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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 26, 2024

Highly Educated, Very Intelligent, and Under Smart

By Rich Kozlovich 

Over the years I've discovered I.Q. is highly overrated. Einstein was alleged to have a 160 IQ but he never took an IQ test, so that's pure speculation, and I think highly under speculated. 

My now passed friend Dr. Jay Lehr was at Princeton while Einstein was there and he said Einstein agreed to give a series of lectures, it was either five or seven lectures, I think it was seven, and during the first couple of lectures you couldn't beg, steal, or borrow a seat in that lecture hall it was so packed.

Jay said at the end of that series there were a lot of empty seats.  I was surprised and asked why.  He said Einstein was lecturing to some of the smartest people in the world, and they didn't have a clue what he was talking about.  Can you imagine what that did to their egos?  And they didn't dare say Einstein didn't know what he was talking about since it was a world wide view he was the smartest man in the world.  

When it came to physics, he was brilliant, but the trouble with these brilliant minds is they seem to think they can opine all all subjects with equal brilliance.  They can't.  Einstein thought socialism a was a good thing. It's not, it's a failure and it's evil, and the green movement is part of that.  Einstein is alleged to have said if all the honey bees died we'd only have four years go live.  Well, he was a great physicist, but he was a lousy entomologist.   One of the things I've discovered about these brilliant minds is like everyone else, they're limited to what they know, and what they can do.

Years ago I remember everyone talking about Stephen Hawking being the smartest man in the world, also with an IQ of 160, which isn't all that high in his field, an IQ he shared with Jane Mansfield.  She had a 165 IQ.   At any rate since everyone was so enthused about his brilliance, I thought I ought to see what he thinks about things.   While he was considered a brilliant physicist, and I won't argue that point, because I was just like those scientists at Princeton, I didn't have a clue what he was talking about.  At least until he deviated from all that theoretical physics into social issues.  

Social issues are all about history, logic, and provable facts, and guess what, as he deviated outside his realm of expertise I realized he was dumb as dirt, merely mouthing the consensus memes from academia, because culture is king.   It seems to me Hawking was like a lot of over educated, highly intelligent, but under smart people who need to stay in their little world rather than pushing themselves into the public spot light making "pronouncements" about things they really don't understand.   

His realm is mathematical speculation, much of it unprovable.  My realm is history, logic, facts, and reality.  From my point of view - outside his area of expertise - I didn't think he was all that bright.  On May 4, 2017, Alex Berezow  stated:

There's no doubt that Stephen Hawking is one of the most brilliant scientists to have ever lived.  There's also no doubt that he enjoys giving his opinion on topics of which he knows absolutely nothing.......  He voiced opinions on climate change, asteroid strikes, epidemics, and overpopulation, and he was wrong on each count. 

Jay Lehr was a great defender of actual science and a magnificent foe to junk science.  He told me the White House called him to say the President decided to take his advice to abandon the Paris Climate treaty.   Here was the slide show he showed the President.

Stephen Hawking totally abandoned science on this issue.  When asked what he thought of the President's decision to abandoning the Paris Climate Accord he pontificated:

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible.” .....“Trump’s action could push the earth over the brink to become like Venus, with a temperature of over 250 degrees and raining sulfuric acid,” ..... “Climate change is one of the great dangers we face,”.......“and it’s one we can prevent, if we act now.”......“By denying the evidence for climate change, and pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world for us and our children,......”

What nonsense!  The Earth's climate has always been in a state of change.  Climate change is all natural, it's cyclical, and mankind has nothing to do with it.  There's no irreversible tipping point. Each and every prediction, mostly based on computer models designed to give the answers the warmists want, and outright lies to scare humanity for political purposes, have come and gone, or are failing.  As for the Earth becoming like Venus, John J. Ray of Greenie Watch noted:

He wants more government control so is prepared to speak nonsense to facilitate it. He knows as well as I do that the high Venusian surface temperature is an adiabatic effect -- a function of the great weight (hence pressure) exerted by the huge Venusian atmosphere. The earth has no such atmosphere so anything similar on earth cannot occur......

Did  you know that?  I didn't know that, but Hawking had to know that, so, not only is he wrong, it's clear he must have deliberately lied, and now I find he might not have been the brightest pebble in the brook when it comes to physics either.  It's being claimed mathematicians have proven Hawking was wrong about the most extreme black holes.   

I would happily explain it to you, but I don't have a clue what they're talking about either, and apparently neither did Stephen Hawking.  Highly educated, very intelligent, and under smart!

The motto of science is supposed to be "de omnibus dubitandum", everything is to be questioned!  Unless it impacts grant money.  Truth is no longer the golden calf of science, it's grant money.  All these Lysenkoian scientists who have jumped onto the grant money band wagon promoting the fraud of anthropogenic climate change have made scientific integrity an oxymoron.  Hawking was no better, as anthropogenic climate change is a massive fraud, and there was so much evidence of that right from the very beginning, he had to know that.  But culture is king, and academia is a viper's pit of scientific corruption.

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