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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Biden Unfit to be Candidate, Fit to be President

By @ Sultan Knish Blog  

After a few weeks of media hit pieces, donor pressure and calls by party leaders, Joe Biden did what Donald J Trump refused to do in 2016 or 2024, and announced that he was dropping out of the campaign to focus on “fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

Democrats and their media had spent months making the case that Biden was unfit to be a presidential candidate on account of his mental state. Members of Congress, celebrities and party insiders described him as being unable to function in even the most basic ways.

Now they will argue that a man in that condition is unfit to campaign, but fit to run the country.

By pressuring Biden to resign from the campaign, but not the presidency, Democrats have officially put ‘party ahead of country’. They have made it clear that they have no problem with an unfit president, only an unfit candidate, and even then only when that candidate’s unfitness becomes public knowledge and puts them at risk of losing a presidential election.

Rep. Seth Moulton recently claimed that Biden didn’t recognize him at a D-Day event and called on him to resign. At the NATO summit, the head of the Eurasia Group described a world leader saying that Biden was “repeating the same anecdote twice in an individual meeting” and another case where Biden was “not recognizing someone that he knew quite well.”

Media reports indicated that Biden could not function well after 4 PM and that he needed to be in bed by 8 PM leaving him unable to attend events with world leaders. Watergate’s Carl Bernstein said that sources had described over a dozen incidents similar to the one at the debate. The media confirmed stories previously reported in the conservative press of Obama and Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni having to lead Biden where he needed to go.

How under those circumstances is it possible for Biden to remain in his current position?

Democrats and their media want to have it both ways. They want to argue that Biden is mentally unfit for the strenuous task of making appearances at local diners and ice cream parlors, for speaking at campaign rallies and appearing in a debate, but entirely fit to control the nation’s nuclear weapons, along with the rest of its military, guide its economy, shape trillions in spending, and make the vital decisions that affect the lives of every single American.

And that is completely untenable.

Running the nation (and the free world) is a much more challenging task than running for office. It also comes with far graver responsibilities. Democrats seem entirely unconcerned with the prospect that a senile president might make a mistake that could kill millions, but rang every alarm bell out of fear that he might lose them not only the White House, but Congress.

Patriotism is removing an unfit president, partisanship is removing an unfit candidate.

The Democrat cover-up of Biden’s condition followed by the frantic drive to oust him from the presidential campaign while leaving him in office shows that they are partisans and not patriots.

Obama, Schumer, Pelosi and other top Democrats all pressured Biden to leave the campaign, they did not however call on him to leave office. Not a single national Democrat official appears to have taken the simple step of asking Biden to step down from his campaign and his office.

And it is entirely plausible that they used the former as leverage for the latter, allowing him to remain in office in order to convince him to drop out of the campaign. Had Joe Biden continued to stonewall his party, cabinet members could have ousted him using the 25th amendment. Biden was aware of this and avoiding that humiliation likely played a role in his resignation.

But if Biden is indeed unfit for office, then the 25th amendment is more urgent than ever.

Either Joe Biden is fit to hold office or he’s not. Democrats cannot have it both ways. And House Republicans, who pledged to investigate his medical condition and force his doctors to testify, may expose the real truth about his state and his fitness to hold office. Democrats solved their political crisis by ousting Biden, but the nation now faces a crisis of governance.

And it must be urgently addressed.

World leaders and enemy nations believe that there is no one in the Oval Office. There is now convincing evidence that Biden’s staffers and family members, including his wife Jill, his son Hunter, who has been linked to foreign governments and criminal behavior, rather than the man himself, are making decisions that should by rights only be made by the President. And they will be free to make those decisions as part of a lame duck presidency without having any personal or political accountability for the havoc and corruption that they may be empowered to wreak.

Biden’s mental state is not just a problem for his party, but for the country. It’s a national security issue and a corruption issue and above all else a constitutional issue that must be resolved.

America is not a monarchy. Presidents are personally empowered to serve as representatives of the people. Democrats have subverted what they call ‘democracy’ by ousting their own nominee who received 14 million votes but who were ultimately outvoted by donors with $1.4 billion. But this does not buy them the right to maintain an official whom they already admitted is unfit.

Not Republicans, but Democrats have not only admitted, but loudly shouted over the last few weeks that President Joe Biden is incapable of performing the duties of his office.

So why is he still being allowed to go on performing them?

America cannot be governed by a man whose capacities are failing him. And he cannot be allowed to remain in power as part of a dirty deal that saves a party at the expense of the nation. Democrats made the case that Biden is unfit. Now they must finish the job.

If they do not, House Republicans should move to begin impeachment proceedings.

Democrats and their media have admitted that Biden is unfit for office. They admitted that he and his family members have participated in a cover-up about his true condition. This is an impeachable offense. Impeachment proceedings will clarify Biden’s true condition, the role of family members and staffers in covering it up and will force the same House Democrats who have clamored in the past few days that Biden is not fit to vote to remove him from office.

Or not.

Democrats claim that Kamala is ready to take over. Then let her. They claim that Biden is unfit to deal with the strenuous business of public life. Then let him step down. But there cannot be an unfit candidate and a fit president. For once, Democrats must put country ahead of party.

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center's Front Page MagazineClick here to subscribe to my articles. And click here to support my work with a donationThank you for reading.

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