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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tim Walz's 30-Year Relationship With China

By Daniel Greenfield @ Sultan Knish Blog

With the United States and China engaged in a heated trade war, the US-China Peoples Friendship Association (USCPFA) scheduled its national convention in Minneapolis.

Minnesota’s soybean trade made it China’s best leverage against President Trump’s tariffs and the regime was fortunate to have one of its own in the governor’s residency.

Gov. Tim Walz was the highest ranking elected official with the broadest ties to China. And so it surprised no one when the US-China Peoples Friendship Association listed him as one of its speakers at the convention alongside notable Communist influence operation figures.

Earlier that year, Walz had gone on a foreign trip to Asia along with his Lt. Gov: leaving no one in charge of Minnesota. While the trip was ostensibly undertaken to find alternative trading partners to China, it was actually a propaganda move to stir up opposition to Trump’s trade war.

In September 2019, Gov. Walz returned claiming that the state’s farmers ‘remain in desperate need of a U.S. trade deal with China.’

“There’s just no substitute for 1.6 billion consumers who are hungry to get our China trade negotiations normalized,” he claimed.

And next month in October, it was time for the USCPFA convention. While the USCPFA represents itself as an alliance of ordinary citizens seeking better relations, it had started out as a Communist front group. Revolution magazine wrote that “Communists, members of the Revolutionary Union (and later the Revolutionary Communist Party) were instrumental in the formation of the earliest local Friendship Associations in 1971 and played a significant role in the creation of the national association and in the building of locals across the country.”

In his book ‘Red Destinies’, historian Colin B. Burke wrote that the USCPFA “like the Party’s front organizations of the 1930s and 1940s it was advertised as a liberal, non-political organization supporting peace and cultural understanding. But in 1971, the founders had other missions: Advance the interests of Communist China and world communism.”

When Gov. Tim Walz showed up at the USCPFA convention, the most obvious sign of the organization’s close ties to China’s influence operation came from Walz’s fellow speaker. As Natalie Winters of Steven Bannon’s War Room first reported, Walz’s fellow speaker at the convention was Li Xiaolin, the president of the “Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), which leads a billion-dollar Chinese influence operation flagged by the U.S. State Department for ‘directly and malignly influencing” American politicians.’”...........To Read More...

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