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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Fear Is the Explanation

By Rich Kozlovich 

I've said in the past I believe in historical cycles, and to a degree events, in a general way, are predictable and explicable.  What we're seeing today has a lot of history behind it. 

What we have here are the consequences of a long cycle from the 1890's until now, actually until about 25 years ago, and now the steam has built up to the point of explosion.   Americans now know they've been lied to, badly!!  The nation knows the education system is corrupted.  The nation is now acutely aware the federal, state, and local governments are out of control.  The nation is now aware spending has placed America in deep economic trouble.  The nation is now aware all the scare mongering the activists and leftists in government unending promote is a lie.  The nation is now aware the motive behind all this is to create a tyrannous form of world governance, and the elimination of the United States Constitution.  
It's not just the history buffs and writers who are aware this any longer. Those who are becoming aware are growing exponentially.  And in America, that means something.
In the 1890's the socialists started the take over of public education, they called themselves progressives to hide who and what they really were, atheistic socialists.  Both  andsupported their motives and goals, believing the "apple should fall as far away from the tree as possible".  The state, not the parents, and not the churches would be the ultimate arbiter of morality.   They both believed the Constitution was an impediment to human progress, and promoted the idea of an educated elite ruling the world.  Both subscribed to the idea "I am the state", and both acted accordingly.  Wilson's fascist takeover of the federal government didn't end until Harding was elected, and Coolidge dismantled it.   
It was reconstructed by FDR's New Deal, with many of the same operatives under Wilson heading up all these new agencies he created, all of which became infiltrated by communist agents, and we know that for sure since the release of the VENONA intercepts.  The FDR administration was the most heavily infiltrated government in the history of the world, and FDR had to know it.  The residual effects are still being felt. 
 There were only three conservative Presidents in the 20th century, Harding, Coolidge, and Reagan, and I've stated often that Calvin Coolidge was the greatest of the them all.   Sixteen years of conservative government and 84 years of varying degrees of progressive government, and if you include this century, it amounts to 20 years out of the last 124, and the lasting damage of one hundred an four years of "progressivism" may not be repairable, since "it's no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption."

Machiavelli outlined there were only two groups.  The ruling class, and the ruled.  The ruling class only want to maintain their privileges, and get more, and the ruled only want security, the ability to house, clothe, and feed their families, in safety.  
According to him if either group feels threatened as a group, governments fall.  But we find that's not always right away, and with total control of the instruments of propaganda, maybe never, as is true of N. Korea.  

But America isn't N. Korea, and the Machiavellian principle applies here.   The ruling elite are in fear as the ruled are now aware, and are resisting the crushing domination of their lives, and these leftists and elitists are resisting, destroying the rule of law, for political gain, and promoting violence, and if they don't get their way, they're threatening violence.
SCOTUS is over turning past decisions that gave unelected bureaucrats unconstitutional power over society, and the "elite" are using the same old vile tactics that's been in place since Julius Caesar destroyed the Roman Republic, which led to a multi-year civil war, to overcome these events.
Europe's recent elections are farce.  Culture is king, and the entire European culture is predicated on an elite ruling class, and the French are the most hypocritical of them all.  They love their class distinction, and find ways to incorporate it while claiming otherwise.  The French Revolution merely changed who the elite were to be.  But even in Europe, it's still all about three hots and a cot.  Security!  And they're now finally afraid, very afraid, and rightly so.  These socialistic rulers have placed the European culture in serious jeopardy of extinction bowing to Muslim invaders, they're calling immigrants, a problem that's now become a crisis for the continuation of Western civilization. 
First Rule of Geopolitics: All geopolitics is about four factors, geographics, demographics, economics, and that most elusive factor of all, the happiness factor.  These elites are clueless about the happiness factor because they don't care. They've decided the masses don't need to be happy, just obedient, own nothing and eat bugs, and society had better like it or else.   Now the masses are afraid, and are willing to fight the "obey and like it or else" battle.
The Homestead strike in 1892 at Carnegie Steel was caused by Carnegie cutting wages.   At that point the workers felt they have nothing to lose and struck, and it ending up being a war and people died.  When fear permeates a society it's because they now believe there's nothing left to lose, and things explode.
Fear, that's the cause.  Fear, that's the explanation.  And fear will have it's effect. 

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