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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Friday, July 26, 2024

So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!

By Rich Kozlovich

Editor's Note:  This will be the first in a series dealing with the history of Kamala.  I've saved a lot of articles, published a lot of articles, and written a lot of articles dealing with Kamala's incompetence and stupidity.   As the media raptures their spleens hiding the real Kamala, I will be exposing the real Kamala, and it won't be pretty.  RK

Kamala is going to be confronted with the Biden administration polices, all of which she supported, and all of which she will have to defend, with cackles of self immolation, it behooves us to take a look a their policies, starting with three of America's three greatest enemies, China, Iran, and Russia.

China, Iran, and Russia have economies that are paper tigers, stunningly fragile. None of whom can stand too much interruption without crumbling.  Trump understood that, and if the 2020 election hadn't been stolen his successful polices would have continued and so much of what's going on right now wouldn't have happened.  Geopolitics and economics go hand in hand.

Neither Obama, Biden, Harris, nor any in their circular firing squad cabal get that, or refuse to admit it.  Unfortunately, having such a circular firing squad in charge in Washington is the real flaw in the scenario being painted here. 

Khamenei, Putin, and Xi took Biden's measure and knew him to be weak, indecisive, incompetent and a not-so-bright stumble bum, and on that was on the best of occasions, and easily intimidated.  In the case of China, it seems clear he was on the take.

It also seemed clear to to me Biden was going to be the Democrat Nominee, and truthfully, I didn't think he'd buckle and would stay in the race no matter what.   But his dementia must be progressing so badly even Jill and Hunter realized he couldn't go on.   

Well, now that he's out the Democrats are choosing an even more amazingly weak, stupid, selfish, incompetent and calloused replacement.  Kamala Harris!  And now they're pretty much stuck between the rock and the hard place in a disaster of their own making.   And I also have no doubt Khamenei, Putin, and Xi, believe she can be bullied.  And I also think they can kick her to the curb without breaking a sweat. 

 You will find this piece by Victor Davis Hanson interesting, The Nature of Chinese Contempt for Us, demonstrating the impact of an American foreign policy predicated on self loathing.

An adoring corrupt media allowed Kamala to get away with playing the phony tough arrogant bully role in the Kavanaugh hearings, but that won't float with Khamenei, Putin, and Xi, they're past masters at it. 

Trump could do it an get away with it because they knew they weren't dealing with a checkers player like Obama.  They were facing a multidimensional chess player in Trump, one with guts, one who fights.  Neither Obama, Biden, Harris, or the teams of misfits surrounding them are capable of dealing with any of those three at that level.  They're not even playing checkers, they're playing 52 pick up. 

The media wouldn't be able to protect Harris from these guys, nor can they protect her from consequences of her failures, which are already monumental, and I have no doubt would be even more monumental if elected.  She would crumble like tin foil.

If she has to debate Trump, she will be tin foil, even with the support of an excuse making media.  But no matter what, they're going to try just as hard as they can, just like Joe Biden high on medication, fixated and irrational. 

In the beginning of the Biden administration I ran a three part Kamala Harris Weekly series.  n Kamala Harris Weekly, Part I, I stated she was going to be a 25th Amendment President. Well, it almost happened, but the thinking behind that statement proved valid.  That was followed by a list of linked articles showing what a disaster she is.  Further noting:

Biden and Harris are a disaster domestically and internationally.  These two misfits are going to make both Jimmy Carter and Obama look brilliant.  Unfortunately the sane people of America will have to suffer right along with the 45% who think this false President is doing a good job.  Tomorrow I'll cover his European trip, which was as successful for America as was Kamala's trip to Central America, both of which were an embarrassment, and neither of them recognize just how stupid and incompetent they are.

Kamala Harris Weekly, Part II continued in that vein.  Remember, this was the view of Kamala from the media showing her radical views as an antisemite, a racist, someone total unconcerned over  illegal immigration, and how she hates America. Cackling like a fiend right up until now, with

Kamala Harris Watch, Part III confirming her irrational and radical positions, and the left is cheering as if someone great and wonderful just walked in the room.

Don't let the cheering fool you.  People without a solid moral foundation have meandering values that allow them to rationalize their reversion to acts of self interest and corruption.   Oliver Cromwell defeated a corrupt King in 1651, and then had to dissolve Parliament in 1653 for becoming corrupt for their own ends.  Here's one of my favorite quotes from Oliver Cromwell, that is totally applicable to our modern day state of corruption. 

“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!"

Do I hear a Second for that motion?

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