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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 29, 2024

American Politics and The World as I See It!

By Rich Kozlovich

Unfortunately, much of what the left has engaged in isn’t illegal. While the leftist/Democrat/media cabal’s actions are lies, blatantly corrupt and dishonorable, that’s isn't necessarily illegal, especially for the media that's been protected by the Supreme Courts 1964 unconstitutional ruling in New York Times v. Sullivan.  Otherwise, with some limitations, being scum is an American right via freedom of speech.

However, I’ve no doubt much of what they’ve done is hidden, and I believe it will be discovered, and when it is, I believe it’s most likely illegal. But to expose it will take a mad dog in a meat market Attorney General conducting a massive nationwide RICO investigation to bring it all into the light. But, we’ll see.

Having said that, 1928 was a seminal year in American election history, the greatest president of the 20th century, Calvin Coolidge, decided not to run, as he hated being President, and that brought in Herbert Hoover setting off a disastrous chain of events we’re still dealing with.

Well, this election is going to be a seminal year in American election history also. Both parties have old leaders who have fed at the public trough for decades, and they’re done, and even gone, if Trump is elected. The left is bereft of any sense of sanity in it’s younger members, AOC being the perfect example, and the Republicans are shedding their RINO leftists, exemplified by Mitt Romney and Liz Chaney, and it appears those who John McCain called “Whacko Birds” are now ascendant.

But, we’ll see!

I keep reading about Joe all of a sudden finding an honor gene in his genetic code because he chose to "put the nation ahead of himself" by stepping aside in his re-election campaign, but I don’t think he has is one. 

They picked an amazingly dishonorable, stupid, selfish, and corrupt man as their leader, got him elected through voter fraud, more corruption, and now they expected him to act honorably. Imagine that, I’m shocked, shocked I tell you! “C’mon man”, that’s not who Joe Biden is.  That's why he endorsed Kamala, the candidate no one wanted, and now they're stuck with her, all in order to stick to Obama, Pelosi and the rest forcing them all to very reluctantly support her, and eat a lot of crow in the process.

He’ll now hide in his basement until it’s all over, pardon Hunter, his brother, and any others of the Biden crime family for all he can pardon them for, and then try to avoid jail himself by having himself declared mentally incompetent, just like Harry Helmsley, and that will be the only truthful thing in this mess.

He could care less about the rest of his party, who as a party are as equally dishonorable, stupid, selfish, and corrupt. It’s all about self interest on the part of all of them, none of which is “enlightened” self interest, and now that he's quit, they have an even bigger problem.

Either way, it’s all about the down card now, the White House is lost to them as their bench is even worse than Joe, but with or without Joe, their down card is going down this election, and one of the major driving forces is going to be what to do about Islamists in America, and those who Muslims who wish to migrate to America. 

Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a criminal, political movement masquerading as a religion. They’re not going to assimilate, they’re not going to renounce violence, and they’re not ever going to stop trying to force Sharia law as the law of the land and eliminate the Constitution. That’s Islam, and there’s almost 1500 years of history to prove it. 

Reenact the McCarran Walters Act of 1952 which prohibited the immigration of Islamists, and deport as many Muslims, along with all illegal immigrants as is legally possible, and close the border entirely until this mess is fixed. Uncontrolled immigration isn’t a human right. Those who’ve come here and committed crimes…deported!

Another issue that's going to have to be addressed is foreign aid, and foreign relations as a whole, and does anyone really believe Kamala has a clue about foreign policy?  Joe was involved most of his adult life and he never got anything about foreign relations right in over fifty years.   She's even less capable.

The problem with foreign aid is in principle, and in application. Over the years what we’ve seen is billions of dollars wasted keeping tyrants in power. Why?  Make no mistake, there’s a economic gain for big multinational corporations, but whether or not it benefits America is highly subjective. There’s all this talk about China and Russia getting chummy with African nations to America’s detriment, and America needs to step up and give them more money.


Africa is now and has always been a politically unstable continent and we’ve spent billions there and now a new group of African tyrants are kicking America out. Where was the value? And why did we have military bases in these nations in the first place? To keep tyrants in power? That’s not our place, that’s not our job, and it’s a waste of American manpower and money. Who is really benefiting from all that?

And it won’t be long before China and Russia will be on the dirty end of the stick, especially since both are broke, neither are natural capital generating nations, and both are communist bullies that befoul any agreements just as China has done with their Belt and Road schemes.

The left is comprised of two groups. For this group of leftist/democrats/socialist nitwit citizens who are arrogant, smug, and ignorant living in a echo chamber of head nodders. Worse yet, they arrogant about their ignorance.

The second group, which seems to me to have become the controlling element in this party, are openly hate filled monsters who wish to “fundamentally” change the nation into a state controlled tyranny.

The first group aren’t the brightest pebbles in the brook, and can’t be persuaded to change, only experience in life will do that, and that seems to be happening for many of them.

The second group can’t be changed. They’re the McCarthy traitors committed to the destruction of the American identity, the American culture, the American economy, all in order attain their intimate goal: The destruction of the Constitution and imposing in a world wide system of governance under the auspices of the UN, and controlled by China.

That's the world as I see it. 


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