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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, July 13, 2024

P&D and The Week That Was

Truth is the Sublime Convergence of History and Reality

De Omnibus Dubitandum (Everything is to be questioned)

 This Link will take you to My Commentaries.  This Link will take you to My Commentaries by topic.  This Link will take you to My Global Warming Commentaries

By Rich Kozlovich 


This really has been a feast of schadenfreude this week.  The Trump/Biden debate was on June 27, 2024.  Right up until then Hollywood railed against anyone who dared to claim Biden was just an idiot, and his mind, which was never the brightest pebble in the brook, was turning into mush.  Michael Douglas claimed he was as sharp as ever, which I really had to chuckle over that since if that was the case, then the office of the Presidency really was in trouble.  

Clearly little Mikey just didn't understand that.   

All the Hollywood crowd came out in droves to donate up to 30 million dollars to his campaign because he was so great, and probably the greatest President since George Washington.  He was saving America from fascism, in spite of the fact he's arbitrarily ignored America's immigration laws, perverted the justice system, and continued the further corruption of the entire structure of the federal government, and now, just like Captain Renault, they're "shocked, shocked I tell you", to find his mind really is mush, and it's his fault they didn't know.    


Sarah Cowgill published this piece yesterday on Hollywood's "remarkable" reversal, Hollywood tells Biden: "It's not us, it's you.", saying:

The pile-on of President Joe Biden by the pretty people in Hollywood may have finally snared the biggest defector to lead the masses in exodus from endorsements and glitzy fundraisers. Oscar-winning actor George Clooney joined in with a chorus of public denouncements of the elder statesman as Biden digs in his sneakers, demanding that people continue supporting his re-election efforts. Hollywood is using a passive-aggressive approach: Begin with love and then let the hammer drop......

 No matter how they attempt to disclaim it, have no doubt, they all knew.  Even the Meathead, Rob Reiner, has turned on Biden saying:

“We acknowledge all he has done for our country. But Democracy is facing an existential threat. We need someone younger to fight back.  Joe Biden must step aside."

What he's done for the country?  How about what he's done to the country Meathead?  Perhaps the Meathead can explain why America is seeing what's being called a “historic surge” of corporate bankruptcies, if the Klaus Schwab/Barack Obama/Biden/policies have been so good for the nation.   I think Francis Menton's two part series (linked below) asking Who is the Greater Threat to Democracy, answers that very well. And I think more are coming to that conclusion, including long time Democrat voters, even those with a cultural heritage of Democrat support.

Culture is king, and you can't reason people out of positions they've not been reasoned into, but you can "experience" people out of those positions, and Biden's doing that. 

Ya just can't stop rolling your eyes, shaking your head, and at the very least chuckling at these Hollywood halfwits, who've demonstrated over and over again they're views on anything are meaningless. They're not the brightest pebbles in the brook.  

Donors who swooned over Biden are now freezing their donations.  Why:  Because they're "shocked, shocked I tell you!" 

And according to the NYT  the left is in a panic which must explain why they're fighting tooth and nail to prevent passage of a law the prevents illegal aliens from voting claiming it's discriminatory  and prevents Americans from voting.  

All of which is a tacit acknowledgement they can't win without massive voter fraud.  And they've finding there are a ton of issues to overcome even if Biden voluntarily drops out, including who to replace him with.  They don't have a bench that amounts to much, which this cartoon epitomizes. 

Make no mistake, from the day after the debate, no matter what's being said publicly, the Democrat party has abandoned the White House, and the strategy from now on will be about the down card hoping Biden won't drag them down with him.  Voter fraud is the only card they have left to play, and they intend to use it.

Dems publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud

The antisemitic and anti-Israel riots and demonstrations that appeared "spontaneously" on American college campuses in support of Hamas, and are now being exposed as being bought and paid for and it's now clear they're real goal is the destruction of America, along with all of western civilization, and they're saying it, which the leftist media is ignoring like the plague, along with the fact we now know the UN has been complicit with Hamas in it's attacks on Israel.   So what's being done about that?   As far as I can tell, just about nothing!

Going green is a mental disorder, and France and England have chosen "unwisely" in their latest election choosing radical leftists to govern them, with a bit of chicanery in France's election, which is backfiring on Macron, badly, and that will get worse.  He's dancing with the devil.  For that stupidity, there will be a penalty for which he will ultimately have to pay.

Karl Rove wants Trump to pick Doug Burgum for Vice President.  Well, if Rove wants Burgum, I think that pretty much puts Burgum out of the running.  

Well, let's start today's P&D with John Droz, Jr's. The Media Balance Newsletter: 7/8/24, and this Cartoon Roundup, 2024 Election followed by Cartoon Round Up: Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

This week I've published eight pieces of my own, with twenty eight by others, all thought provoking and profound. 


My Commentaries 

  1. Fraud is Still a Crime, Including Green Fraud!
  2. Who Will Man the Walls?
  3. If Green Prediction Was a Corporation, They'd Have a Monopoly on Being Wrong!
  4. 2024 Election, Lawfare
  5. 2024 Election, Voter Fraud
  6. 2024 Election, Immigration
  7. My Gazette: Immigration in America, Part III
  8. The Four Rules of Life


  1. French Election: Macron Sacrifices Stability for Power By Mark Angelides
  2. Illegal Migrant Steals Identity and Gets Kidney By Kelli Ballard
  3. 10,000 Shots Of Scotch And Why I Don't Fear Pesticides By Hank Campbell
  4. The Andy Warholization of Journalism By Leesa K. Donner
  5. Joe Biden Fiddles as Democrats Burn By Tim Donner
  6. The President and Parkinson's Another Hypothesis Makes the Rounds By John Droz, Jr.
  7. Environmentalists Killed Logging to Protect Owls. Now They Want to Kill the Owls. By Daniel Greenfield
  8. Hunter Biden, a Close Biden Adviser, Was Courted by Top China Influence Operation Boss By Daniel Greenfield
  9. Only Killing Democracy Can Save Democrats By Daniel Greenfield
  10. The Open Borders University By Daniel Greenfield
  11. Debate: Joe Biden and Donald Trump By Robin Itzler
  12. Are We Now A Socialist Nation? By Robin Itzler
  13. An Interview With VP Kamala Harris (Satire) By Robin Itzler
  14. Eating Out Tonight? Maybe Not! By Robin Itzler
  15. Debate Optics By Robin Itzler
  16. Big Tech On The Path To Net Zero By Francis Menton
  17. Who Is The Greater "Threat To Democracy"? By Francis Menton
  18. Who Is The Greater "Threat To Democracy"? -- Part II By Francis Menton
  19. Restraining Government in America and Around the World Dictators Hate Financial Privacy By Dan Mitchell
  20. Pakistan’s Tax-and-Spend Follies By Dan Mitchell
  21. Labour’s More-of-the-Same Fiscal Agenda By Dan Mitchell
  22. Excessive Growth of Government Spending = Recipe for Economic Chaos By Dan Mitchell
  23. The Case for Draining the Swamp Is Stronger Than Ever By Stephen Moore
  24. BREAKING: AOC Moves to Impeach Supreme Court Justices By Graham J. Noble
  25. China Armed and on NATO’s Doorstep By Dave Patterson
  26. Weapons for Kyiv Key Topic at NATO Summit By Dave Patterson
  27. 18 Spectacularly Wrong Predictions Were Made Around the Time of the First Earth Day in 1970, Expect More This Year By Mark J. Perry
  28. The Biggest Losers in the Debate Michael D. Shaw

Permanent Links

  1. 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America as Listed in the 1963 Congressional Record
  2. My Seven Rules of Geopolitics
  3. The John Boyd Legion of Honor 

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