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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Gazette: Kamala Harris Dictatorship

By Rich Kozlovich

This is part of a series of gazettes outlining who and what Kamala really is, what she stands for, what she represents, and the disasters that surrounds she and all of her peers, which is the desire to destroy America as it was founded, which is why they're doing everything in their power to destroy the Constitution, they only thing standing between freedom and a socialist system of world governance under the auspices of the most corrupt institution ever created, the United Nations, molded by the World Economic Forum, and controlled by China.  

This cartoon will be part of each gazette. 


Make no mistake.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are absolutely antisemites, anti-Christian, anti-White racists, and anti-American in their views and their actions.   Lies, deceit, corruption, and destruction is at the heart of who and what they are.  And if elected, that's what they will promote.  

The effort to whitewash their history is failing, but it's exposing the corruption that surrounds them, but that exposure isn't being done by what's now being called the 'legacy' media, including their desire to defraud the election process with these illegal non-citizens, and allowing them to destroy America's major cities. Cities that will take decades to recover, and some may never come back.  

It it walks like a communist, and if it talks like a communist, it's a communist.

Tags: The Kamala Policy Conundrum, The Reality of Kamala, Kamala Now Reigneth!, So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!, Intelligence Alert!, Kamala Harris Weekly, Almost!,Kamala Harris Weekly, Part I, Kamala Harris Weekly, Part II, Kamala Harris Watch, Part III

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Kamala Harris tried to scare conservatives into silence -Shortly after President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday, he endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris, in what is now an open Democratic primary. In addition to Biden's endorsement, Harris enjoys many advantages, such as the fact that her candidacy will face fewer fundraising and ballot-qualifying challenges than other potential candidates in her party at this late date in the election cycle. Yet, she also faces potential liabilities, too. Republicans often mock her for using awkward turns of phrase such as "what can be, unburdened by what has been," and for her high-pitched laugh, which many compare to that of a hyena........
Democracy is Under Attack, But Not By Trump Matt Kane Biden's withdrawal serves as proof that it is Biden and his party who are attacking democracy, not President Trump. Joe Biden has officially withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. Despite his persistent claims that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and that he would be the one to defeat him, Biden's withdrawal serves as proof that it is Biden and his party who are attacking democracy, not President Trump.  Despite President Trump taking many actions in his first term that made America safer and more prosperous, Democrats have relentlessly attempted to paint him as a tyrannical threat to democracy since he announced his 2024 bid for the White House. They cite issues such as “election denialism,” the January 6th “insurrection,” alleged “attacks on reproductive rights,” and his sarcastic comment about being a dictator for just one day as evidence that he is a dictator-in-waiting and a threat to democracy. However, keeping the definition of democracy in mind, these claims are categorically untrue..........
Who’s the ‘wannabe dictator’? The one who wants to take your guns - What’s the first thing a dictator does when he takes over?  Confiscate guns. What does counterfeit Kamala want to do when she takes over?  Confiscate guns. What has always been the primary obsession of the Un-Democratic Party?  Confiscating guns. To quote the vice president at her first presidential campaign rally: We who believe that every person in our nation ... who should have the freedom to live safe from the terror of gun violence (applause) will finally pass red flag laws, universal background checks, and an assault weapons ban.  (Applause.)  Unconstitutional “red flag” laws mean that innocent persons can have their guns confiscated without due process for merely “acquiring a gun, other deadly weapon, dangerous instrument, or any ammunition therefor,” in the case of New York State.  Or even “evidence of acquisition of body armor” in the People’s Republic of California.  Universal background checks will mean a national gun registry to facilitate gun confiscation.  And an assault weapons ban will mean these weapons in common use will be confiscated....
Ted Cruz Warns Biden-Harris Supreme Court Reform Plan Aims to Destroy It. - Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) expressed concern this week regarding Joe Biden’s intentions to radically transform the U.S. Supreme Court, accusing the 81-year-old Democrat of launching an effort to undermine the institution. The Texas Republican said that by "reform," Biden means he wants to "destroy" the court in comments made during the latest episode of his "Verdict" podcast. .......

Freeing America From The Shackles Of Big Government- Once, when we were free, we were the greatest nation on earth; now, we are a small nation with a big government. If he has the courage and vision, Trump can reverse that.   Now is a good time to think about this because last week marked the 55th anniversary of man landing on the moon. Impelled by the words of a murdered president, Americans achieved what was easily the most technologically complex operation man ever undertook. A mere 66 years after the Wright Brother’s first flight, Americans had not only sent men to walk on and plant their flag on the Moon but, even more impressively, had returned them to earth safely.........

The philosophy of all leftists was exemplified by another criminal group in the 1948 film The Treasure of Sierra Madre, stated by Mexican bandit leader "Gold Hat" (portrayed by Alfonso Bedoya, trying to convince Fred C. Dobbs (portrayed by Humphrey Bogart), that he and his band of cut throats were legitimate.  I think my paraphrasing below is the perfect representation of the leftist philosophy, even if unspoken:
Rules?   We ain't got no rules.  We don't need no rules.  We don't have to show you any stinkin rules!

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