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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Gazette: Kamala's Campaign

By Rich Kozlovich

This is part of a series of gazettes outlining who and what Kamala really is, what she stands for, what she represents, and the disasters that surrounds she and all of her peers, which is the desire to destroy America as it was founded, which is why they're doing everything in their power to destroy the Constitution, they only thing standing between freedom and a socialist system of world governance under the auspices of the most corrupt institution ever created, the United Nations, molded by the World Economic Forum, and controlled by China.  

This cartoon will be part of each gazette. 


Make no mistake.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are absolutely antisemites, anti-Christian, anti-White racists, and anti-American in their views and their actions.   Lies, deceit, corruption, and destruction is at the heart of who and what they are.  And if elected, that's what they will promote.  

The effort to whitewash their history is failing, but it's exposing the corruption that surrounds them, but that exposure isn't being done by what's now being called the 'legacy' media, including their desire to defraud the election process with these illegal non-citizens, and allowing them to destroy America's major cities. Cities that will take decades to recover, and some may never come back. 

If it walks like a communist, and if it talks like a communist, it's a communist.

Tags: The Kamala Policy Conundrum, The Reality of Kamala, Kamala Now Reigneth!, So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!, Intelligence Alert!, Kamala Harris Weekly, Almost!,Kamala Harris Weekly, Part I, Kamala Harris Weekly, Part II, Kamala Harris Watch, Part III


Kamalamania Chaos - It Begins: Evidence Suggests Harris Could Be *Weaker* Than Biden Radical, Untested, Unpopular - Democrats’ abrupt and desperate move to ditch incumbent President Joe Biden as their 2024 presidential candidate and instead coronate Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket is already showing signs of backfiring on their party and playing right into GOP presidential nominee former President Donald Trump’s hands.  

Kamala ‘Cringy,’ ‘Grotesque’ on ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race' Chlamydia Harris Opens Her Presidential Campaign on RuPaul’s Drag Race - Checking in on Kamala Harris’ 2024 campaign…Kamala Harris opened her presidential campaign on RuPaul’s ‘Drag Race’ after she stole all of Joe Biden’s delegates.Harris is now at the top of the Democrat ticket after Obama and Pelosi forced Joe Biden out of the 2024 race. Since Joe Biden dropped out of the race via an announcement on X, the Democrat-media complex has thrown their support behind Kamala even though she is highly unpopular.......

Trump Campaign Files Complaint over Transfer of Biden Campaign Funds to Harris - The Trump campaign filed a complaint regarding the transfer of millions of dollars from President Joe Biden’s campaign funds over to Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. Former President Donald Trump’s campaign filed the complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), claiming that the $96 million that sat in the Biden campaign’s account that was transferred to Harris is a violation, according to Bloomberg News.

FEC Chairman: Biden Donations ‘Shall Be Either Returned or Refunded’ After Drop Out - Federal Election Commission (FEC) Chairman Sean Cooksey has announced that all donations made to Joe Biden for the November election “shall be either returned or refunded” or redesignated “as appropriate” following his departure from the presidential race. Citing the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Cooksey made the statement in a Sunday afternoon X post after Biden announced his decision to drop out:..... 

FEC Complaint: Biden-Harris Campaign Committed 'Unprecedented Violation' of the Law - A complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission last week by Citizens United and a number of state Republican Party chapters, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are accused of violating federal law in the hours after Biden dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House on July 21.

Now Kamala is being allowed by the press to run from the basement just like Biden did in 2020 - August 4, 2024 by Jack Hellner - Kamala Harris hasn't done any press conferences or sit-down interviews. She says she will debate Trump any time, yet when he offers a debate with the nearly same rules, on September 4, she runs and hides  Here are some simple questions the media should ask her, if they get a chance but won't, because they really don't care.  Will you accept the election if Trump wins or will you challenge it like Democrats did in 2000, 2004, and 2016? Since you supported Biden's changes to Title IX, do you support men beating women to a pulp in the women's boxing matches at the Olympics? Would you support a 15-week limit on abortions like Trump and most of the world or do you support unlimited abortions like China and North Korea?

My Two-Question Trump-Test Every Trump-Hater – Especially Kamala Harris --Fails -Whenever I encounter one of these enraged, usually self-titled “intellectuals,” I ask them two basic questions. The first is: What about President Trump angers you so much?  Upon asking, I regularly back up a couple of feet in preparation for the hate-induced spittle, which proceeds to the screaming, swearing, and crying.  With the speed of a verbal machine gun, they yell out the usual reasons and insults: “He’s a misogynist; a bully; a liar; a dictator; a white supremacist; and a Nazi.”  There are of course, more, but after nine years of these exceedingly loud – and sometimes dangerous -- mental meltdowns, we get the idea.  Once they calm down, I ask them the second question.  That being said, which actual policies of former President Trump do you most object to or believe failed the nation while he was in office?  Cue the crickets, blank stares, and spit bubbles.  

You know, the same kind of reaction you would get from Kamala Harris upon asking her why she didn’t protect our border as she let thousands of terrorists into our nation, why she wants to defund the police, or why she believes there should be no bail for violent criminals. ......

Did a light bulb go on at the White House about Venezuela? July 31, 2024 by Monica Showalter Delays create windows for cheating. As street protests over the nakedly fraudulent election result dissipate across Venezuela and the Maduro regime sends in its henchmen, rounding up hundreds of dissidents and issuing arrest warrants for opposition leaders Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo González, the White House seems to be stirring from its torpor. According to The Hill: The Biden administration is ratcheting up its tone on Venezuela, pushing President Nicolás Maduro to publish automatically generated election results to back up his claims of winning Sunday’s election. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters at a White House briefing Wednesday that the administration is reaching the end of its rope with Maduro’s deflections.............Those printouts, the opposition says, will show a landslide victory for Edmundo González, a former ambassador and the unified opposition’s presidential candidate.........The opposition has already gotten hold of most of those printouts, or actas, as they are called in Spanish, and knows it won the election........

Kamala Gives Seal of Approval for Venezuela Election - The United States Secretary of State joined just about everyone else in accusing the Maduro government in Venezuela of rigging the presidential election this week.  Blinkin was very clear, in diplomaticspeak at least, that the results were cooked. Almost everybody around the world agrees--exit polls showed that the opposition would score a massive victory, there are videos of thugs assaulting voters and stealing ballot boxes, and early returns were showing a massive loss for Maduro.  Then, the government declared that Maduro won. It was obviously not true........Everybody knows the election was cooked, except one person: Kamala Harris.

The Remarkable Transformation of Kamala Harris: ‘TGINB’ -Deane Waldman -An analysis into the consecration of Kamala Harris.Until Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee, she was one of the most unpopular high-ranking politicians in recent times; on July 21, 2024, she became the apparent savior of the Democrat party and the nation. How can one explain this remarkable turnaround when she has consistently been on the unpopular (leftist) side of the three big issues—crime, inflation, and the border—for Americans?............
Harris and Walz Go for Mainstream Howard J. Warner These two radicals hope to fool America into thinking they’re reasonable. Can Donald Trump thwart them? 
Kamala campaign admits misleading voters on Trump, Project 2025  - A campaign official for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris acknowledged Wednesday that the vice president is deliberately misleading voters about Project 2025. CNN first reported the stunning admission as part of a fact-check article accusing Harris of making false claims about Project 2025 and former President Donald Trump's stance on Social Security. CNN's Daniel Dale revealed: A Harris campaign official said the campaign has "made a deliberate decision to brand all of Trump's policies" as "Project 2025," since they believe "it has stuck with voters."...
WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps!No one clapped when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) formally and emphatically offered his support — and that of fellow Democrats — for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, and the awkward moment went viral following his announcement Tuesday in a press conference. “President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer said at the beginning of the press conference, asserting that Harris has successfully earned the support of Democrats for the nomination, bizarrely claiming that this decision was from the grassroots up......
What sort of chaos can we expect at the Democrat Convention?  - The Chicago DNC Convention is on.  Comparisons to the last Chicago DNC Convention back in 1968 make Democrats nervous.  Convention-goers are being told not to use their real names when checking in for fear of being targeted.  Law enforcement assures Chicagoans and the country that they have everything under control.  They don’t. Ferguson, Minneapolis, New York City, San Francisco, and almost every Democrat-controlled city are tinderboxes waiting for the match.  Whether the issue was BLM, organized theft, Hamas, or just plain wilding in the streets tangentially connected to Use of Force incidents by the police, the purveyors of violence know something you don’t: politicians and woke police leadership will not use necessary overwhelming force to quell violence and destruction and theft of property.  Riots and violence are on the way...
Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020?A second victory is going to require more than just ‘winning hearts and minds.’  A plot to steal the 2024 election from President Trump is well underway, and not just by suppressing information online or dragging Trump through the court system. Those are instances of throwing anything and everything at the wall hoping something sticks, but not the master plan. The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. We know this because those behind these plots are openly revealing them......
The philosophy of all leftists was exemplified by another criminal group in the 1948 film The Treasure of Sierra Madre, stated by Mexican bandit leader "Gold Hat" (portrayed by Alfonso Bedoya, trying to convince Fred C. Dobbs (portrayed by Humphrey Bogart), that he and his band of cut throats were legitimate.  I think my paraphrasing below is the perfect representation of the leftist philosophy, even if unspoken:
Rules?   We ain't got no rules.  We don't need no rules.  We don't have to show you any stinkin rules!

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