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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, August 17, 2024

It's the Democrats Stupid!

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  If you wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

In 1992, Democrat strategist James Carville coined the message, “It’s the economy, stupid” to help Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton win his presidential election against incumbent George H. W. Bush. Carville wanted everyone to focus on the message—the economy— not Bush’s personality. Republicans need to modify that to “It’s the Democrat Party, stupid.” 

It does not matter who is on their ticket (Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or Bozo the Clown), it’s the Democrat Party’s POLICIES that we are running against. From Guy Miller of North Carolina:

Natalie Winters, who is probably around 25, is the producer of THE WAR ROOM, and is serving as host while Steve Bannon continues serving his castigo in Federal penitentiary. She made a point on August 5. Kamala Harris is not the enemy of America. She is nothing but a name, now one of two, planned for the top of the Democrat Party ticket this fall. Individually reprehensible though she might be, she should never be the target of the Republican Party in this election campaign.

The enemy of United States of America and the American public is the Democrat Party. It wouldn’t matter if the Democrat Party put Daffy Duck up as their Presidential nominee — it is the Democrat Party that must be defeated, not some individual candidate. I know it’s so easy and fun to bash individual Democrats, especially Kamala Harris and now Tim Walz. But don’t fall for the temptation.

Haggling over how bad Kamala or Walz is does absolutely nothing to carry the down-ballot candidates for the Republicans. All it does is make them sympathetic characters in this election. It is the policies and the political record of the Democrat Party that must be attacked and demolished. It will accomplish nothing to win the White House and lose both houses of Congress.

The only hope for the salvation of the United States of America is to turn out the entire slate of Democrat Party elected officials in every position in every governmental office in every state, county and municipality, as well as the White House. Anything less this fall makes it likely that America, the idea, the nation, the hope of the world, is preparing to go down the drain forever.

Read “In Politics, There Are No Coincidences” by Rich Kozlovich.

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