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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Reality of Kamala

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality. Ayn Rand 

By Rich Kozlovich 

This is part three in this series:  July 26, So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!  and  July 3o, Kamala Now Reigneth!

In a recent meeting of Kamala Harris' election staff  a lot of concern was expressed about her history.  What she's done, and what she's said isn't what America is or likes, and the Republicans and conservative media isn't holding back about her history.   How can we whitewash that history was the theme of the meeting they speculated.  

Nothing was working since that darned conservative alternative media just won't play along with their all new Messianic Kamala theme.  They just keep pointing out all of her flawed history, and character, and there's so much of it, it's a daunting task to eliminate it.

So, there was a lot of discussion on how to whitewash her history.  Did I say discussion?  Nah, there was a lot of glumness, mumbling, confusion, head scratching, and shoulder shrugging until one of the staffers excitedly jumped up and said....Wait, wait!  I know, I know!  Let's call the Men in Black department and borrow their  "Neuralyzer".  That way we can wipe out years of memory for everyone in the world.  A cheer went up from the staff, followed by excited laughter with high fives and self congratulatory smiles all around.  
Afterward Kamala came into the room they excitedly told her of their idea, and she was outraged!  She demanded to know why they took so long to come up with this great idea?  

Okay, yeah, that's a load of snarky satirical horsepucky, and it never happened, but the fact is, the "Neuralyzer" is the only thing that could to prevent Kamala's history from crushing her, and it doesn't exist. 
She been described as nasty, foul mouthed, unwilling to accept the blame, always accuses her staff for her failure to be prepared, shallow, moronic, unintelligent, unserious, lazy, ambitious far beyond her abilities, with a resume that should have prevented her from ever holding any public office. 
The Biden/Harris administration has all but destroyed the greatest military force the world has ever known. She refuses to attend the daily presidential intelligence briefings because it's believed she's incapable of understanding what's being presented, and confused as to what do do about any of it.  Her world view is so flawed she gives her seal of approval for  the Venezuela election.  After all, what's a little voter fraud amongst fraudsters? 
She's a Marxist, and that's going to be the thrust of everything said about her. Get over it! 
Ed Brodow calls her a political stooge and wonders how she got this far, saying:
A vicious, conniving, immoral, unpopular, third-rate politician with extreme radical views has come to within an inch of the presidency. Kamala Harris could be sitting in the Oval Office as soon as next week......It happened because the radical Left has been quietly but persistently winning the culture war by acquiring control over key elements of American society -- academia, journalism, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the Democratic Party.........The machine seeks to replace our republic with a dictatorship under the control of the Deep State and the Democrats (one and the same)....... She is living proof that meritocracy has given way to diversity.

Kamala “is farther left than 97 percent of the Democrats, the most extreme radical politician ever to run for high office in the United States of America.”.......If her record is so stellar, why the need to sanitize it? The answer is, of course, because it isn't, and they know it..... Is Kamala smart enough to perceive her own shortcomings and how much of a liar she is? My answer: She is too dumb to realize that she is a stooge of the Left, and if she did realize it, she probably wouldn’t care. It’s all about power, baby.

The fact is Kamala is the symptom, and the Democrat party is America's greatest threat in their efforts to infiltrate and subvert every American institution into promoters of far left.  For those who wish to whitewash who Kamala is and was, and are demanding everyone stop picking on her, Kurt Schlichter has the perfect response, Nothing Is Out Of Bounds In Attacking Kackling Kamala saying:
One of the challenges of defeating Kamala Harris is figuring out just what to slam her on. There are so many powerful lines of attack to use against this leftist hack that it takes some consideration to figure out which is the most effective. But already, some Republicans are trying to help leftists place some of the most potent attacks are being put off limits. We’re being told there are certain things we just can’t say about her. We’re not supposed to mention that she’s a goofy weirdo with an evil laugh.  We’re not supposed to mention she’s an incompetent DEI hire. And, of course, we’re not supposed to talk about her sordid history of sexual ladder climbing. 
No. We hit her with everything. ..........  If you don’t have the stomach to point out her creepiness, her DEI incompetence, or her past as an eager protégé of powerful dudes, don’t presume to lecture those who do .............. we should not declare the other lines of attack forbidden. You don’t forgo a weapon in a death match because using it is unsporting. You certainly don’t do it because the truth is somehow unseemly. Our country is in the balance. I’m willing to be unseemly if that’s what it takes. And for some people, we are trying to reach, that is what it takes..........
The rap on this line of attack is that it will turn off squishy suburban women ........... Why should we ignore appealing to them to avoid offending people who will never support us? ........... It’s all about getting voters a complete picture of this nightmare woman. It’s not about being nice ....... Nothing is off the table...... Kamala Harris is a clown but a dangerous one who can absolutely win this election .......... If you don’t have the stones to play rough, maybe you should go play a different game. This is all about winning.

The fact is no one wanted Kamala, but Joe being Joe, he wasn't going out quietly into the night.  Since Obama forced him out of the election, he made sure he could exact revenge on all of them by endorsing her as the Democrat nominee, and now, very reluctantly, Schumer, Pelosi, and Obama, who knows she's incompetent, has endorsed her.   The fact is he knew that about Biden in 2020, but their bench is so outrageously radical, Biden was their best shot, and they still needed massive levels of voter fraud to get him "elected", just like Maduro in Venezuela.  All the rest had concluded there's nothing they could do about it and endorse her also.  
A candidate who never received one nominating vote will now be their candidate by proclamation.   It's called "The Rock and the Hard Place", and they brought it on themselves when they chose these two nitwits in 202o.   Let's face it, none of these people are the brightest pebbles in the brook. 

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