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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pay Attention! He's a Kennedy!!!!!

By Rich Kozlovich

I gotta tell ya, I can't believe all the warm and fuzzy claptrap coming from conservatives over RFK, Jr's "Road to Damascus" conversion by dropping out of the race and endorsing Trump. 

He's not being selfless! Pay attention folks, history is everything, culture is king, and he's not going MAGA. Get over it!  He's always been a left wing nutroll who's angry because he isn't being allowed to play in the left wing nutroll sand box any longer.  So now he wants to punish all these former nutroll collaborators he was so cozy with for all these years.  However, I think there may be more going on here than meets the eye.  I'll tell you what, we'll come back to that.  

Here was my article, Grading Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Curve, so have no doubt he is in no way a moderate.  He's a far left walking disaster, so, stop gushing over this guy.  Just say thanks, and then move on.  

The Democrats are more like a criminal organization than a political party, and he wanted to be their head.  He had to know how corrupt they've become, and his family has to know how corrupt they are, and yet they publicly condemned him for running against "the party" of treason.  His sister Kerry saying "he betrayed the family and everything they stand for."  Well that pretty much sums up the Kennedy family, corrupt in thought and action, going back to old Joe Kennedy the family patriarch.

There was some talk of Republicans supporting him because he took a stand on free speech, and a stand against these false vaccines for covid.  But he's a total antivax nutcase, he's against all vaccinations.  It's kinda like a clock that doesn't work.  It's absolutely right twice a day.  Hardly a touchstone for reliability or trustworthiness.   

On May 11, 2024, Sarah Arnold claimed any Republican support will change when they get a look at his real views reporting:

Supports push to clean energy and zero emissions, supports eliminating fracking, endorsed Bernie’s climate plan, supports divesting from fossil fuels, supports carbon tax, supports Paris Climate Accords, called the NRA a ‘terror group,’ supports affirmative action, supports reparations, supports amnesty for non-violent drug offenders, wants to ‘transform the police,’ called Louis Farrakhan a ‘truly great partner,’ supports raising minimum wage to $15/hour, supports labor unions, supports raising taxes, endorsed Al Gore in 2000, endorsed John Kerry in 2004, claimed 2004 election was stolen, donated to Obama, endorsed Hillary Clinton for Senate in 2000, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2007, repeatedly praised Bernie Sanders, a ‘sin’ for people to not address global warming, blamed America for causing 9/11, supports ESG,” and “called Fidel Castro ‘incredibly charming.’ Via the Daily Wire."

Wow!  Can you name one thing listed there Republicans and conservatives would or should like?  How about this for an answer.  NO, there isn't, not one!

On Saturday August 24, 2024 Dawn Merrill published this gag inducing adoring article, The RFK, Jr. shift upends the landscape of the election saying:

He did it. He went and did it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. suspended his campaign and threw his support to Donald Trump.   It really kind of came out of the blue, I didn’t have it on my bingo card.  But here we are.  Sadly,  there are many “concern trolls” out in force on the right, wailing like spoiled children that RFK, Jr. is not “pure” enough.  He’s a gun control freak!  He’s a global warming alarmist!  He’s a nut who has far too radical a stance on vaccines!  He's pro-abortion. And so on.  To be fair, in some ways, he is all of the above.  But his record on environmentalism is not exactly one of global warming extremism, but more what used to be actual environmental concerns.  His research and issues with nutrition and medical overreach are very valid arguments.  Don’t listen to the concern trolls.

First off, she was clearly clueless as to what was happening right in front of everyone, so she already laid foundation to justify ignoring her views, and secondly, she has no idea what a troll actually is.  Presenting rational history based arguments, isn't trolling.

Interesting article?  Well, whether one thinks so or not, here is what her article really was.  Wrong! Kennedy is a radical leftist.  Once again, when it comes to health issues, he was right regarding the false vaccines forced on society, but that was because he's against ALL vaccines, so in no way can that be construed as an act of moral courage. 

There's is no "moderate" position regarding the environmentalists global warming initiatives. It's a fraud, which I've been writing about and reporting about for over 15 years.  It's an even a bigger fraud than the covid fraud, both of which are nothing but an effort to impose tyranny on the nation, and the world.  And not only did he not stand as a rock in the current against it, he even wants those who challenge that fraud thrown in jail, calling them war criminals, and that's bold for a man who has consorted with the nation's most virulent anti-semites.

If someone tells you they hate you, you should believe them, and he hates conservatives because he hates all organizations that promote conservative values, such as:

"The Cato Institute, The Heritage Foundation, Cooler Heads Coalition, Global Climate Coalition, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Americans for Prosperity, Heartland Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), George C. Marshall Institute, State Policy Network, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and American Enterprise Institute (AEI)".   His view is: "These front groups," ……. "are snake pits for sociopaths." 

If you're a conservative, he hates you, he says so, and you should believe him. RFK, Jr. as an ally is at best a leaky vessel, and that’s being kind!  And he's a Kennedy!  Nuf Ced?

Finally, I'm betting if Trump wins we'll see unending clabber how it was Kennedy who put him over the top, taking and getting credit for that which would be totally unprovable either way.  But he'll take the credit for it anyway, so make no mistake about that.  

Which brings me to this. 

Why do I really think he's doing all he's done and is doing now?  I think he's laying ground work for a take over of the Democrat party by demanding they purge the dingdongs now running it.   I know that's really Machiavellian, but....He's a Kennedy!  Do I think he can do it?

The party has no bench, the leaders are at an age where they're going to be dropping dead soon, and the young "leaders" are just like AOC, stunningly destructive hate filled radicals who are clueless, and stupid. But if Trump is elected, and the Senate and House go Republican that may leave enough "moderate" Democrats  to make it happen, so, I think it's possible. 

One last note.  There's no such thing as a "moderate" Democrat.  If they're an elected Democrat, they're all just like Kennedy, a radical left wing nutroll.  None others need apply, the fact remains, Democrats hate America. 

Update:  This appeared today at American Thinker, Mark Levin rips the mask off the anti-democratic 'thug' Kamala Harris in his FOX News show saying:

In closing his FOX News program yesterday, Levin quoted these lines from the first chapter of his prescient book, The Democrat Party Hates America, published in September 2023.

Inevitably, the Democrat party's infinite cultural, economic, and political interventions, always in the name of the people and some virtuous worthy cause, lead to the steady decline of liberty, and the steady rise of totalitarianism, and the exploitation of the people. 

Fewer and fewer masterminds, with an ever-increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, reign over the citizenry and decide what is and what is not good for them. The abuses of power are limitless, as are the justifications. And slowly but surely, the people get used to it, even vote for it, until one day its grip is too tight. Then it is too late.

In this, and virtually all else it does, the Democrat Party's loathing of America is boundless.


  1. It's like you have read my mind! To understand how much RFK Jr. hates conservatives, all you have to do is read his book on Fauci. It's mentioned numerous times. Thanks for this article. I'm sending this to family.

    1. You're welcome and thanks for your interest.

  2. I have read his book on Fauci. He makes perfect sense on the vaccine issues and the Covid nonsense. He would be a great addition to the Trump administration as a watchdog on the Med/Pharma industry. Everyone of whatever political persuasion should read his book. Unless, you agree with the corrupt, greedy entity that is the medical establishment.

  3. The pharmaceutical industry has some serious issues that need to be dealt with, and some of them need to be put in jail, but that's true of every industry. We can't ignore the massive good pharmaceuticals have done for humanity. Kennedy is a eco, anti-vax nut. He absolutely is not the choice for any fixing that needs to be done.
