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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Get The Popcorn, Biden falling & RNC Convention

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK


We will need more popcorn since this week there will be lots of political entertainment coming our way. The “I Ain’t Leaving Joe Biden” tour continues. How will Democrats, who publicly asked that the mentally challenged president step down, support him in the campaign? But who cares? Even if he said he wasn’t running, Biden, Harris, Newsom, Whitmer, etc. are all Marxist Democrats who want to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Grab the popcorn!

On Tuesday, July 9, this was Biden’s official presidential activities for the ENTIRE day:

10 AM: The President receives the President’s Brief

Biden’s July 11 press conference was not a complete disaster, nor was it a complete success. It means he remains in the race, which is good for Republicans. Taking questions from friendly media, there was enough in that presser for him to insist on staying in the race. But there were also enough gaffes, coughs, repeats, whisperings, ramblings, misspeaks (Trump is his vice president?) to fuel demand that he step down. This means Democrat intraparty chaos. Grab the popcorn!

Now it’s time for the Republican National Committee (RNC) Convention in Wisconsin! In addition to political and industry leaders and pop culture icons, there will be AMERICA FIRST PATRIOTS—everyday Americans—featured throughout the conference. Grab your popcorn as each day, there is a different theme:

  • Monday: Make America Wealthy Once Again
  • Tuesday: Make America Safe Once Again
  • Wednesday: Make America Strong Once Again 
  • Thursday: Make America Great Once Again
  • The GOP 2024 Platform

On the DEMOCRAT Side:

After the first ten minutes of the June 27 presidential debate, most observers knew it would be an awful night for Joe Biden. That’s probably when the Democrat National Committee sent out its talking points where they highlighted that “Joe Biden is a good man.” And like comatose Democrats, the mainstream media repeated that Joe Biden is a good man. (Even before dementia, Biden was never a good man.)  That’s how it works in totalitarian regimes. Here is a sampling:

  • Virginia Democrat Representative Don Boyer—After comparing Biden to Jesus at a July 2 fundraiser said, “He has been a good, good man. He’s resilient, optimistic, indefatigable, and above all courageous.”
  • New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman—In a June 28 column admitted he was made to “weep” watching Biden’s performance and reminded readers that Biden is “a good man and a good president.”
  • The Guardian—“Biden is widely believed to be a good man.”
  • Delaware Democrat Governor Andy Beshear—Biden is “a good man and a nice man.”
  • Former Democrat National Chair Donna Brazile—“He is also a good man, a strong president and Democrats still believe this race is winnable.”
  • New York Daily News columnist Matt Wing—Biden is” “is ultimately a good and decent man.”

Also on the DEMOCRAT side, it’s interesting how they want to ignore their own democratic primary process by removing Joe Biden at their August convention. Newsweek’s Deputy Opinion Editor Batya Ungar-Sargon:

“The same Democratic elites who, in the name of ‘defending democracy,’ have tried to bar Trump from the ballot, from the presidency, from walking the streets as a free man, are now engaged in a coup attempt against Biden, a duly elected president who won 3,896 delegates in a primary contest, albeit an artificially truncated one.”


There are three Democrats serving on the North Carolina State Board of Elections who are trying to block third-party candidates Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Cornel West from being on the ballot. Both candidates have gathered enough signatures to quality in the Tar Heel State.

We have heard that the only person who could receive the Biden/Harris war chest if Joe Biden decides not to run is Kamala Harris. However, per the Federal Election Campaign Act, Biden could not transfer the money to Harris until he is the official Democrat nominee. Maybe co-President Jill is promising that is what co-President Joe will do AFTER he is nominated. Who knows? What we do know is that “DOCTOR” Jill loves the power of being First Lady. Grab your popcorn!

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