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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden's Out, But So What?

By Rich Kozlovich

Well, Biden's out, which actually came as a surprise to me, I never thought he'd quit.  But now that Biden has dropped out, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out, especially since he's endorsed Kamala Harris, which means she can utilize that 250 million in campaign contributions to the Biden/Harris ticket.  But how many states have passed the deadline to change the ballot?  If they're Democrat run states, it won't matter, they'll merely change the law to make an exception for this election.  

A recent poll that had Biden just three points behind Trump was hilariously laughable, and at one at point one poll claimed Biden had a ten point lead, and Biden's dropped out, imagine that.

The fact is Biden’s campaign was totally unstable, and couldn't be stabilized.  How can a leader with a brain of mush stabilize anything?  But, I don’t see anyone being touted by the media, other than Harris, who really want to replace him in light of all that’s going on either, including Hillary!   She’d love to be “the one” again, and she’s stupid enough, but I've no doubt Billy will convince her to stay home and do the thing she does best.  Shoot off her mouth, sound stupid, and lie.

Except for Harris, there’s no gain, and, she’s done anyway. If any of them jump into this to take his place, any future political dreams they may have are done also, since other than Michelle, they’re all white and she’s…almost black… in the Democrat party that would be suicidal. And Michelle isn’t going to run. 

The fact is the Biden campaign wasn't unstable just because of Biden, it's a Democrat campaign, run by a Democrat engine, and  you can’t stabilize an engine with a broken timing chain no matter how hard you may try, so let's review.

There's a lot of talk about the 2024 election political strategy of the Democrat party, and here's the actual political strategy of the Democrat party.  

Bureaucratic corruption and treason, censorship, disbarment, lawfare, lies of omission, lies of commission, media corruption, projection,  violence, and their number one go to strategy:  Voter fraud!  

Let's talk about projection.  Projection is a psychological ploy where someone "projects" what they're doing onto some else.  According to someone named Obeidallah the GOP is a ‘Fascist movement’ willing to use violence to acquire power, claiming January 6th was an terrorist movement.  

A terrorist movement were there was no or little physical property damage, no one was killed except an innocent girl by a cop?  Now that the Republicans have taken over the House investigations the lies of the illegally constituted House January 6th committee, are being exposed.  When this is all over some of them may end up in prison. 

But all the Antifa, BLM, and other leftist riots where they destroyed property, attacked journalists, policemen, innocent citizens, all of which was done by leftists supporters of the Democrat party wasn't really violence!  Noooo, it was mostly peaceful, and it was just freedom of speech, not an insurrection.  

Here is a list of the  Top 10 Things Democrat Politicians Are Guilty of Doing That They’re Accusing Trump of Doing:

  1. Election corruption (CCP-Biden-marked mail-in ballots, Dominion Voting machine flipping, dead people voting, illegal immigrants voting, Democrats voting multiple times in multiple states, etc.)
  2. Quid-pro-quo (coercion) of Ukraine
  3. Sex Crimes (compare the “dossier” to child trafficking using open borders and war chaos). Also consider the $17 million in taxpayer money paid out to cover up sexual harassment charges against our Congress.
  4. Storing classified documents loosely at home or personal office (Biden is guilty and, unlike Trump, never had the authority to be in possession of said documents.)
  5. Contesting elections (only Democrats can investigate election corruption)
  6. Destroying democracy (dismantling infrastructure, curriculum and the constitution)
  7. Propagating riots (think Jan. 6th with cops gas-bombing and killing protesters)
  8. Fascism (the real fascists run the nation now, including Obama and Soros)
  9. Racism (CRT, gender “fluidity”, race-baiting, restitution, BLM, Antifa, etc.)
  10. Embezzling (check the Military Industrial Complex and Medical Industrial Complex)

That's the tip of the iceberg.

Why do Democrats hate white rural America so much? - It would be a grave understatement to suggest that the mainstream media are biased in favor of the Democrats......Words such as “collusion” and “insurrection” didn’t become the de facto terminology by coincidence.  An adept wordsmith among the Democrats supplied these terms, and the media obediently repeated them.......The instances of bigotry are numerous. Hollywood, especially in recent times, has been disdainful of rural America.  But following Trump’s election, the venom was blatant. The Democrats had dehumanized Trump-supporters, who they think are primarily white rural Americans, to such an extent that they no longer care to conceal their hatred. Why the hatred? The Democrats view voters as subjects who need to be controlled rather than citizens to whom they are accountable.  Their object is to rule (not govern). They see these dissenting white rural voters as impediments to their permanence of power................

Democrat Party, Inc. I have said numerous times in other articles that the Democrat Party is no longer a political party. They are a criminal organization, a crime organization like no other. They have the reigns of government and are not about to let them go, legally or otherwise. They want power and money, and little else matters. .

The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party David R. Carlin Some Democrats will insist that the party is not anti-religious, or anti-Christian. But pay attention to what the party does, not what its surrogates say....

If that's their history, and the foundation for their programs, and it is, and is just the tip of the iceberg, and it is, that's an engine with a broken timing chain for most of America.   Why would anyone think they could jump into that mess and restart an engine with a broken timing chain?

There's talk Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzker, and even Buttigieg wants to be President of the United States, and their failures are legendary, especially Newsome.  There's Wes Moore, who is a bit impressive, on paper, but I've been told that's all smoke and mirrors, and if he jumps in, that will end.   And I don't care what all the "experts" claim, I don't believe for a minute Michelle Obama wants the job.  

The fact is, the White House is lost to the Democrats, and their focus, and the focus of their donors, will be on the down card in hopes of keeping their jobs.  Some of them are gone already, donors or no donors.   

Woman Who Helped Raise Millions for Obama Leaves Democrat Party, Declares Support for Trump

Here was my 2024 election analysis for the out come of the Senate back in February, which seems to be proving accurate, and it may even be better after all this.  In the meanwhile, to repeat an oft stated meme these days, "break out the popcorn", it's going to get interesting. 

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