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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Gazette: The History of Kamala

 By Rich Kozlovich 

This is part of a series of gazettes outlining who and what Kamala really is, what she stands for, what she represents, and the disasters that surrounds she and all of her peers, which is the desire to destroy America as it was founded, which is why they're doing everything in their power to destroy the Constitution, they only thing standing between freedom and a socialist system of world governance under the auspices of the most corrupt institution ever created, the United Nations, molded by the World Economic Forum, and controlled by China. 

This cartoon will be part of each gazette. 


Make no mistake.  Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are absolutely antisemites, anti-Christian, anti-White racists, and anti-American in their views and their actions.   Lies, deceit, corruption, and destruction is at the heart of who and what they are.  And if elected, that's what they will promote.  

The effort to whitewash their history is failing, but it's exposing the corruption that surrounds them, but that exposure isn't being done by what's now being called the 'legacy' media, including their desire to defraud the election process with these illegal non-citizens, and allowing them to destroy America's major cities. Cities that will take decades to recover, and some may never come back.  

If it walks like a communist, if it talks like a communist, it's a communist! 

Tags: The Kamala Policy Conundrum, The Reality of Kamala, Kamala Now Reigneth!, So, It's Kamala? Really? Then We Need a Little History Lesson!, Intelligence Alert!, Kamala Harris Weekly, Almost!,Kamala Harris Weekly, Part I, Kamala Harris Weekly, Part II, Kamala Harris Watch, Part III


Hurricane Kamala: The Perfect Storm to Collapse The Democrats' Burning House Douglas Schwartz Consider the happy set of circumstances that brought us here.  It’s easy to fall for the media’s uber-hype and begin to imagine the unthinkable -- that Kamala Harris can actually win.  The opposite conclusion is accurate.  She represents a perfect storm forming that will permanently collapse her party's burning house.  A happy set of circumstances brought us here.  The first was Joe Biden’s path to victory in 2020, which began in South Carolina during the Democrat primaries.  In a deal with Rep. James Clyburn, the necessary votes were delivered to Biden in exchange for appointing both a Black female vice president and Supreme Court justice..............

Carville: Kamala Had ‘Laundry List’ of Idiocy ' -

During an interview with PBS’s “Firing Line” that took place on Wednesday and was released on Friday, Democratic strategist James Carville said that 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris’ 2020 presidential run featured her going “through some laundry list of idiotic” stuff............

My Take - First, I just gotta say this.  Carville really is "weird". This is the same nitwit that recently said: The Harris/Walz act "classy" and the Trump/Vance act "trashy".   Well, I listed commentaries in that last week's P&D and the Week That Was,  about the "class" demonstrated by the Harris/Walz team, and it ain't pretty.  I've always thought Carville had a screw loose, and nothing he's said since then disproves that. RK

Clyburn: Trump Lies by Quoting Kamala’s Past Left-Wing Stances Gaslight America: ‘Her Record Is Very Clear’ -

On Friday’s “CNN News Central,” Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) stated that 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris should respond to the Trump campaign pointing to her prior remarks “With her record.” “But Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans just lie, lie, and lie.” Co-host Boris Sanchez asked, “[T]he Trump team is using some of Harris’ previous remarks about banning fracking, about demilitarizing the police, promoting Medicare for all to convince voters that she is a radical leftist. How do you think she should respond?

Remember When AG Heels Up Harris Indicted Planned Butcherhood Whistleblower? 

President Joe Biden gave his vice president a few jobs: he put Kamala Harris in charge of finding the "root causes" of mass migration to the U.S., he put her in charge of Space Force, and most recently he made her the administration's point person on abortion. She would tour the country in support of "women's health care." She became the first vice president to visit and tour an abortion clinic — it was a Planned Parenthood in Minnesota....

Media’s Version of Harris is Unburdened by History - Once again, the Democrats are offering up a woman candidate for president. And once again, it is an unlikeable candidate who owes her career to a far more skillful male politician. In Hillary’s case, it is her husband, Bill, a charismatic personality adept at the game. In Harris’s case, it was her lover Willie Brown who boosted her up the ladder and showered her with expensive gifts......

Kamala Was Made ‘Rural Broadband Czar’ Overseeing $42bn Program That Has Yet to Connect Anyone to Internet. Joe Biden tapped Kamala Harris to serve as the rural broadband czar in 2021. Part of her task was overseeing the implementation of a $42 billion program to connect Americans in rural and remote parts of the country to the Internet. According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) member Brendan Carr, however, after almost 1,000 days, not a single person has actually been connected to the web. ......  

Rep. Casten: Dems Who Voted to Rebuke Harris on Border Didn’t Mean It - On Thursday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) stated that the Democrats who voted to condemn 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris over her handling of the border were thinking, “this helps me hold my seat and it doesn’t really matter” because it’s not binding and won’t be taken up by the Senate......

Pritzker on Biden Waiting to Act on Border Despite Dem Outcry: Trump ‘Was the Beginning of the Cause of the Problem’ - On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “OutFront,” Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker (D) responded to a question on why President Joe Biden waited months to take action on the border even after Pritzker himself called the situation unsustainable, by arguing that 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump “did nothing for U.S. relations with Central and South America, and that really was the beginning of the cause of the problem at the border.” Host Erin Burnett asked, “[B]ack in October, you called the border situation untenable, undocumented immigrants are being sent to your state. It took eight months more, eight months after you call the situation untenable for President Biden to issue his executive order. Obviously, the Vice President had been charged with being a point person on the border issue for the Biden administration. How is this not going to be a major liability for her?”......

17 Facts Expose Kamala Harris’ Far-Left Record - Vice President Kamala Harris is not a moderate. GovTrack’s scorecard ranked her as the most radical senator in 2019, further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and leading writers of the New York Times rated Harris as the least electable of ten possible Democrat nominees. It is unlikely Harris will campaign on her record. Her policies are unlikely to resonate with voters in swing states or overcome objections about voters’ diminished standard of living under the Biden-Harris administration.  A majority of voters (51 percent) believe their financial position is worse off under the Biden-Harris administration’s economic policies, a Financial Times/Michigan Ross poll found in May.

Voters Are Asked Once Again to Name a Kamala Harris Accomplishment. The Responses Are Still Brutal. - Vice President Kamala Harris is beating her chest, claiming her record is better than that of former President Donald Trump. Why she is highlighting her resume of non-achievements is beyond me. For voters, they can’t name anything. There’s no single initiative to which voters can apply her name because it doesn’t exist. What does exist is a record of failure. Harris had a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, yesterday, and Peach State voters were dead silent about the Harris record. One woman admitted she never heard her speak until about a week ago...... 

Kamala Harris Is a Race Hustler Who Will Send White Men to the Back of the Line and Ignite Racial Animus -

Vice President Kamala Harris is a race hustler, a divider when the nation needs a unifier. If Democrats make Harris the nominee for the nation's top job, Americans will be given a stark choice in November: between racial preferences and fairness. A President Harris would rub raw the racial divisions in this country and ignite new violence in our streets......

Kamala a ‘Dues-Paying Member’ of San Francisco Church with Radical Pro-Reparations Pastor -

Vice President Kamala Harris, who Democrat leaders are backing to replace President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race, is reportedly a “dues-paying member” to a church where the pastor has called for reparations, even serving as a vice chair of California’s reparations task force.......

Trump Blasts Harris’s ‘Dangerously Extreme Immigration Policies’ Will Be ‘Exponentially Worse’ If She’s POTUSVice President Kamala Harris’s “dangerously extreme immigration policies” have led to the “largest invasion in history,” former President Donald Trump said during a press call on Tuesday, warning that the situation will get “exponentially worse” if she becomes president and highlighting her atrocious record, particularly in her capacity as “border czar.”

WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps!

No one clapped when Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) formally and emphatically offered his support — and that of fellow Democrats — for Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, and the awkward moment went viral following his announcement Tuesday in a press conference. “President Biden’s selfless decision has given the Democratic Party the opportunity to unite behind a new nominee. And boy, oh boy, are we enthusiastic,” Schumer said at the beginning of the press conference, asserting that Harris has successfully earned the support of Democrats for the nomination, bizarrely claiming that this decision was from the grassroots up......

Kamala Harris’s Radical Record Comes Back to Haunt House Democrats - Vice President Kamala Harris’s record on key issues, as she faces the 2024 general election, is already coming back to haunt House Democrats, per a report. Harris quickly established herself as the presumptive Democratic nominee after President Joe Biden’s sudden departure from the presidential race Sunday, which was aided by a behind-the-scenes pressure campaign from top Democrats......

The philosophy of all leftists was exemplified by another criminal group in the 1948 film The Treasure of Sierra Madre, stated by Mexican bandit leader "Gold Hat" (portrayed by Alfonso Bedoya, trying to convince Fred C. Dobbs (portrayed by Humphrey Bogart), that he and his band of cut throats were legitimate.  I think my paraphrasing below is the perfect representation of the leftist philosophy, even if unspoken:
Rules?   We ain't got no rules.  We don't need no rules.  We don't have to show you any stinkin rules!

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