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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 29, 2024

Blast From the Past: What's The Ultimate Issue in the 2024 Election?

By Rich Kozlovich, Thursday, June 29, 2023

Editor's Note: There are times I will have old articles being hit, and I go back to see what I wrote, and many times I find them still meaningful.  This is one of them, just adjust for the changes that have take place, but the thrust of the article is still valid.  This is one of them, and I especially like my  "Men in Black Neuralyzer" to wipe out three years of memory for every American", comment.  I will be using that again! RK


 I visit ten news sites daily, and up to twenty five a minimum of at once a week in order to see what's going on, and that doesn't include the news alerts I get from geopolitical sites to which I subscribe.  All in order to find worthwhile articles discussing important issues.

I can assure you there's entirely too much going on that's way over the top and far more serious than most realize, especially geopolitically.  The geopolitical sites to which I subscribe exposes the amount of misery, suffering, and corruption going on in the world.   I simply can't cover it all, or for that matter, keep up with it.  I would need three of me to just keep up.  There's a reason why these sites have those who specialize in one area of the world.  It's all too big, too complicated, requires a lot of reading, a lot of contemplation, and finally the best analysis you can come up with.  I do what I can.

However, the first site I visit at the beginning of my day is American Thinker, and I post a lot of comments there.  One leftist commenter stated, with great confidence, that abortion was gong to be the defining issue in the 2024 election as a result of the Dodd decision, implying America was outraged at that decision.  She's not the only one I see making that statement.  I asked her what research she had to show that was true?  


So, I thought it might be a good idea to list issues that I think really are going to define the 2024 national election. starting with this continuing issue with inflation, which is not stopping, and the cost of food, which is going up, and it appears availability is going to become an issue.  I went to dinner the other night and I got a salad, with a plain burger without a bun, and my wife got a chicken wrap, coffee and iced tea.  Forty dollars with the tip.  The cost of living is going up right along with the level of personal debt.  And personal savings are going down.

By 2024 we'll have had four years of rampant illegal immigration, crippling inflation, massive unrestrained spending, unpopular and costly regulations, a foreign policy that's virtually incomprehensible, unconstitutional commands from on high, the end of America's energy independence, congressional investigations exposing massive Deep State corruption that's nothing short of treason, and a massive money trail of evidence of all that corruption, and all of it leading to the Democrat party. 


 There are people who work in Washington who are outraged at that corruption, and they're coming forward and exposing just how far reaching it is. As one writer noted: 

Apparently, they didn't know that moving money around leaves an audit trail. But the Republicans knew it, and they're using their shiny new subpoena powers to follow it. And if bank records aren't enough, it turns out there are still a few ethical people working in government. The whistleblowers are coming forward. They may have been able to stomach a bit of Washington's shenanigans, but what they're seeing now is causing too much nausea to bear. They're letting the House investigators know where to send the subpoenas. The money for influence scandal is growing by the day.

One writer suggested for Joe's polling to go up instead of streaming steadily down it would take a "Men in Black Neuralyzer" to wipe out three years of memory for every American.   Since that's not going to happen, public opinion about Ole Joe isn't likely start reversing itself.  The man's a dolt, and that was before his dementia, and a massively corrupt dolt at that, and  all that corruption started long before his dementia. 

There's blood in the water and Ole Joe is being circled by the sharks.  They want him to drop out of the 2024 race right now, and that's not who Joe is.  He's not into self sacrifice for the good of others, he's only into what's good for Joe.  

There are those suggesting the Democrats only hope of keeping Joe from running in 2024 would be for the Republicans to impeach Biden, and Democrats support them in order to get rid of him.  Of course that leaves a really gigantic problem. Cackles Harris becomes President.   Impeachment? Sure!  Conviction? Not gonna happen, especially with Cackles waiting in the wings.  

But if you take a look at the Democrat bench, you have to come to this conclusion.   If a major league baseball team had a bench like the Democrat party, they'd be in the basement in the standings.  But the Democrats are in the basement, in spite of the corrupt reporting from their propaganda wing, aka, the main stream media.  That's why they're going to go all in with voter fraud in 2024, which will be an even bigger nationally organized illegal effort then they did in 2020. 

Radical leftists have been systemically infiltrating all of America's institutions for 150 years, and these people don't share the same vision for America the founding fathers had.  They're elitist power mongers who use the idea of social justice issues to gain power in order to restructure America to their own evil ends.  And more and more Americans are becoming aware of that.

But we're expected to believe the right to murder the innocent unborn is going to be the defining issue in the 2024 election?  Imagine that.

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