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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

EVs: Are They all that they’re cracked up to be? Or Are they running a little “short?”

By Twila Page-Hughes

Editor's Note:  This appeared in Robin Itzler's Patriot Neighbors newsletter.   Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

The liberal leftists are in love with EVs (electric vehicles) and have pushed for them as the declared solution to climate control as there is too much pollution. Biden has declared all, or at least half, gas-powered cars, and trucks must be phased out by 2030 and we will all have to go electric vehicles. 

Well, it sounds good, but as usual, the leftist liberal nuts never look ahead or do research on anything. Just go with it! A bunch of crackpot idealists—left over hippies from the 60s are running the world now, mostly women. 

First, if we suddenly get rid of all gas-powered cars—millions of them—where are we going to put them? Can’t bury them in the ocean as it will upset the “fishies” environment. Can’t burn them as too much carbon and pollution. So, I guess they would have to bury them in the desert.
And the cost of EVs is high. So, I guess the government is going to help each person buy an EV. As if we are not in debt up to our elbows now. Watch taxes go up even more!
Then there’s the production, the high cost of batteries, plus the room they take up in most car trunks. The batteries do not like extreme heat or icy cold weather. They just conk out. Right on the freeway.

There are not enough charging stations, as it would take a long time to build them, and where is the electricity for them? Some officials said they would just tap into the electrical grid of towns and cities along the highways and use their electricity for charging stations, but there is already extreme rejection to that as the towns and cities might need their own electricity.
It would take several years to have enough charging stations built. And who wants to take a trip and spend an hour or two at least once a day going from Los Angeles to San Francisco. To say nothing of the cost and the long lines.

Truckers were told they must get rid of their diesel trucks. What would they do with the old ones? The cost to a small trucking company would be really high and most small trucking companies would go broke. They don’t have the time to stop often and charge their trucks.
Places like apartments and condominiums don’t all have private garages so where would the EV be charged? Would the owner have to go to a dealer and pay a high fee to charge their car?
Our electric utility bill is high enough now. How much higher will it go if constantly charging our cars? The average household has at least two cars.

But the biggest problem is where is all this electricity coming from to power all those EVs? It would swamp the normal grid; and it takes fossil fuels to make electricity. Is the electricity for all these EVs coming from wind and solar? That’s already fizzled out with those solar and wind plants in the desert.

What about racing cars? They stop every third round and recharge. What about buses? We are riding a bus to save on gas, and they have to stop to recharge? And for how long?

I guess these geniuses will just flip their thumb to a genie and all will appear, and we will have plenty of electricity then. The liberal unrealists just say, “Let’s do something” — they do not think at all of the consequences down the road. They shout, “the sky is falling!” and so let’s just do it. And, our modern technology is such that in a few years we could probably just shoot something up into the atmosphere to neutralize the CO2 anyway. But we need some up there to protect us from the sun’s rays.

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