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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

We're On An Island of Questions

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK


In the past, America’s enemies were external. Now they are internal. Last week we witnessed a “coup” that disenfranchised 15+ MILLION Democrats who voted in their party’s primary. Where is the Republican leadership strongly denouncing what is happening? Why don’t more Democrats care?

Our questions with answers excerpted from articles/tweets:

Did Joe Biden write the letter withdrawing from the 2024 presidential campaign? 

“Does Biden Even Know He’s Not Running for President Anymore?”by Elle Purnell, Federalist, July 22 - Who hit send on Sunday (July 21) afternoon’s announcement? No one believes it was actually Joe. Sure, the letter included a signature, but coming from the office that probably owns more signature stamps than any other executive in the country, you can decide what that’s worth. Does Joe Biden even know he’s not running for president anymore? 

Why wasn’t the letter written on White House Letterhead? 

Laura Loomer, X/Twitter, July 21 (excerpt) - Did you notice the Biden drop out letter isn’t on official letterhead? I’m told by a source that Joe Biden didn’t even write this letter. Source tells me that Steve Ricchetti, the Counselor to Joe Biden, actually wrote the letter and Biden Senior Advisor and campaign chair Mike Donilon was present as a witness while Ricchetti wrote the letter because Biden is too cognitively damaged to write a letter or comprehend what is going on. This means the signature is likely forged on the letter as well. Notice it’s not on official campaign or presidential letterhead. That means it’s not legitimate.

Why didn’t Biden’s staff know ahead of time that he was withdrawing? 

“Blindsided: Biden Team Was Whipping Delegates When He Dropped Out”by Jonathan Martin, Politico, July 22 - In another sign of how the president’s decision stunned even his own staff, his Delaware-based campaign leadership concluded a staff call with state aides just minutes before Biden released his letter withdrawing from the race. 

Will it be a Harris coronation or open Democrat convention? 

“Biden Gone, Democrats Rally Around the Worst Possible Candidate”- By Byron York, Washington Times, July 22 -...Harris appears to have the inside track to the Democratic presidential nomination. The Trump campaign should take her seriously, not because she is a good candidate but because she will automatically have the vote of the millions of people who would vote for anyone other than Trump. That alone means she could win. So her GOP rivals should see the Harris campaign, rich with money raised by Biden, as a formidable opponent. But at the same time, it should be noted — and Harris herself will likely make it clear soon enough — that she is perhaps the worst candidate Democrats could choose to run for president.

Was it Obama’s plan to oust Biden and make Harris the nominee?

“Obama Doesn’t Believe Kamala Harris Can Beat Trump, Which is Why He Hasn’t Endorsed Her” - By Isabel Vincent and Jon Levine, New York Post, July 24 -  According to the source, Obama’s hope was to get Biden out of the way and an article written by George Clooney in the New York Times asking him to step aside was a part of that plan. However, the higher ups in the Democratic Party didn’t count on Biden endorsing Harris right away and “Obama was shocked” when Joe endorsed her, according to the insider.

“Barack Obama FINALLY Endorses Kamala … But He Likely Didn’t Want To”  - By Matt Margolis, PJ Media, July 26 - The source (to The New York Post) said that Barack Obama had a plan to maneuver Joe Biden out of the presidential race and intended for Arizona senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly to lead the ticket at the Democratic National Convention. However, this plan backfired when Joe Biden endorsed Kamala soon after he dropped out. The source said that Obama is "furious things haven’t gone his way."

Are Barack Obama and Kamala Harris close? 

Monica Crowley, X/Twitter, July 26 - Obama was driving the Biden coup - until he wasn’t. He succeeded in enlisting Pelosi to force Biden out - but before he could spring his alternative plan in place, Kamala & Joe shivved him by announcing Biden’s withdrawal AND endorsement of her. Kamala then moved wicked fast, locking up support and money and before Barack could say “holy Politburo anti-coup!”, Kamala sealed the deal. She boxed out Obama, making her nomination a fait accompli and forcing Obama’s endorsement today. Do NOT underestimate her.

What about all the money Harris quickly raised?

Is Everything Kosher About the $126 Million That Poured in for Kamala?” - By Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, July 24 - ActBlue, the clearing house for all donations to Democrat parties and causes, has long had fundraising practices that, coincidentally or not, make money laundering easier. It allows donations from unverified credit cards, untethered to the cardholder’s name and address. This means that there’s no way at all to know who these donors are, paving the way for fraud. Thus, Joe Shmo in Abilene can knowingly donate using a card that actually belongs to Klaus Schwab! Or, Klaus Schwab could donate using the unwitting Joe Shmo’s name.

While it’s reasonable to believe that Democrats were relieved to see Joe Biden drop out of the race, it’s impossible to believe that Kamala Harris, the least-liked Vice President since polling began, managed within 36 hours to unleash almost a million small donors. ...When things sound too good to be true, they’re probably not true.

Will “Cacklin’ Harris” continue to cackle and make insane comments?  

By Piers Morgan, X/Twitter, July 26 - (Commenting on the Obamas phone call to Harris endorsing her) OMG, I’ve seen some cheesy political videos in my time, but this Obama endorsement of Kamala is full-on Gorgonzola cheese …

Did a Nikki Haley PAC endorse Kamala Harris?  

“Harris Campaign Welcomes 'Haley Voters for Harris' After Haley Says Cease and Desist”  - By Sarah McCammon, NPR, July 24 -  Haley Voters for Harris news release: “There are many other like minded Haley voters who also do not plan to support former President Trump in November. Our rights to engage with voters and encourage them to vote for Vice President Harris – who in our view is the clear better choice for the country – will not be suppressed.”

Doesn’t America now sound like a communist country?  

“Time to Stand Down … or Stand Up?”By Eric Utter, American Thinker, July 26 - To recap: a former (and possibly future) president got shot, Democrats literally executed a coup, and Kamala Harris—their current preferred replacement for the allegedly duly elected president—is apparently going to be bestowed all of Biden’s campaign money, donors’ desires rendered moot. And Trump has been informed that he should no longer engage in his most effective mode of campaigning unless he’s okay with getting shot dead. All this in America. 

KAMALA HARRIS: Black Lives Matter says not so fast

Between her word salads and cackles, it’s easy to mock Kamala Harris. But with Joe Biden forced to step down in what looks like a coup, elites want to quickly crown Harris as the Democrat nominee. Those who believe in a Constitutional Republic should be very frightened that 15+ MILLION Democrats who voted in primaries are being disenfranchised.

On July 14, Black Lives Matters put out a statement denouncing making Harris the defecto nominee. Here are three excerpts: 

“We call for the Rules Committee to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates. The current political landscape is unprecedented, with President Biden stepping aside in a manner never seen before. This moment calls for decisive action to protect the integrity of our democracy and the voices of black voters.

“Now, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public.”

“We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs. Any attempt to evade or override the will of voters in our primary system-must be condemned. We demand an informal, virtual snap primary now that the incumbent president is no longer in the running.”

Admit it, couldn’t much of this statement have come from Republicans? 

Recommended Reading:  All roads lead to Barack Obama, By Susan Daniels

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