faith, the flag, families, love of country, rule of law, the protection of innocence and common decency.  More
 Byron York: Biden gone, Democrats rally around worst possible candidate 'The Trump campaign should take her seriously' For example, at her peak, Harris, who was then a Democratic senator from California, and who earlier, as state attorney general, focused on "environmental justice," announced that she would file a bill expanding the progressive idea of "justice" to virtually every aspect of American life. "Environmental justice is interconnected with every aspect of our fight for justice," she said in a statement to the left-wing publication Grist. "From racial justice and economic justice, to housing justice and educational justice, we cannot disentangle the environment people live in from the lives they live." Referring to the riots taking place across the country, she added, "These crises we are experiencing have exposed injustices in our nation that many of us have known and fought our entire lives
The Democrat party committed criminal fraud against the American people July 24, 2024 by Andrea Widburg A recent Wall Street Journal article is the latest to reveal that Democrats have known almost since the beginning of the Biden administration that Biden had dementia.........
Democrats Bait and Switch Their Own Voters - The selection of Kamala Harris for the Democrat nominee for president did not leave a lot of room for the democratic process to play out. “Bait and switch” is a form of consumer fraud in which the seller offers a superior item at an attractive price but then withdraws that item and tries to get the buyer to purchase an inferior item at possibly a higher price.  “A ‘bait and switch’ is ... a violation of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.”  The Democrat party just perpetrated this fraud on its own voters when, after baiting them with an offer of Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate, they sabotaged his candidacy, forced him to withdraw, and substituted Kamala Harris (AKA “Mike Nifong in a Pantsuit”) instead.  The Democrats did not allow their registered voters any opportunity to play a role in this selection process......Here are the facts, and I encourage registered Democrats to verify this for themselves before they decide how to vote in November............
Democrats Dive From The Frying Pan Into The Fire - Wow, the Democratic Party is in seriously bad shape. They rolled the dice, chose two puppets, and gave control of the marionette strings to the radical left. Biden was placed in office but was never fit for the job. The left then used him as a weak frontman to drive the country into deep despair on every front. Unfortunately, they didn’t think beyond the puppet aspect of their plan. By putting Kamala Harris behind Biden, the plan was to have another puppet waiting in the wings if anything happened to Biden................
Kamala Comes to CollectJoe Biden and his people could have worked harder to prepare Kamala Harris for prime time. That failure is now coming back to bite them.  To use the words of a small boy speaking to his idol, “Shoeless Joe” Jackson, “Say it ain’t so, Joe!”  Yep, it’s so.  Joe Biden and the Democrats failed (on purpose?) to groom Kamala Harris to lead the party into the future.  Joe and they viewed her only as a DIE hire who could get votes, as a throw-away.  Biden passed the torch to Harris, but before that, he showed less interest in grooming her as a successor than in crude racial patronage.  Democrats know that Harris isn’t the best person to represent the party.  Yet convention delegates must support her because of Biden’s endorsement and because they’re shackled by their party’s radical embrace of identity politics.  Can they support Kamala Harris without making it seem like the convention was “rigged”?.........
Black Lives Matter Criticizes DNC for ‘Anointing’ Harris Calls for Primary - Black Lives Matter (BLM) issued a statement calling for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to hold a “virtual snap primary” and criticized the “anointing” of Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s presidential candidate, citing concerns about where she stands on certain issues. In a statement on Tuesday, the group admitted that while President Joe Biden had not been their “preferred candidate,” they could not “ignore the troubling actions of the Democratic Party,” and called for the DNC to hold a primary throughout the United States before the Democratic National Convention took place in August..........
BLM officially rejects installation of Kamala as the nominee, says it’s ‘not democratic’ July 24, 2024 by Olivia Murray Will this be enough to convince the black voters who haven’t yet abandoned the party in favor of Donald Trump that Democrats don’t serve their interests? 
WATCH: 'Not a fan': Swing-state voters tell leftist network they 'absolutely' don't support Kamala  - Two Wisconsin voters told MSNBC that they do not back Vice President Kamala Harris for president of the United States in a segment aired on Tuesday. President Joe Biden pulled out of the presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Harris, with the vice president securingenough support from Democratic delegates to become the party's presumptive nominee. The voters told NBC News correspondent Shaquille Brewster in the segment aired on "Andrea Mitchell Reports" that they don't like former President Donald Trump or Harris and that they are considering voting for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.............
WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps! -  No one clapped when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) formally and emphatically offered his support — and that of fellow Democrats — for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, and the awkward moment went viral following his announcement Tuesday in a press conference. “President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer said at the beginning of the press conference, asserting that Harris has successfully earned the support of Democrats for the nomination, bizarrely claiming that this decision was from the grassroots up......
‘House of Cards’ Producer: Democrats in ‘Chaos,’ ‘Many Do Not Want Kamala’ - Hollywood’s outpouring of love and support for Kamala Harris in the past two days isn’t as sincere as it appears, according to a major movie producer. In a rare moment of Hollywood candor, Dana Brunetti — who has produced The Social Network, Captain Phillips, and the Fifty Shades of Grey movies — revealed that many Democrats in the entertainment industry secretly don’t want Kamala Harris to be the party’s nominee but won’t say so publicly for fear of being called racist and sexist.......
Turns Out No One Wanted Kamala Harris to Be the Dem Nominee, But Biden Endorsed Her Anyway - President Joe Biden reportedly only endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee in spite of Democrats who called on him to exit the race. According to a New York Post report, Biden was seeking revenge on his Democrat colleagues, especially former President Obama, who teamed up and forced the 81-year-old president out of the race when they realized there would be no way of defeating former President Donald Trump.......

Biden Gone, Democrats Rally Around Worst Possible Candidate Byron York - It wasn't really a surprise that President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he will no longer be a candidate for a second term. After all, Biden was under crushing pressure from some of the most powerful forces in the Democratic Party -- congressional leaders, fundraisers, former President Barack Obama, and especially former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In the time-honored Washington way, once Biden relented and stepped aside, people who just hours earlier had their boot on his neck raced to express their heartfelt respect and admiration for his judgment, selflessness, and patriotism.......

Chaos of Abrupt, Desperate Democrat Switch to Heels-Up Harris Is Already Backfiring -Democrats’ abrupt and desperate move to ditch incumbent President Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate and instead coronate Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket is already showing signs of backfiring on their party and playing right into GOP presidential nominee former President Donald Trump’s hands.....
Kamalamania Chaos - Evidence Suggests Harris Could Be *Weaker* Than Biden Radical, Untested, Unpopular.....Democrats’ abrupt and desperate move to ditch incumbent President Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate and instead coronate Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket is already showing signs of backfiring on their party and playing right into GOP presidential nominee former President Donald Trump’s hands.
Kamala Harris’s Radical Record Comes Back to Haunt House Democrats - Vice President Kamala Harris’s record on key issues, as she faces the 2024 general election, is already coming back to haunt House Democrats, per a report. Harris quickly established herself as the presumptive Democratic nominee after President Joe Biden’s sudden departure from the presidential race Sunday, which was aided by a behind-the-scenes pressure campaign from top Democrats......
WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps! -  No one clapped when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) formally and emphatically offered his support — and that of fellow Democrats — for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, and the awkward moment went viral following his announcement Tuesday in a press conference. “President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer said at the beginning of the press conference, asserting that Harris has successfully earned the support of Democrats for the nomination, bizarrely claiming that this decision was from the grassroots up......

The philosophy of all leftists was exemplified by another criminal group in the 1948 film The Treasure of Sierra Madre, stated by Mexican bandit leader "Gold Hat" (portrayed by Alfonso Bedoya, trying to convince Fred C. Dobbs (portrayed by Humphrey Bogart), that he and his band of cut throats were legitimate.  I think my paraphrasing below is the perfect representation of the leftist philosophy, even if unspoken:
Rules?   We ain't got no rules.  We don't need no rules.  We don't have to show you any stinkin rules!

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