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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 20, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum, (Everything is to be questioned!)

My This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich 

Normally I don't do entertainment unless it involves social issues,  but I'm making an exception here for two reasons, first, it's my blog and I can.  But most importantly, I was always a Bob Newhart fan.  He was funny, clean, and classy. So, this is my thank you to Bob Newhart.  He won't easily be forgotten, and he will be missed because warm memories never wear out their welcome in our lives.


Now, the social issues that concern me.  

My friend Paul Driessen has a great piece regarding agriculture and the insanity the World Economic Forum is promoting claiming we're facing a worsening climate crisis, and that crisis is due in large part by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions from food production on modern mechanized farms . Therefore, the WEF wants to help save the world with “a radical and comprehensive transformation” of the entire global food system. It’s the kind of top-down tyranny we’ve come to expect from powerful elites, extreme environmentalists, UN agencies and the Biden Administration. 

Paul states that listening to them would mean trashing agricultural systems that are performing miracles: multiplying crop yields, reducing global hunger and malnutrition, and doing so while using used less land, water and fuel, and fewer fertilizers and pesticides per ton of produce. The WEF’s imagined crisis and destructive prescription would mean far more global starvation – coupled with vastly increased organic and subsistence farming, on millions more acres, and converting our diets from beef and chicken to “edible insects,” like grasshoppers, crickets and cicadas. Those bugs, they assure us, make delicious snacks, desserts and even entire meals.

The assassination attempt against Trump has totally rattled both parties.  The Democrats in total, and the RINO's in particular.  Now neither have any influence, and are only featured on Pravda like outlets such as MSNBC.  But the network news ratings are falling.  America has been lied to by them, and America now knows it, and by their coverage of the Trump assassination attempt they're looking like fools who think Americans are fools and will eat up their baloney. 

The assassination attempt story is getting weirder by the day, and I will be covering that next week.  How big and far reaching it may become remains to be seen, as there's all this talk about Deep State involvement, so I've included articles this week dealing with the history of just how corrupt government agencies can be, (red starred) and how in the past they were totally infected with spies for Stalin.  

It's clear now Trump is the Republican party, the old guard is done, there will now be "unity", but not with the Democrats.  Trump isn't Mitt Romney, John McCain, Liz Chaney, or John Kasich, there will be war, and he intends to win it if he's elected, and the only thing that will prevent that is voter fraud so massive it will make the outrageous fraud perpetrated in 2020 look clean.  If that happens, even SCOTUS won't be able to look the other way.

I think this quote from Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is worth your time...think about it for a minute after reading it, and I've added this 2024 Election, Cartoon Roundup covering much of what's going on.  I have eight commentaries of my own and thirty by others.  

I don't think Biden will drop out in spite of all the pressure they're putting on him. He's going down and taking a lot of those running on the down card with him.  The Democrat party has no bench, the leadership is old, the young members are radical to the point of insanity.  Jews, Asians, blacks, Hispanics, and young people are abandoning them in droves.   

It's my view after this election RFK, Jr. will become the de facto leader of the Democrat party. He's far left, and they'll embrace him, because the old guard, the emphasis on old, of the Democrat party is done.  No one trusts them, no one believes them.  Some of them are going to prison if Trump is elected and hires an Attorney General with a mad dog in a meat market mentality with no tolerance for a two tier, "special people" justice system where these criminals have had privileged exemptions from justice.   And I include Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. 

Well, here's the week that was, and it was exciting!

My Commentaries

  1. Can't We All Just Get Along? NO!
  2. The 2024 Election Democrat Conundrum, and The Down Card, Part II
  3. * Let Me Tell You About Harry Hopkins
  4. * The History Lesson You Never Learned! The History Lesson You Were Never Taught!
  5. Who Was Thomas Matthew Crooks?
  6. Fear Is the Explanation
  7. Trump Assassination Attempt Is the Tip of the Iceberg
  8. Global Warming is All About Global Governance, and Global Tyranny


  1. JD Vance Delivered More than Just a Stump Speech By Mark Angelides
  2. * Supreme Court’s WOTUS ruling will shake things up across the board By Bonner Cohen, Ph.D.
  3. Milei’s New Monetary Regime for Argentina By Nicolas Cachanosky
  4. From TDS to Trump VP: The Born-Again Transformation of JD Vance By Tim Donner
  5. Waging war on modern agriculture and global nutrition By Paul Driessen
  6. The Fairness Fraud By John Droz, Jr.
  7. The Attempted Assassination — Part 2  By John Droz, Jr.
  8. The Attempted Assassination By John Droz, Jr.
  9. Was Covering Up Biden’s Condition a Quarter Billion Dollar Fraud? By Daniel Greenfield
  10. Trump’s Raised Fist  By Daniel Greenfield
  11. The Brainwashing of a Nation  By Daniel Greenfield
  12. Anger Privilege  By Daniel Greenfield
  13. Can We Let the Voters Decide -- Not the FBI, CIA, DOJ, Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Judges?  Victor Davis Hanson
  14. Want to Pay More Tax? You Can By David Hebert
  15. Daily Reminder of Just How Awful Democrats Are!  By Robin Itzler
  16. Willful Ignorance: As the United States Turns  By Robin Itzler
  17. Thought For the Day From Robin Itzler By Robin Itzler
  18. Get The Popcorn, Biden falling & RNC Convention  By Robin Itzler
  19. Are We Now a Socialist Nation?  By Robin Itzler
  20. Joe Biden's Dementia  By Robin Itzler
  21. Humor is the Best Medicine By Robin Itzler
  22. Dementia: Joe Biden Today, My Father Yesterday By John Klar
  23. Big Tech On The Path To Net Zero: The Story With Amazon And Apple Robin Itzler By Francis Menton
  24. What's The Story With The Secret Service? Robin Itzler
  25. Inequality and Prosperity By Dan Mitchell
  26. Biden’s Desperate Vote-Buying Proposal for Nationwide Rent Control By Dan Mitchell
  27. Bidenomics Delusion from the Media By Dan Mitchell
  28. So Predictable By Rob Pue
  29. Coolidge’s Silent Recipe for Success: Less Federal Government By Luis Carlos Araujo Quintero
  30. Are Libertarianism and Conservatism Totally Different? By Jon J. Ray

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor

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You know that voice in your head that keeps you from saying the things you shouldn't say?  Yeah, I don't have that!    We need to question everything because everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality!  Much of what we're told does not!

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