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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Kamala Policy Conundrum

By Rich Kozlovich

Is the honeymoon over for Kamala the Messiah?  She became the "Democrats’ de facto nominee without receiving one presidential primary vote in her infamous political career." Her radical-left record, the failures of this administration are following her, and it's being noticed, hence the desire to make that record disappear.   She's not doing interviews because she looks like an idiot.  It's not the media she has to impress, they've already sold their integrity, it's the public, and that's not happening.

 According to some she had no brand that identifies her, as a result it's being claimed the GOP Doesn’t Know How to Deal with Harris Because She Changes Positions.   Well, that's just not true.  Maybe Mitt, Liz, Kasich, Bill Kristol, George Will, and McConnell would have trouble defining her, but Trump and Vance won't have a bit of trouble defining who and what she is. 

Kamala Harris has a radical record, and it's coming back to haunt the Democrat party, especially since at times her positions bounce back and forth. 

On energy policy, Kamala Harris is clueless July 30, 2024 by Chris Talgo Harris’ energy policies could potentially doom the future of the U.S. economy. 

Don't believe anything except this,  she's firm on unlimited immigration, alternative energy, and government tyranny.  Just because Biden decided not to run, that has nothing to do with policy changes.  No matter what she might say today,  Kamala is a Marxist, and will embrace every far left insanity Biden instituted and surpass that, but she's merely the symptom of the disease.  The Democrat party is the pathogenic infection that represents the greatest threat to America since WWII, and truth be told, no one in the Democrat leadership wanted her as their candidate, and it appears they weren't alone.  

  1. Policies’ Will Be ‘Exponentially Worse’ If She’s POTUS  
  2. WATCH: No One Claps as Schumer Endorses Harris…Asks for Applause, Still No One Claps!

On July 27, 2024 Mike McDaniel published this article, Two visions of America, outlining the left's view of what America should look, which I'm quoting, reorganizing, and paraphrasing,  saying:

We know through bitter experience, what their idea of prosperity, secure borders and world leadership look like.  Under the Biden/Harris Administration, “justice” means climate justice, trans justice, a two-tiered system aimed at Normal Americans and progressive’s political enemies.  Civil rights mean unlimited abortion, even after birth.

  1. Kamala Harris’ Extreme Abortion Policies Coming to a State Near You  
  2. Kamala’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, And Dangerously Extreme Approach To Abortion

Voting rights means unrestricted vote fraud, including mail-in ballots, drop boxes, no voter ID or signature verification, ballot harvesting, and illegal immigrants, felons and the dead voting. Open borders, citizenship for anyone entering the country, healthcare, welfare, transportation and housing for immigrants. Abolishment of all vote security laws.  Free college for everyone, particularly immigrants.

Abolishing the Second Amendment (Kamala Harris is far worse than Biden’s handlers in this, and every other, category). Defunding and ultimately abolishing local police (increasing the size and power of federal police forces goes without saying), all of which is necessary for a one-party state (tyranny of the majority).  Decriminalizing crime (except “crimes” against and by government). Decriminalizing crime (except “crimes” against and by government).

  1. Kamala Comms Director Previously Called to ‘Defund the Police’
  2. Consider her views on the criminal justice system from The Free Beacon: 
  3.  Kamala Harris Is a Dangerous Authoritarian 
  4. Take guns by force, ban fracking, legalize illegal aliens: Watch new ad revealing mind of Kamala
  5.  Who’s the ‘wannabe dictator’? The one who wants to take your guns

Spending, without limit, to combat the “Climate Crisis,” which includes electric vehicle mandates, ending internal combustion engines, ending oil, coal and natural gas, mandating wind and solar and so much more. Enhanced “efficiency standards” for all appliances. Efficiency mandates for home heating and air conditioning.

Dramatically increasing taxation. Dramatically increasing the size and power of government.

Abolishing private insurance and impose the same failed system of universal healthcare that "worked so well" for Canada and the UK.

Packing the Supreme Court and subordinating it to the Executive.Rule by executive order.  Federal control of education at all levels. Favored victim group “rights” take precedence over everyone else.  Mandating equity—equality of outcomes—rather than equality of opportunity.

And that's the tip of the iceberg, but hey, let's not too judgemental, after all the media assured us she didn't really mean any of that!   She was merely trying to appease the left, i.e. fool them into believing she supports their views.  But now she's different.   Yes sir, now she's trying to fool the rest of America.   But here's the reality of these leftist misfits.  Failure is meaningless to them and narrative is everything, because they never have to face the consequences of their failures.

No ideology in modern history has failed more drastically and with greater damage than leftism, yet in America and abroad, the new leftists march on, undeterred by the past.  Modern political history shows that these same people almost always avoid any personal liability for the destruction that they’ve wrought. In the Soviet countries, this mindset prevailed until the collapse of that abominable regime in 1991, but not before oppressing, enslaving, and murdering millions.

Unfortunately, this worldview persists even today. Adherence to ideological purity is valued above empirical evidence and objective truth, and is particularly prevalent among miseducated Western leftists who “identify as secular,” whereas those of us who believe in G-d are labeled “superstitious.” These are the archetypical “godless commies.” By traditional standards, they display appalling behavior. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, who had experience with this, once said, “If there is no G-d, everything is permitted.”  It's time out from the wall-to-wall celebration of Kamala Harris, “Democracy” and “Republic” are just magic words that political hypnotists use to put the voters into a trance.

Voters want the Executive branch and Congress to work together but they have no idea how that’s to be done when the philosophical divide between them is so enormous. 
There's one side who wants to spend far more than we have, borrow more than we can repay, and they want to do it all the way until oblivion. The end result is the destruction of the nation, and tyranny.
A second side merely wants to slow oblivion down.  As I've said for many years when asked what's the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is the Democrats want all your money and want to totally control our lives, and they want it now.  The Republicans are willing to wait a week or two, but that's now changing, and rapidly.
Then we have a third group wants to hold expenditures to current levels and a fourth group that wants to reverse to the whole process by cutting expenditures dramatically and dismantling huge sections of an overbearing, intrusive, incompetent, corrupt government that interprets the Constitution in such a way that makes society the servant and they the masters instead of the reverse. 
We now have an amazingly unique situation in America.  The nation has a President who is openly being called the stupidest President in history, saving Jimmy Carter from that distinction, who has dropped out of the 2024 election race, and now his Vice President, who's even dumber and more incompetent than he, wants the job and her party is now fully committed to getting it for her.   This is a candidate with no managerial skills at all, as 92% of her staff  left in her first three years in that office.  Even in Washington that's gotta be a record.
One thing should be abundantly clear is Kamala and her party really don't like America, Americans, freedom, and they really don't like the Constitution.
The Democrats don’t like America, claiming it's formation was an abomination, and will do whatever they can to turn America into an collectivist state, embracing a worldwide tyrannical socialist form of global governance controlling every aspect of our lives, creating an obedient unquestioning society.

Definition leads to clarity, and now you've been told.


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