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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 22, 2024

Let The Laughter Begin

By Robin Itzler

Think of the jokes that would be told on late night programs if it was Johnny Carson, Jay Leno or Dave Letterman. Mark Twain made fun of politicians in both parties. So did many comics in the 1950s to the 1990s—Lenny Bruce, Mort Sahl, George Carlin, and many others, and now Robin Itzler.

Editor's Note:  These are jokes or humorous comments Robin has taken from various sites to use on Patriot Neighbors, and I've triaged and paraphrased them to suit myself.  RK

Let the laughter begin!   

Joe Biden: Debating is just like riding a bike, and there's an upcoming workshop on learning  how to grow vegetables instead of electing them.  This is an actual AP headline: Biden at 81, Sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful.  The worse attack on American soil happened in the ballot boxes on November 3, 2020, bu there's hope.  Every time Joe Biden says something, a new Trump voter is born.  

Let's face it, under the red flag law, must I report someone with dementia who has the codes to firing nuclear weapons?   Please tell me that the nuclear launch button and Biden’s Life Alert button aren’t on the same lanyard.  Just because Joe was talking into his ice cream cone and asked if it was on is that any reason to worry?   

McDonald’s just introduced a new hamburger called McBiden. When you order a McBiden, the person behind you has to pay for it.  A health reminder for Democrat women: Remember to get your annual prostrate exam.  Biden to extend his sleep schedule to 24 hours a day, and Air Force One now uses a handicapped parking pass.

 Stop Elder Abuse: Vote Trump 2024!

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