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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

In Politics, There Are No Coincidences

By Rich Kozlovich

I think anyone who's ever watched one of the many crime shows that have appeared on TV have heard the hero say:  I don't believe in coincidences.  Well, we know in the real world that's not true so why do they say it?  Because more often than not in a criminal investigation it is true.  And that's because the  parameters are much more narrow than life over all.  There are fewer characters or circumstances involved, ergo, the potential for coincidental occurrences is less, and in the professional lives of those who deal with criminal activity find over and over again, there are no coincidences.  

Well, that also true in politics, especially geopolitics.  In a world with over seven billion people we find there are actually very few real power brokers, and they talk, they plan, they scheme, they organize, and they implement their schemes in order to impact humanity, and when it's done at that level, it's overwhelming good for a small, wealthy and powerful elite, but not for the overall good of humanity.  

As Charles Martel notes the in Canada Free Press:

All and everything is a continual storm of Chaotic Chaos, thundering down from every direction drowning and smothering us in a toxic sludge from which there is no escape. From Law and Order, to Economic Strength and Individual Freedom, all of it, everything we’ve known, expected, took for granted and assumed was an inherited right is daily eroded. What was once a nation resembles nothing so much as a pot of rancid garbage shoved down a cannon barrel and fired into a brick wall.  Hope is hard to see, let alone to come by...

As I've watched this attack on SCOTUS playing out I've kept a file on all this because I knew there was a much bigger story to be told than just the attack on Clarence Thomas.  But let's start with the left's outrageous attack on Justice Thomas, who I think has been the finest sitting SCOTUS jurist in my lifetime, and I'm 78.

As a side bar, for years everyone kept declaring the Thomas was Justice Scalia's follower.  Don't believe it.  I read his book, My Grandfather's Son, and then I followed his actions on the court over the years and if anyone was following anyone.  Scalia was following Thomas. 

Thomas is a justice to be feared by the left, and done so in the most hateful and rabid manner.  Why? Well, he actually can tell the difference between a man and a woman, believes the Constitution is what is says and not what some jurist thinks it should say, and the government works for the people not the other way around.   That sort of unwokeness just cannot be tolerated. Especially from a black man in a powerful position who just won't live on the Democrat plantation. 

 "The bitter truth is that the ‘Long March’ worked! It took time, but now we face this massive challenge of how to root it out of our federal, state, and local governments, along with our military, universities, media, school boards, etc.................Destroy the middle class, render impotent parental rights, isolate the church as a spewer of hate and intolerance, render ineffective the rule of law, demean the history and the Constitution of these United States. In concert with global elites, the media elite, and the toxic leftist bilge that is constantly oozing from their seats of power, they are doing just that."

But when you sow the wind, you can reap the whirlwind.

It Turns Out Liberal Justices Are Caught Up in Their Own Ethics Concerns - Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have been absolutely apoplectic over what they are ethics concerns involving financial disclosures with conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court. While these attacks are nothing new, especially when it comes to the crusade against Justice Clarence Thomas, it's noticeably ratcheted up to become nearly a daily obsession. And it's also worth mentioning that Justice Sonia Sotomayor is herself making news......

Is it any wonder they're so aggressively attacking the Supreme Court for overturning all the vile, and totally unconstitutional SCOTUS decisions, such as Roe v. Wade, the Chevron Doctrine, WOTUS,and establishing vital Constitutional values such as Presidential Immunity, which the left is against that, at least since it applies to a Republican.  

If a Democrat is involved, then watch the worm turn because a Democrat President must be above prosecution.  Consistency, honesty, integrity, and character is a real problem for the left, but it's the Republicans who are weird!  Imagine that!

We have to recognize when the left is being scandalize for their corruption and incompetence, the media will come to their rescue and create a "scandal" for their opponents, no matter how inconsequential or even false it may be in order to refocus the public's attention, since the public's attention span is stunningly short. 

We need to always remember when it comes to the media, nothing is ever as it appears, there are no coincidences, and everything must be questioned, no matter what it involves. 

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