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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Kamala The Borg Queen

If it walks like a communist, and if it talks like a communist, it's a communist. 

By Rich Kozlovich,  Tags:


The media is doing everything it can to transform Kamala from the twit they all knew her to be, into a miraculous Democrat messianic domestic and foreign relations genius, and the media has abandoned the stunningly small vestiges of integrity they had left.  And you thought with Biden, it just couldn't have gotten any worse.

  1. Pro-Kamala Media Ridicule Her Economic Plans: ‘Gimmicks,’ ‘Not Sensible’
  2. Exclusive — McCormick: Biggest Problem in PA is Big Government Embraced by Harris-Walz and Bob Casey
She's promising to give America away, but remember, she's giving nothing to anyone.  The public is being gouged in order for her to give our money away, massively, to those who are undeserving, lazy, corrupt, criminal, and incompetent.  All undeserving including, and especially illegal aliens.  I ask you this.  If given the choice, would you willingly give these leeches your money?  If the answer's no, then why would you allow her to steal it from you to give it to them?  Perhaps we should ask the New Yorkers who can't afford to flee to Florida or Texas if they like spending $5.5 Billion on New York City’s agencies and landlords to house illegal immigrants. 

Kamala is the the Borg Queen from Star Trek, and if she's elected, she will do all she can to turn America into a tyrannous Marxist state.  

Resistance is futile, you will obey, and you will serve

Are you willing for that to be your life?  Are you ready for that to be your life?  Her promises are not only empty, but stupid, and disastrous, and it's clear she's a economic ignoramus surrounded by those who are even less competent. 

She rails against price gouging, but let's take a look at the alleged gouging profit margins of one prominent grocery chain.  That's not gouging.  If Kamala starts setting economic boundaries, on food, you had better get ready for food lines and shortages, right along with shortages on drugs, and housing.  Just like it was in the USSR, and it will destroy the force of nature America capitalism is when allowed to innovate and create wealth.   Where in the Constitution does it give Kamala the legal authority to confiscate drug patents in order to control pricing?  End result, no new drugs.  

I was an exterminator for forty years, owning my own company for thirty, and over thirty years ago it cost 300 million dollars to bring a pesticide to market.  One year Bayer tested 25 compounds, and none of them made it to market, that costs....big time.   It costs billions to bring a drug to market!   That money has to be recovered, along with the equivalent amount, and far more for future research for the development of new drugs, and the manufacturers want to make a lot of money.   If there is no money, there is no product!

If you're a moral person that should bother you, since many will not be able to afford these life saving drugs. While we all want perfection, perfection isn't possible, it's never been possible.   So, if you're a rational person you MUST recognize the best we can hope for is the most acceptable imperfection, and that's capitalism.  So, again, if there's no money, there's no product.  It really is that simple.  

We need to take the long view of all this understanding when these products go out of patent the costs will drop dramatically and untold millions of lives will be saved that wouldn't have been saved if these products were never developed.  But those compounds had to be paid for first. 

Ignore the hype and rigged polls, Kamala isn't resonating with America, and without rock stars at her rally, she can barely fill a room.  Catholics are finally getting the message the Democrats hate them, and now we find Congress is investigating Walz for his Chinese communist ties. 

And the hits just keep right on coming.  

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