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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ignore the Leftist Media

They want to depress MAGA

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

The leftist media is working overtime to make America First Patriots think Kamala Harris is running away with the election. (Insert cackle here.) Do NOT let the media destroy your confidence in America’s bounty and beauty to Make America Great Again.

Yes, Kamala might get a post-convention bounce (like how she bounced around Willie Brown?), but the smart money and honest polling still favors Donald Trump. At the same time, President Trump must focus entirely on Harris/Biden failed policies. Among ourselves, we can joke about Kamala’s ever-changing racial identity, childish utterances, sexual dalliances and embarrassing cackling, but when we speak to people who don’t follow politics the way we do … let’s focus solely on Harris/Biden failures:

  1. Rising unemployment 
  2. Migrant crime wave Inflation Illegals (not veterans) getting freebies 
  3. Trans indoctrination 
  4. Growing homeless populations 
  5. Multiple global conflicts 
  6. Pro-Hamas, pro-antifa positions 
  7. National debt surging 
  8.  Looming Medicare collapse 
  9. Social INsecurity 
  10. High mortgage interest rates

Kamala and Tim are nitwits, who were made for each other, and the Pravda media is a well of intellectually cancerous pathogens that have eaten away any level of honesty or integrity.

Biden was brilliant, and then overnight he was a nitwit, and they all jumped on board with righteous indignation, he had to go for the good of the party.

Before that Kamala was a twit, and then overnight she was brilliant, amazing, insightful and the future of America.  

There's no fixing stupid, so they'll stay on board and continue to rot their minds and their integrity in that sweltering sewer of villainy.

Read the TRUMP AGENDA 47

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