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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The 2024 Election Democrat Conundrum, and The Down Card, Part II

"It doesn’t frighten me that Joe Biden is mentally unfit. What frightens me is that millions know this and will still vote for him.” — Robin Itzler 

By Rich Kozlovich

Is there any sane person on the planet that's not aware Joe Biden is mentally unfit, stunningly corrupt, and amazingly incompetent? And he lies....a lot....and badly.  Biden says things that make no sense, he babbles incoherently, he lies unendingly, and I actually think he believes what he's saying. 
All politicians lie, but Joe is the worst liar to ever set foot in the White House.  The stories he makes up are ludicrous and easily proven false.  In Daniel Greenfield's article What’s Eating Joe? Biden talks about an uncle who was shot down over New Guinea and eaten by cannibals.  He claims his son was killed in Iraq, he was in a helicopter shot down in Afghanistan, and made numerous trips there to pin medals on soldiers while under fire, and it goes on.
No part of those stories were true.  
And the left isn't liking this idea of defining reality as it truly is rather than the myths they've been turning out, and getting away with.  Biden really is lost, irrational, and angry.  I applaud all those who are defending him saying they support him because his policies are all great and successful, he's beloved, and he's a greatest President ever, and I hope they continue.  Why?  Because it  exposes them for being either corrupt, halfwits, or both.
Back in April a CNN Poll claimed Trump at 49% and Biden at 43%.  Does any rational person really believe 43% of Americans support Joe Biden?  Another example of why I've not believed in polls for 30 years.    And make no mistake, even the misfits in the Biden administration don't believe this as in the coming weeks and months, the rats will be leaving that sinking ship, and after this assassination attempt I've yet to see a poll released.  Remarkable!

There's a ton of commentary on replacing Biden, including using the 25th Amendment.  That's not going to happen! That's a very complicated process, and timing is against them.  Replacing Joe is really problematic for the Democrat party.   First, he's on the ballot in some states that have deadlines to replace that name.  They'd have to get the state legislatures to create an exception for another candidate via legislation, as they did in Ohio,  as some deadlines are now passed.

Also, there's around 250 million dollars in donations for the Biden/Harris ticket.  That money is not transferable to other candidates.  If Biden drops out, Harris is the only one who can utilize all that money.   Furthermore, Democrat election rules require that once a delegate commits to a candidate, he owns that delegate's vote.   It seems to me the only one who can replace Biden is Harris, and that's only going to happen if Biden says he's dropping out and releases his delegates, and he could still finish his term.  

Since all the interviews 0r appearances he's held after the debate have been as disastrous as this one, it now appears there's a cabal of Democrat leaders who are asking him to drop out, and donors are asking for their donations to be returned.   Good luck with that.

There’s all this talk about replacing Biden, including with Michelle, with one poll claiming she would beat Trump 50 to 39, which I find laughable.  Another good reason to ignore polls.  

She’s done nothing of note, other than take massively expensive trips around the world with her family at taxpayers expense. The media and pollsters can spin that all they like, I find it difficult to believe that has any potential at all. Michelle has a great life without having had to work for it, and that’s been the reality of her entire life. 

While she's been attacked, she's not been under the gun like she would be running for President, and  a lot of stuff would start to come out of the woodwork, and in my view, she's not equipped to handle it intellectually, or psychologically. 

Replacing Joe is a can of worms the Democrat party can't endure.  When Johnson stepped down his VP, Hubert Humphrey, stepped up, and had to defend Johnson's policies.  The policies which drove him out of the race.  On immigration alone can anyone possibly justify Biden's policies with any possible sense of sanity.  And compounds that insanity to wanting expand Obamacare to cover illegal immigrants, costing billions.   And whoever took  his place wouldn't dare condemn those policies as their entire base would turn on them.   
The Democrat party created a monster and are now caught between a rock and a hard place, cornered like a wild animal, and have no doubt, they'll react like wild animals right up to the election, and if they lose, they'll erupt in rioting in all these degenerated, crime filled major cities run by Democrats.  
The thing that should be in the forefront of everyone's mind is why in the world these two dimwits were chosen in the first place.  Easy answer.  They were the least offensive running, and even then they needed an illegal national conspiracy of voter fraud conducted on a massive scale to get them into office. 
This isn't really about Joe or Kamala, they're merely the symptom of the pathogen infecting the Democrat party.  It's really about the depth of degradation of the Democrat party's vision for America, and those who make up the frame work of the leadership are so contemptible they're not electable without voter fraud on a massive scale.   Their bench is so shallow if they were a professional baseball team, they'd be in the basement in the standings.

The fact is if Joe doesn’t want to quit, no one can make him, and it seems to me no one but Harris can take his place if he does. While no one is saying this, but in my view all these Democrat politicians who are taking public stands against Biden continuing to run isn’t about keeping the White House. It’s all about the down card. They fear if he stays in he will lose and drag a lot of them down with him.

It’s the down card strategy from now on. 

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