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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, July 15, 2024

Global Warming is All About Global Governance, and Global Tyranny

By Rich Kozlovich

If you favor globalization it means favoring global governance, if you favor global warming and this net zero insanity, you favor world tyranny, since that’s the intent behind globalization and this global warming farce. 

Here’s reality. If you play straight with cheaters, you lose, whether it involves economics, the environment, or politics. If countries or activist groups aren’t playing straight, then don’t play!  Because if you do, they get bigger, richer and more dangerous, and the straight shooters get poorer, smaller and defenseless.  

Nixon's  and Kissinger's bringing China into the world's economy is the perfect example. After Mao’s Cultural Revolution China’s economy, and the Chinese Communist Party, were heading for the ash heap of history. Nixon prevented that by opening China to world trade, and now we’re seeing the consequences.  

China is now a superpower, and opening up to world trade didn't generate liberal democracy in China nor any other dictatorial/socialist nation.  Now the democratic nations of the world world are groveling at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party.  And these tyrannous nations became all the more dictatorial because they've now been provide with the economic wherewithal to do so.  Now they're a threat to western civilization.  

China now has the largest navy in the world, and has a massive military.  The west is funding all this.  And what does China want?  The destruction of the United States, and Chinese hegemony over western civilization with a form of world governance they dominate. 

The western world's nations are helping them to do that by committing economic suicide in their efforts to go green, insisting this is absolutely necessary to save the world. No more drilling for oil, no more coal, no more nuclear power, total and complete submission to the secular worship of "alternative renewable energy".

Wind and solar energy are totally incapable of providing the necessary energy for humanities needs, both of which are environmental nightmares.  And batteries aren't the answer, not to mention they're really dangerous.   

As for these economic "carbon offset" schemes, Olivia Murray notes, were ‘probably junk’ that did nothing to negate pollution.  And the scam continues, lucratively I might add.   Olivia Murray asks, have the greenies ever heard of these crazy things called trees?  Yeah they've heard of them and in order to generate clean energy’ California is going to "bulldoze 3,500 Joshua trees, so coastal homes can go ‘carbon neutral’

Let's delve into this suicidal pact for the fantasy of Net Zero.  Milt Davis in his article,  The Other Side Of The Climate Change Coin, states:

At the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, earlier this year, a group of influential individuals suggested that implementing carbon taxes is necessary. They also mentioned that the required framework to implement these taxes is already in place and must be implemented. It was also noted that obtaining more funding and reaffirming the global necessity to combat climate change will be crucial at the upcoming COP29 and COP30 events. However, the previous climate forum, COP28, faced challenges as the meeting's president acknowledged that there was no scientific basis for the fast-paced fossil fuel phaseout agenda.

There is an expression that says if you tell a lie long enough and often enough, people will believe it. By their own admission, there is no scientific basis for the fast-paced fossil fuel phaseout agenda. In other words, the entire story is being fabricated.

In a run away power grab WHO wants to tie all pandemics to global warming, and it's all a fraud.   In 1989 it was predicted by the year 2000 entire nations would be wiped off the face of the Earth, and the nation's of the world only had ten more years to solve the problem of "green house gases" because all the polar icecaps would then be melted causing the world oceans to rise covering islands and coastal cities.  Oops! 

By now the and Antarctic was supposed to have melted to such a degree it would flood the coastal cities.  That was a load of horsepucky, and once again, time and truth are on the same side.  Time and again when you look at their claims of disaster they're invariably fraudulent, and an obfuscation of truth, and in spite of all the evidence of how fraudulent this all is, this propaganda is still being fed to college students working for academic degrees that would stop "phony climate calamities."  

The nation needs cheap, reliable, readily available energy, and that means drilling, hydro power, nuclear power, coal, and natural gas.  Energy independence is essential to any nations well being, and that's what Trump gave America, and that's what Biden took it away.  

The issue isn't global warming, that's the excuse.  The issue is global governance, and there will be no end to the impositions that will be placed on humanity.  And make no mistake, controlling our lives is who and what they are.  The leftists have politicized everything to that end, "because they know best".  

You don't have enough intelligence or depth of understanding to make you're own life choices, so, a tyrannous worldwide system of government is necessary  imposing deep state tyranny.  You will own nothing, you will eat bugs and you will like it....or else!

Funny though, I can't find one Marxist/Socialist successful society that's successful, and China isn't successful, it's being catered to.  I think you will find this article by Mark Lewis, Marx and the Democrats to be profound!

Perhaps you would like to review my  file.  You will find it illuminating in light of what's going on in the world. 

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