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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Let Kamala Be Kamala

If it walks like a communist, if it talks like a communist, it's a communist.

By Rich Kozlovich 

For those old enough to remember Ronald Reagan we can remember when conservatives wre sick of everyone saying what Reagan should do, What Reagan should say, and just flat out said:  "Let Reagan be Reagan!"  Why?  Because he was articulate and he was smart, and he knew how what he was talking about.   He knew and understood what he wanted and he was very well read, and well practiced a public speaking, and good at it off the cuff challenges.  

All the media talking heads and corrupt propagandists for the Democrat party at the NYT, WAPO, and others claimed he was dumb.   But Sam Donaldson, no Reagan fan by any stretch of the imagination, said when he was seated at a table with Reagan he was amazed at what a good mind he had. 

A one time famous writer and media personality Bob Novak said when he and his Inside Report partner Rowland Evans interviewed him and asked Reagan who were his favorite economists.  Reagan paused and thought for a while.  They thought they had him, until he gave them his list.  They had to look them up to see who they were. 

Conservatives wanted Reagan to be Reagan because he was a winner. 

On August19, 2024,  Matt Vespa published this article about Kamala's views on how she's going to pay for the stuff she's promising, and what Democratic elections are all about, and no one can make sense of what she's saying.  He goes on to say:

This woman is who Democrats think makes Donald Trump quake in his boots at the thought of debating her on a national stage. There’s a reason why the vice president’s team has kept her away from the media: she’s bound to crash into a wall. Without a teleprompter, Harris is lost, adrift, and exposes the faults and shortcomings that make her an unelectable presidential candidate. It’s pathetic at this point. She offered some gobbledygook about what this election means and then tried to explain how she will pay for her economic agenda, also known as Joe Biden’s record. 

I can’t transcribe it because it’s incoherent, but it’s something about earned income child tax credits and some magical theory about how things pay for themselves. Also, her plan will somehow reduce child poverty by 50 percent...........This person is someone who Democrats thought would be better. It’s not. It’s the same broken-down lemon of a car but with fewer miles and two working headlights. Republicans and Donald Trump need no longer to attack her awkward social skills—focus on these trip-ups, her record, and tie her to Joe Biden. Also, I can’t wait until she repeats this answer in front of a national audience next month.
Here's Monica Showalter's take on that event saying:
She doesn't even know what she is talking about, because she doesn't do homework......She ignored the question about paying for it, had no idea of what she was talking about and could only use the buzzword "investments" four times in her babbly, off-the-cuff response to questions about her plans to shovel out government cash, which will add a monstrous amount to the already unsustainable $35 trillion national debt. What do you do when you are in economic trouble? According to her, you whip out the government credit card. You let the other guy worry about "paying for it........... 

She's said people who commit crimes aren't criminals, that even if a football team loses it still wins, and the list goes on.  This wasn't an anomaly, that 'is" Kamala Harris. So, I say  conservatives really need to embrace the concept, "Let Kamala be Kamala!"  She's a loser. 
There is another explanation that's floating around to explain her irrational statements, is, she's a drunk, and allegedly her aides are having trouble keeping her sober. Is that true?  Well, this is new stuff, and it's now in the open, so I have to imagine it will be proven out one way or the other soon enough, but as Andrea Widburg says: 
......alcoholism helps explain Kamala’s incoherence and inappropriate cackling. 
Oh yeah, one more thing.  They also might want to let "Walz be Walz".   
Walz told high schoolers communism was a system where 'everyone shares'.  That must not have been in a history class.... or then again, maybe it is now.  Another good reason for Trump to eliminate the Department of Education.  Education in America is a dark hole of ignorance and corruption.  
According to Mike McDaniel:  Tim Walz performance as governor has been, well, tyrannical. Under his “leadership” Minnesota is in the top ten states for fleeing citizens, people taking their businesses, taxes and productivity with them. Walz was among the worst, most tyrannical governors during Covid, keeping citizens locked up in their homes, kids out of school and everyone masked longer than virtually every other state. He was among those governors who sent people infected with Covid into nursing homes unnecessarily killing elderly Minnesotans. And in the finest communist tradition of having informers on every block, he established a hot line for Minnesotans to snitch on their neighbors for violating his rules.
He might like to explain why he didn't send national guard troops to stop rioters from burning down Minnesota, and and why his daughter tipped off the rioters. That should be an interesting conversation, provided he submits to questions by someone like Tucker Carlson.   
As for his position on abortion, even Nancy Pelosi thinks it's a bit much for the public to take.  It isn't that she disagrees, it's that she would rather hide the truth of their irrational, misanthropic, and morally defective views being publicly aired.
So, here's my take on this, if you let the both of them talk, and talk, and talk, what could possibly go wrong, for Trump?  The more they talk the more insane they sound, and the more ridiculous the Democrat party apparatchiks appear trying to defend them, and the the Pravda media's irrational twisting of the facts and events to make them look anything but "weird" will cost them whatever vestiges of credibility they have left with humanity.  And the sooner 
 CNN and all these other corrupt organizations that are supposed to be delivering actual news instead of leftist propaganda go out of business the better it will be for humanity.

That makes it a good day in the neighborhood!

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