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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Illegal Immigration Prospers Because None Dare Call it Treason!

"Consider the man who stands by his duty and goes to the stake rather than be recreant to it" (Mark Twain).
By Rich Kozlovich
Originally I published this article in 2014 with the title, Green Prospers Because None Dare Call it Treason!, but if you substitute green with any issue the left is pushing, the same rationale applies, and I intend to do just that, so, let's start with unrestricted illegal immigration. 
The title of this article is based on a quote from Sir John Harington who said “Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason[?] "For if it prosper, none dare call it treason”.  It seems to me that Harington was explaining how important it is that treason must be defined and called to account for what it is in order to prevent the success of traitors.  
Because if their treason should prosper - none can dare risk calling it treason any longer – that opportunity would have passed because the traitors are now in charge! But what if everyone stood up and called treason for what it is?  Would it prosper in the end?  Possibly, but the first stepping stone to clarity is the ability to properly define what constitutes treason.  Can we recognize treason when we see it?  And that’s the key isn’t it?  Defining treason – for without definition there’s no clarity, and there’s so much of it these days it’s hard to separate treason from opinion.  Let’s explore this!
Normally we associate treason with “the betrayal of allegiance or acts of disloyalty or treachery toward one's own country or its government” in an “attempt to overthrow the government”, especially by "committing hostile acts against it or aiding its enemies in committing such acts”.   It also involves efforts to “impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance”.   But the very foundation of what constitutes treason reaches far beyond that.  It’s a betrayal of  trust, confidence or faith.   We’ll expand on that later. 

Treason is such an ugly word.  It imputes so many ugly negative qualities to a person.  It means being a collaborator with the enemies of one’s society, embodying qualities such as cowardice, disloyalty, subversion, dishonesty, double crossing, being a sellout, knavery, a lack of fidelity and moral character.  Traitors work against the common good of the people whose habits, language and garb and common culture they share, while slyly working what is harmful to their associates, friends and even family.
Treason is an ugly word - but it fits for what it means to be green.

History is the fountain head of truth, and truth once spoken remains truth forever, we just have to keep making ourselves acquainted with it – regularly – or we forget what it is and can be easily swayed by every new philosophical flavor of the day!   I’ve used this quote often in the past attributed to Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 -43 BCE) , which is unendingly profound, even after 2000 years.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

(Editor's NoteWhile there's controversy as to whether he said it or not, but so what.  The thoughts resonate with logical and intellectually vibrancy, no matter who said them! RK)
Can any crime be feared more? 

People typically need some sort of intellectual justification to support and explain their actions, and yet often times the positions they take has nothing to do with intellectual reasoning.  Very often they do what they do because it makes them feel good, or enhances their position in society.  But what are the underlying forces the makes so many – from all over the world - want to embrace "unrestricted immigration”?

This is a multi-faceted problem requiring a multi-faceted answer.  There is a growing alliance between the media, the wealthy left,  academia, activist bureaucrats, unscrupulous politicians and people who believe they can “do business” more cheaply, and these misfits have been misleading the public for decades with claptrap such as "diversity is our strength".  When in reality all this so-called multiculturalism is our demise.  National suicide. 

This cabal has become a hegemony that’s linked to instruments of state power all over the world, undermining the health and welfare of human societies with the theme of  "saving our Democracy", when in reality their democracy is communism.  

If you think embracing this insanity gives you a warm fuzzy feeling of self-righteousness – get over it because you’re dancing with the Devil!  When you dance with the Devil, you won’t call the tune, you won’t pick the dance and you may not be able to leave the dance floor.  And you will be party to treason - not to any government - but to the human family itself.  A family to which we're all a part.  A family we owe loyalty to from birth.   

Government officials take an oath in the United State to "support and defend the Constitution", which means supporting the concepts as outlined in the Declaration of Independence, for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, which are the logical foundation of our "unalienable rights". 

Everything the left promotes, and everything it stands for is antithetical to those rights and concepts and any public official supporting all this illegal and uncontrolled immigration is guilty of treason against this nation, and against humanity, and if public officials are guilty of treason for supporting this movement can we be any less culpable if we support them?  
Let's start with the UK where we're seeing those daring to call it treason via protests, and even riots, and a government that's committed to protecting the immigrant population, Muslims, who've been raping, murdering, and robbing the Brits with a large degree of immunity for "fear of being called racist".  And this leftist government didn't start all that, the Tories, the socalled conservative party of Britain, their RINO's, started that insane activity a long time ago, the Labour party is merely worse.  
Protect the criminals, and through those protesting their criminality into jail.  What could possibly go wrong? 

KGB Defector's 1984 Prophecy: The Unsettling Accuracy of Yuri Bezmenov's Predictions-  These laws are usually selectively enforced to move society further into an ideologically communist state. For example, Muslims are brought into the West in significant numbers and then act violently toward those who criticize or mock their religion. In response, the state enacts “hate-speech” laws meant to prevent the public from inciting a reaction from Muslims. This shifts the blame from those who act violently to those who say things Muslims typically respond to with violence. This represents a fundamental shift from another core concept of Western culture: that the truth is always an absolute defense. This principle has now been diminished to barely a memory in current legal practice. 

Moreover, this shift affects how Western thought views agency, or where responsibility lies in culture and law for a given set of actions. The person who said something true but offensive to Muslims is deemed guilty, while the person who reacted violently is seen as innocent. This is similar to how, in Islam, a woman can be considered guilty of being raped because something about her behavior supposedly encouraged the rapist. The agency, or the guilt, has shifted from the perpetrator to the victim. These same hate speech laws, which forbid criticism of certain religions or groups, are rarely if ever, applied to people who criticize Western religions or groups or white people whose philosophy supports individualism or Western Civilization as it has been for centuries until recently. 

This pattern of subversion is evident in many Western countries, where governments have simultaneously adopted similar restrictions on liberties to address problems they themselves have created. In other words, they create the problem fully aware of its consequences, then use those consequences to justify enacting policies that consolidate power away from the individual and toward the state..............

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