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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Kamala Harris Weekly, Almost! By Rich Kozlovich

I was going to run a Kamala Harris Weekly, but I got side tracked because the number of issues that need to be addressed are almost overwhelming when you're work on all the news, and there's an awful a lot of news that's awful.  So this is my "almost" weekly update.  And one thing is abundantly clear.  Kamala's character is on display and is the disaster Democrats recognized when she was running for the Democratic nomination for President.  One she was forced to drop out of very early due to a lack of support....from her own state.  

Let's face it.  When you're big recommendation for success is sleeping to the middle, that's not much of a recommendation for President, and it's not a skill set that works for international success.


Biden and Harris are a disaster domestically and internationally.  These two misfits are going to make both Jimmy Carter and Obama look brilliant.  Unfortunately the sane people of America will have to suffer right along with the 45% who think this false President is doing a good job.  Tomorrow I'll cover his European trip, which was as successful for America as was Kamala's trip to Central America, both of which were an embarrassment, and neither of them recognize just how stupid and incompetent they are.  

What could go wrong!

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