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Sunday, July 7, 2024

2024 Election, Lawfare

By Rich Kozlovich

As I've been writing about the upcoming 2024 Presidential election I've saved a lot of articles with all the issues the candidates are facing, organizing them separately such as immigration, voter fraud, economics, the deep state, lawfare, and more.  Well, the problem is the source material is coming in fast, furious, and constantly, so, I've decided to organize them all as individual gazettes where I can keep adding articles dealing with each of issues individually, and link those gazettes to articles I'm writing as source material.  

 My intention was to do separate articles on each issue.   This is a foundational battle for the rule of law in America, and this is the direction the deep state is wanting to go, Navalny dead in the Gulag and Putin crosses a line, but it appears things are not going to go the way they're wanting.  

"Anti-Trump prosecutors made up statutes and contorted legal definitions to the point where they were meaningless to ensnare Trump. It’s a witch hunt, but Trump remains unfazed."

"Constitutional law expert Hans von Spakovsky stated “If Alvin Bragg had charged Donald Trump with illegally eating a ham sandwich, they would find him guilty, he is going to get a totally biased jury.”

Here's my gazette on Lawfare for the 2024 election.  With the advent of the SCOTUS decision regarding Presidential immunity, much of this is moot, but, it's still necessary for understanding just how Obama and the Democrat party corrupted the DOJ, the FBI, much of the judiciary, and prosecutors nationwide.  It also backfired, and this is going to come back to haunt them.  Again, and I know I'm repeating myself, but this is only the tip of a massive iceberg, so you may wish to view

Part 1, Third Reich  Lawlessness can coexist, even thrive, with laws, lawyers, judges and courts

October 1936: Berlin judges swear allegiance to Adolf Hitler saying, “I swear I will be true and obedient to the Fuhrer of the German Reich and people, Adolf Hitler, observe the law, and conscientiously fulfill the duties of my office, so help me God.

Lawlessness is a state of disorder due to disregard of the law.  That is an incomplete definition. For it neither takes into consideration the nature of the law disregarded, nor the vigor with which an unjust law is sometimes enforced.  Bad law, vigorously enforced, moves a nation toward tyranny.  Good law, negligently ignored, destroys respect for the law.   Very bad laws ruled Nazi Germany between 1933-1945. Few German lawyers and judges foresaw what was ahead Between 23 September 23rd - October 4th 1930, Adolf Hitler was the sole witness to testify before the German Supreme Court about whether the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP; AKA: Nazis) intended to attempt an overthrow of the government. The Court accepted Hitler’s two-hour denial as an “Oath of Purification”.  Adolf verbally baptized himself in the Innocence River............

The Poor Legal Arguments of Jack Smith - How did we get Jack Smith in the first place? 

DOJ Ask Judge to Stop Trump from Releasing Evidence to Media  Jordan Dixon-Hamilton Mind Blowing': Julie Kelly Shares Docs About What FBI Was Authorized to Do During Mar-a-Lago Raid Doug P.  |  2:30 PM on May 21, 2024

Exclusive — Biden Lawfare Victim: Political Prosecution of Ordinary Americans Already Happening..........Trump Must Win in 2024 - The radical left is already targeting regular Americans — not just former President Donald Trump — and that is why he must win in 2024, Joeylynn Mesaros told Breitbart News at the Turning Point USA Young Women’s Leadership Summit (YWLS).......

Biden’s DOJ Harasses Trump With Another Court Filing in Classified Documents Case -  Joe Biden’s Justice Department on Friday harassed President Trump with another court filing in the classified documents case. The Justice Department filed a motion seeking to block Trump from releasing classified documents that will be shared with his lawyers. Judge Cannon on Thursday ordered Trump’s lawyers representing the former president in Jack Smith’s classified documents case to obtain security clearances. The protective order will be reviewed by magistrate judge Bruce Reinhart, who approved the initial FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago......

Biden’s DOJ comes for a doctor who revealed a hospital’s secret program ‘transing’ children June 8, 2024 by Andrea Widburg  Based on the information available, the doctor probably didn’t do anything wrong, but that’s irrelevant when you’re terrorizing political opponents...............

 Losing Confidence in the Pillars of Our Civilization Victor Davis Hanson Nov 24, 2021 Millions of citizens long ago concluded that professional sports, academia, and entertainment were no longer disinterested institutions, but far Left and deliberately hostile to Middle America. Yet American conservatives still adamantly supported the nation's traditional investigatory, intelligence, and military agencies - especially when they came under budgetary or cultural attacks..............

The RNC and Trump’s legal fees February 19, 2024 by Joe Alton Should Donald Trump use the RNC as his personal legal defense fund? ...........
A Tale of Two Presidents J.B. Shurk The persecution of Donald Trump is showing that in America, noticing Deep State fraud is a bigger crime than committing fraud.....

The Left’s Modern Day Assassination Against Trump- The Democratic Party has tried to rid former President Trump of his political position since he won the 2016 election against his Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton. ....

The real reason the left is persecuting Trump - Sure, leftists despise him, but there's something more fundamental going on here. In a just and sane world, the people trying to rip the country apart should never be near the reins of power.  The fact that we have descended into a clown world tells you what happens when they do.  It also tells you what they are capable of in keeping a death grip on power and why that is extraordinarily dangerous....
America Is Not Yet Rome, But Democrats Better Worry That It Is Going That Way - American men typically think about ancient Rome several times a day, but apparently, Democrats do not. They ignore history, probably because it consists largely of the doings and transpirings of dead white males, but they should not. Rome’s decline from greatness from its mythical founding by Romulus in 753 BC – I don’t do “BCE” – to its final death rattle in 476 AD, when a kraut warlord named Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor Romulus Augustulus, is not a precise template for the USA’s arc of history, but if you are wise enough to listen you will hear echoes and feel familiar rhythms. ...

Lessons for the Future Republic By J.B. Shurk March 8, 2024 - Victor Davis Hanson and Dennis Prager are keen observers of American society.  Like honored physicians who examine the body politic for disease, they expertly diagnose what ails our country.  What they say and write matters.  It is significant, then, when both reach the conclusion that the United States is disintegrating.  In an essay entitled “American Paralysis and Decline,” Hanson begins by quoting Roman historian Livy: “We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.”  He then walks us through America’s open border crisis, unsustainable debt, epidemic of crime, and weaponization of the criminal justice system.  In every instance, he argues, Americans know that the disease is killing us, yet we lack the courage to choose the proper remedy.  Instead, our tormentors bully us into submission with meaningless taunts that we are politically incorrect, racist, nativist, uncaring, cruel, or bad Christians.  As the Roman Republic collapsed in Livy’s time, Hanson worries that the American Republic will fall during his.  When societies “are so paralyzed by their fear that the road to salvation becomes too painful to even contemplate,” he concludes, “they implode gradually, then suddenly.............

 Our Republic--Our Electoral College We only have to decide whether we want to live free and safe under our Constitution or live in slavery and danger under Socialism. It is our decision!! Can America survive as one country? If so, what will it take? This battle is about survival: Will we remain one country or succumb to Balkanization? Like it or not, and doubtless counterintuitively to his lefty critics, Donald Trump is our last and only opportunity and chance to avoid cataclysm............

American Paralysis and Decline Victor Davis Hanson  Mar 01, 2024 “We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies."So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C.-17 A.D.) of the long decline of Roman national character that, in his age, finally ended the Roman Republic.Like a patient whose medicine proves worse than the disease, Livy lamented that the Romans knew that they had become corrupt and lawless.But the very contemplation of the hard medicine needed for restoration -- and the furious reaction that would meet the remedy -- made it impossible to save the patient.America is nearing such an impasse. We know that no state can long exist after opening its borders to over 7 million illegal aliens, requiring neither background checks nor legality. ........

 Emerald Robinson on What Mike Gallagher and the Uniparty Are Plotting to Deny Trump His Presidency RINO Representative Mike Gallagher (WI) will exit the House as early as next month. Gallagher, who is currently serving as the chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, last month announced that he will not seek reelection. Instead of serving out the rest of his term, Gallagher will retire early leaving the GOP with a one-vote majority! But it’s worse than that....

Has Leftist Lawfare Created the Police State Yet? Greg Salsbury The ordinary person’s passivity in the face of the criminal and civil attacks on Donald Trump suggests that Americans think we’re already there....

The Real Conspiracy By Douglas V. Gibbs ——--April 7, 2024  (lawfare RK)Once they eliminate Trump, and the MAGA Republican movement, next will be the elimination of the Constitution, our natural rights, Christians who believe God gave them their rights, and anyone else who dares to oppose them......
The Persecution of Donald Trump Means Turning Ordinary Activities Into Crimes Vince Coyner If you look objectively at the recently concluded loan fraud trial against Donald Trump, you see he is being destroyed for something millions of Americans regularly do.....
Democracy in Decline: The Subversion of Rule of Law By Roger Kimball There are many signs and portents that signal the guttering of the rule of law and its replacement: rule by law. It is an autumnal sign—a sign of civilization at the end of its tether...........

Condemned USA Files Supreme Court Petition to Stop New York’s Lawfare Against Trump: ‘We The People Are Being Disenfranchised as Voters’ -  J6er Treniss Evans, through his legal advocacy group Condemned USA, filed a Supreme Court petition on Friday aimed squarely at halting the controversial New York case against President Donald Trump. Evans’ petition contends that allowing New York to proceed would create inconsistent interpretations of federal law across states, undermining national legal uniformity and fairness. The petition seeks an immediate stay of the trial proceedings in New York, requesting that the Supreme Court intervene to prevent further potential injustice.....

Taking the hush money trial to the Supreme Court June 7, 2024 by Richard Morse Should a trial that ignores the rules — denying a defendant of his constitutional rights — remain valid? Ask the High Court. .........
Trump supporters unfurl a massive ‘law and order’ flag in NYC… and get arrested June 7, 2024 by Olivia Murray Let’s go through what you can and cannot do in the Big Apple.  New York City has effectively turned into Gotham City where criminality reigns supreme, so let’s go through what you can and cannot do in the Big Apple.  You can illegally trespass into this country, take money that you didn’t earn for hotel rooms, food, and spending money, take advantage of taxpayer-funded services like public school and county health services, then march for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the streets, causing traffic chaos and preventing the New Yorkers paying your way from going where they need to go.....But, you cannot unfurl a flag in support of President Trump and a fair justice system.........

A Primer on the Trump Case  June 2, 2024 — Steven Hayward For readers still puzzled about exactly how the Trump trial went down and why Alvin Bragg’s case was so convoluted, Brad Smith, former chairman of the Federal Election Commission whose testimony on this point was disallowed by Judge Merchan, offers this primer in two long threads on Twitter/X: Falsifying business records under NY law is a misdemeanor, unless done to hide a crime. Bragg says that crime was a violation .........»

On the Trump Verdict - My job is to synthesize political developments and analyze them.  I'll confess that right now, I'm at a loss.  We've encountered countless highly unusual or unprecedented moments in our politics over the last eight years or so -- but this one is unlike anything we've ever witnessed.  Quite literally.  A former President of the United States, and a current leading contender for the presidency, has been convicted of 34 felonies by a New York jury......

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Tears Into Judge Over This Aspect of the Trump Trial -  CNN’s Elie Honig penned a damning article about the Trump hush money trial, though trying to walk the tightest of tightropes here. He claims the jury did its job but elaborated further on this trainwreck of a case. Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of all 34 counts, though what he was precisely guilty of remains a whole other matter, which Honig noted in New York Magazine and on the air. ......

Democrats Deserve Everything Bad That Comes Their Way…And More -  I haven’t liked them for a while now, but after this garbage involving former President Donald Trump and their hypocrisy about the “respecting the justice system” while the President brags about defying the Supreme Court on student loans and they all try to smear conservative Justices at every turn has me now thinking I wouldn’t give them the Heimlich Maneuver if they were choking, or even pee on them if they were on fire. Democrats truly are disgusting...........
Democrats’ Bogus Lawfare Takedowns Rooted In Fear and Loathing - President Trump said it best following the predictable verdict issued Thursday by a liberal Manhattan jury following a six-week trial led by a compromised judge and a prosecutor who campaigned on indicting the 45th President. “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone…I’m willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and save our Constitution. I don’t mind. So we will continue the fight.”........

 If Ignorance is Bliss, with the Trump Verdict, Liberals Are Euphoric - Your typical liberal, progressive, Democrat, Socialist, Marxist -- or whatever they're calling themselves lately -- will hear about the May 30th verdict and be pleased with the outcome. After all, Donald Trump obviously must be guilty! ......

The Trumped Up Conviction and its Consequences - The conviction of Trump is as futile for the Democrats as it is dangerous for the country. ........
The missing element in Bragg's case - They had their man, and they invented three uncharged and unproven crimes, part and parcel of an unprecedented, “novel legal theory.”......   
Don’t be surprised if Merchan forces a psychiatric evaluation on Trump Leftists have been lusting after the chance to psychoanalyze Trump since the start of his presidency, and they finally have their chance.........
Boycott New York - In the short term, perhaps there is a way all of us who are revolted by this legal lynching can show our opposition: With boycotts of New York .....
‘Guilty!’ And Trump’s re-election prospects get a boost -Plus his campaign contributions... bigly.......
The Look on Biden's Face When Asked About Trump Being a 'Political Prisoner' Is Chilling  - Sure enough, Team Trump has already put out a perfect 30-second ad about the very moment President Joe Biden smiled his cheerful smile about former and potentially future President Donald Trump decrying his fate as "a political prisoner" and daring to point to the role Biden himself played. ....
Millionaire Democrat Writes Check to Trump's Campaign: 'I'll Lose Friends for This - Major donors rallied behind former President Donald Trump Thursday after a Manhattan jury found him guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records during the 2016 election. .....
CNN Analyst Predicts Trump's Conviction Will Be Overturned-  CNN legal analyst Mark O’Mara predicted that former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict will be appealed due to a “number of significant issues.”  O’Mara said that the odds are in Trump’s favor after 12 jurors found the former president guilty in a sham case regarding 34 charges brought against him in the New York hush money trial.............

 Support for Trump Skyrockets In New Poll Following Conviction - If the Democratic Party thought convicting former President Donald Trump was going to make his millions of supporters abandon him, they better think twice. 

And Trump's Single-Day Fundraising Haul Post-Hush Money Verdict Is. -  On CNN, you’d think the election had already happened, and Joe Biden was declared the winner. Here’s the reality: most of the country hasn’t changed their minds about former President Donald Trump's post-hush money verdict. They didn’t think he could get a fair trial, and even some of his most ardent and vocal detractors on the conservative side are appalled by this miscarriage of justice. It’s not just conservatives....
CNN’s Senior Legal Analyst Pens Damning Article About the Trump Hush Money Trial -  If there’s one legal analyst I can tolerate on CNN, it’s Elie Honig. Honig is a former assistant US Attorney and the network's senior legal analyst who has given nuanced and fair takes on the legal drama surrounding Donald Trump and Joe Biden. He’s not a conservative or a Trump fan, but I’d take a sensible analysis of the lawfare we’ve seen against Trump over whatever the hell Norm Eisen was spewing last night........
Cohen Cooked: Admits Stole $$$ from Trump  ‘More Serious Crime Than Falsifying Business Records’ Stunning Revelation CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig said on Monday on his network’s coverage of former President Donald Trump’s business records trial that witness Michael Cohen stealing money from the Trump organization — which Cohen admitted to doing — is a more serious crime than what Trump is charged with..........Honig said, “The way this was raised and addressed on direct is what Julia Louis-Dreyfus would call, ‘Yada yada yada.’ I mean here’s what Michael Cohen said.”
Justice Merchan's gagged witness goes public with what he would have told the jury and it's a doozy May 21, 2024 by Monica Showalter Former FEC commissioner Brad Smith, who was gagged as a witness in the Trump trial, has come out with what he would have told the jury and wasn't allowed to.....
Taking the hush money trial to the Supreme Court - Should a trial that ignores the rules — denying a defendant of his constitutional rights — remain valid? Ask the High Court.

A defense strategy for the case of NY v. Trump - April 29, 2024 By Howard J. Warner - The sham trial in NYC being orchestrated by DA Alvin Bragg against Donald Trump is designed to keep Trump off the campaign trail and further salacious material to create more doubt about him in the minds of undecided voters. The judge, Juan Merchan, is an acting Supreme Court judge, appointed to this position by the Administrative Chief Judge Ann Pfau and selected for this case since he has presided over other Trump cases. Though I am not a lawyer, the obvious failings of this case are numerous. I propose to outline a strategy for a not-guilty verdict instead of a hung jury......

Justice Merchan's gagged witness goes public with what he would have told the jury and it's a doozy May 21, 2024 by Monica Showalter Former FEC commissioner Brad Smith, who was gagged as a witness in the Trump trial, has come out with what he would have told the jury and wasn't allowed to.....
What if Justice Merchan has been compromised? May 21, 2024 by Patricia McCarthy Given the bias of this judge for the prosecution and his overt antipathy for the defendant, Donald Trump, what explains his willing destruction of his own reputation as a justice? .....

Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court, Kurt Schlichter - The Donald Trump New York City farce is on the way to being over. The prosecution (at least) rested after what would’ve been a disastrous performance by Michael Cohen in any other trial, but the standard rules don’t apply here because this is not actually a trial. This trial has nothing to do with law. It is a scummy attempt to frame a political opponent of the Democrats to keep him from winning an election against the desiccated old pervert in the White House. Normally, a jury would laugh this case out of court, except that it would never have been in court had the defendant been named Tronald Dump. Everything about it is a lie and a scam, and as soon as you understand that you will understand this disgraceful case.

Dershowitz: 'I've never seen a spectacle' like 'tyrant' Judge Merchan 'He ought to be disciplined' - Dershowitz charged, "I've been in courthouses in every part of the world and in China, in Russia, in Ukraine, in Israel. I've been all over. I've never seen a spectacle like this. And that's why it should have been on television, so the American public could see how outrageous this judge is. And CNN just does his bidding. CNN lies, lies through their teeth about what happened in court yesterday between Judge Merchan and Bob Costello. Bob Costello testifies, Merchan rules against him at every point, keeps out his testimony, makes outrageous rulings that any first-year student taking evidence would know was wrong."........

Trump’s “Hush Money” Prosecution Is a Bogus Case by a Bogus Prosecutor - There are many reasons why legal experts are questioning the legitimacy of the criminal prosecution of former President Donald Trump. But the major reason is that the main claim in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case—that Trump’s $130,000 settlement payment of a potential claim by Stormy Daniels was a campaign-related expense—is totally bogus......
Greg Gutfeld Expertly Mocks NYC Trump Trial: “A City That Can’t Keep Violent Felons in Jail Wants to Lock up a President for Talking” - During his opening monologue on Thursday night, Greg Gutfeld mocked Democrats and the city of New York for their sham case against Trump as only he can. Greg spared no one, from Stormy Daniels to Michael Cohen and Joe Biden. He made the point that New York City can’t keep violent criminals in jail but want to lock up Trump for talking about his case, while all the Trump-haters are allowed to say whatever they want......

COMPLETE LAWLESSNESS: Judge Merchan REFUSES to Allow President Trump to Refute Stormy Daniels’ Incredulous Attacks – Maintains Illegal Gag Order – WHERE ARE THE REPUBLICANS? -  For the past three days, porn star Stormy Daniels and liberal Biden-connected prosecutors have run wild with the leftist media in attacks on President Trump in a lawsuit that should have never been allowed in a case with an undefined crime. This is one of several lawfare suits against President Trump filed by Democrats to bankrupt and destroy the enormously popular pro-American president. The particularly crooked New York Judge Juan Merchan has ordered President Trump to remain silent as the media and Democrats spin lie after lie against his record and character......
Stormy Daniels courtroom just gets worse and worse - New York's Justice Juan Merchan must like the Red Queen effect in his courtroom in the skeevy trial of President Trump over hush money payments to porn "star" Stormy Daniels, because the insults to justice and fairness just keep coming. Yesterday brought us this Orwellian picture.....
Stormy bring back that sunny day - Alvin Bragg looks like a fool, but that’s the way it goes when your goal is to humiliate President Trump......
NY Prosecuting Trump for Being Extorted - The closer you look at Bragg's case, the stupider it becomes.....

Can Alvin Braggs and His Ludicrous Case Against Donald Trump Survive the Hope Hicks Debacle? - When Hope Hicks was announced as a witness for the prosecution against Donald Trump, many were concerned that this former insider into the President’s sphere would deliver damning evidence against her former boss. After all, only the most idiotic prosecutor would call a witness that could damage the foundation of their case. It turns out Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is an idiot. Hicks not only delivered testimony that undermined his case, but did so as one of his own witnesses. The only thing he has going for him now is a New York jury that is notorious for ruling against Republicans in general and Donald Trump in particular......


Don’t Worry, I’m Sure Trump’s “Hush Money” Trial Will Be Just as Fair as the Russia Hoax and 2020 Election - Jury selection for 12 jurors wrapped up Thursday in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s lawfare against former President Donald Trump, with the next phase of the trial expected to begin as early as Monday. But with two selected jurors booted for potential bias and perjury and at least one juror who made clear she doesn’t like Trump’s “persona,” can he really get a fair trial?.............

Biased Judge Merchan Gags Media From Reporting on Jury’s Possible Biases - The far-left judge in Donald Trump’s Manhattan business documents trial does not just want the former president to keep the courtroom details under wraps. He is now demanding that media covering the unprecedented trial follow his parameters, as well.....

Hopefully this blowhard will fade into the dark clouds that Stormy has brought to the American Justice sceneAlvin And His Chipmunks Have Nothing To “Bragg”  - If stupidity were contagious, Alvin Bragg would be in quarantine. Bragg suffers from a common ailment that has infected most of the left. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real, and one of the main symptoms is political blindness. Bragg is living proof that this blindness can be so intense that it affects rational brain function—so much so that it can cause a person to literally invent charges to bring against another American citizen.......

“The Gag Order Has to Come Off”: Trump Slams Gag Order in Alvin Bragg’s Falsified Documents Case - Speaking ahead of Friday morning’s court session in Manhattan District Attorney Alivn Bragg’s falsified business documents case, Donald Trump criticized the "rigged" trial brought against him and the "unfair" gag order placed on him by Judge Juan Merchan.  "As you know, I’ve been saying for a long while this is a rigged trial, it’s coming from the White House," Trump began. "They have White House, DOJ people in the trial, in the DA’s office, representing the DA because he’s probably not smart enough to represent himself."

Here's What New York's AG Is Threatening If Trump Doesn't Pay Civil Fraud Fine - Stalinist New York Attorney General Scores A Big Win Against Trump (For Now) Josef Stalin set the example for the world as the most ruthless practitioner of the art of using a thoroughly corrupt and subservient “justice system” to eliminate all political opposition. Many, many others have since followed Stalin’s lead. Current notable examples include the recent murder of Alexei Navalny in prison in Russia; Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who fled that country in late 2023 after his arrest was threatened by the Maduro regime; and Pakistan’s former Prime Minister and current opposition leader Imran Khan, convicted in January 2024 of “disclosing a state secret” and sentenced to 10 years in jail. Funny how the countries that engage in such practices virtually always have failed economies as well. .....

 'What Fraud?': Shark Tank Host Rips Into NY Judge Over Rogue Judgement in Trump Case -
Investor Kevin O’Leary’s January commentary should have been entered into evidence during Donald Trump’s New York fraud case because the "Shark Tank" star eviscerated the state’s argument in less than 10 minutes. The civil case recently concluded, where the former president and his sons are barred from operating any corporate entity in the Empire State for three years, with a $355 million penalty. The crux of the case against the former president is that he somehow defrauded banks through shoddy loan claims. That’s not the case. O’Leary ripped into the whole circus last month...........

Los Angeles DA George Gascon Sits on 15,000 Unfiled Cases as Robberies Skyrocket “This means thousands of criminals who should be prosecuted are instead on the streets committing new crimes.............

Judge Judy Unloads on Alvin Bragg for Trying Trump Over “Nonsense” Instead of Keeping Criminals “Off the Street”  - Television star Judge Judy Sheindlin on Friday harshly criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg for prosecuting former President Donald Trump over what she considers “nonsense.”...........

Alvin Bragg drops all charges against Columbia's pro-Hamas vandals who took custodians hostage June 21, 2024 by Monica Showalter More junk justice from America's most politicized district attorney.
Nashville Journalist Michael Patrick Leahy Faces Jail Time in Tennessee Over Trans Shooter’s Deranged Journals – UPDATE: Spared from Jail for Now - The chilling manifesto of Covenant School shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a biological female who identified as a transgender male at the time of her horrific attack on March 27, 2023, was leaked again on Friday. Star News Digital Media, Inc., which owns and operates The Star, and the publication’s editor-in-chief, Michael Patrick Leahy, are currently plaintiffs in lawsuits seeking to compel the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) and the FBI to release Hale’s writings, including those referred to as a manifesto............

NY Gov to Businesses: Don’t Worry, Trump Ruling is Unique -Show them the man and they’ll find the crime........

 “If This Judgment Sticks, Every Developer Must Be Jailed – It’s Appalling – It’s UnAmerican” – Entrepreneur Kevin O’Leary on Today’s Colossal Ruling Against President Trump and His Two Sons - The Gateway Pundit reported on Friday that Judge Arthur Engoron released a 92-page verdict, ordering Trump to pay a more than $355 million fine and barred Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.” President Trump’s children, Eric Trump and Donald Jr., were ordered to pay $4,013,024 each, and Trump Org. CFO Allen Weisselberg was ordered to pay $1 million. The Marxists are even going after the children now. This truly is like we are living through a communist revolution. That is NOT an exaggeration............

Dershowitz: Letitia James ‘Ought to Be Brought up Before the Bar’ -Friday on FNC’s “Hannity,” Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz railed against former President Donald Trump’s civil prosecution, resulting in a more than $350 million fine and a three-year ban on doing business in New York State. Dershowitz called for New York State Attorney General Letitia James to be brought up before the bar. “Professor Dershowitz, I’ll start with you,” host Sean Hannity said. “You wrote a best-selling book ‘Get Trump.’ Where did you get the title for that book?”..........
Fraud Allegations and Financial Fiascos: The Saga of Trump’s Legal Battles By Roger Kimball Donald Trump is facing a wall of legal trouble. It’s possible that with all these darts being thrown, one will stick and he will be brought down. More likely, I think, is that he will prevail..........

 Lawfare: Judges Fine Trump Just Under $Half Billion in 2 Cases  - Two judges in two separate cases fined former President Donald Trump just under half a billion dollars. The fines suggest that Democrats seek to bankrupt Trump as he campaigns once again to shake up Washington, DC, and oust President Joe Biden, who claims he is not behind the lawsuits or indictments against Trump — although several prosecutors reportedly met with Biden administration officials before three of the indictments.........

Fraud Trial Shock: Trump Fined $354 Million  Barred from Conducting Business in NY for 3 Years  2024: Regime Ramps Up War on MAGA - The current administration's weaponization of the Department of Justice is unprecedented in American history.  Instead of protecting your God-given constitutional rights, the administration uses the Department of Justice to attack its political opponents……as well as Christians, parents, and anyone who dares to stand up for our constitutional liberties. At the same time, with the help of the media it… 

Trump Must Pay Half a Billion Dollars Before He Can Appeal New York DecisionJoel B. Pollak Former President Donald Trump must pay nearly half a billion dollars as a bond to New York State before he can appeal the ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron last week that he must pay $354 million in fines — over $450 million, with interest — for fraud. Critics have noted that Trump is the only person ever to be sued under an obscure New York fraud statute that does not require any harm be done, and that effectively criminalizes the everyday practice of real estate valuations in negotiations with banks. Though Attorney General Letitia James — who ran for office promising to target Trump — claimed that no one is above the law, her case against Trump marks the only such case in the history of the state. And the staggering fine is likewise unprecedented. Jonathan Turley points out another astonishing fact at the New York Post: before he can appeal, Trump must pay the whole fine:

Under New York law, Trump cannot appeal this ruling without depositing the full amount, including interest, in a court account. Even for Trump, $455 million is hard to come by. Likewise, a bond would require a company to guarantee payment for a defendant who has been barred from doing business in New York and is facing the need to liquidate much of his portfolio.

Nothing succeeds like excess for judges like Engoron. By imposing this astronomical figure, he can make it difficult or impossible for a defendant to appeal, absent declaring bankruptcy or selling off assets at distress prices.

The excessive fine and its basis raise serious statutory and constitutional questions. Many of us believe it should be substantially reduced or tossed out entirely.

Engoron also refused to allow Trump to mount any defense, declaring Trump guilty via summary judgment for the state.......

Letitia James Is The Face Of The Weaponized Government - by - The fraud case against Donald Trump and the Trump Enterprise by the City of New York will be seen more as a made-for-TV drama than an exercise in American Jurisprudence. The Trump Family and company were found guilty and levied with damages totaling over $375 Million.
Trump to challenge judge's claim of 'fraud' 'without any actual fraud' 'The case raises serious legal and constitutional questions' By Bob Unruh February 19, 2024 -A ruling by a New York judge that President Donald Trump must pay $355 million to the state for fraud, "without any actual fraud," is being challenged, according to a report from Newsweek. Months ago, Judge Arthur Engoron had decided, before the case began in his court, that Trump and his companies committed fraud in the way they valued properties............. 

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey Will Sue New York for ‘Lawfare Against President Trump’ Denounces ‘Rogue Prosecutor’ Interfering in Election - Andrew Bailey, attorney general for the state of Missouri, announced on Thursday that his office will be suing the state of New York for its “lawfare against” former President Donald Trump. “I will be filing suit against the State of New York for their direct attack on our democratic process through unconstitutional lawfare against President Trump. It’s time to restore the rule of law,”.........

Trump Plays the Long Game - Attacking Trump is the Democrats' final act before the political graveyard..........

Jim Jordan Demands Interview With Top Prosecutor on Mar-a-Lago Case -  House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) continues to look to get to the bottom of prosecutions against former and potentially future President Donald Trump. On Thursday, he sent a letter to Jay Bratt, the lead prosecutor in the Mar-a-Lago case, demanding an interview. As The Hill pointed out in covering th.......e letter, it's "the latest escalation of its probes into those prosecuting former President Trump."

Brutal: Rep. Massie reams Jack Smith in congressional hearing June 5, 2024 by Monica Showalter With no congressional authorization, what is Jack Smith doing there anyway? Rep. Massie asked Attorney General Merrick Garland. 
 Why Special Counsel Jack Smith Is Unlawful - Special Counsel Jack Smith’s decision to file criminal charges against Donald Trump in the Southern District of Florida instead of the District of Columbia may prove to be advantageous to Trump’s defense in at least three respects. .......

The crux of the Mar-a-Lago jury instruction dispute: property interest and authorization April 23, 2024 by Elliott Wainwright A stunning analysis dismantling the case of Jack Smith and his mob of prosecutors........

Trump Indictment a Violation of Federal Law Don Brown Since Jack Smith's indictment of President Trump, multiple grounds have surfaced warranting dismissal of the embarrassing prosecutorial sideshow in South Florida. ........
While the Deep State focuses on Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, what about Judge Beryl Howell, who overruled his attorney-client privilege? June 17, 2023 Has Judge Howell, by accepting the anti-Trump mindset of the Justice Department, taken a shortcut to a finding of guilt in the Trump case -- a shortcut based on her own anti-Trump bias? ......
 Jack Smith Demands Evidence Remain Secret in Trump Case -  Special counsel Jack Smith said in a new court filing that he is strongly opposed to the Trump camp’s latest request to disclose evidence in the former president’s classified documents case, because disclosure would expose potential witnesses to danger. “The defendants’ Motion is inconsistent with the process they proposed (and that the Court approved) for their supplemental reply brief,” Mr. Smith wrote in the Feb. 16 filing.........
Jack Smith Will Annoy the Supreme Court Sean Ross Callaghan It’s high time that nine justices of the Supreme Court unite in a single denunciation of lawyers like Smith who press novel legal claims for political blood sport. More

Turley Points Out Double Standard in Fani Willis Case, Says Trump Was Sanctioned for Doing Exact Same Thing - George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said Friday that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s actions during her testimony mirror those that former President Donald Trump was sanctioned for.........

Times goes bonkers salivating over Trump in prison - If they didn't have Trump to hate, would these people just fade away?
Marilyn Mosby: finally, justice comes to Baltimore In the meantime, Baltimore’s crime rate continues to skyrocket..........

Should Garland be charged with lying to Congress? June 7, 2024 by Jack Hellner Merrick Garland has the audacity to say that no one is above the law, then goes and makes a fool of himself during sworn testimony...........
Nazis and Democrats share the stain of hatred The title of an article posted here on September 18, 2018 read: “When it ends, where will all the hate [inside the Democrat Party] go?”  No answer was offered; it was too soon to know.  But, on 9 November 2016, the day after Trump won, we began to see where Democrat hate was headed.  (Coming in Part 2)    We know where Nazi hate went after Germany lost World War I. 
 Source: Bidens Allegedly ‘Coerced’ Burisma Executive to Pay $10M in Bribes - Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden allegedly “coerced” a Burisma executive into paying them $10 million in bribes, a source familiar with the FBI’s informant document confirmed to Breitbart News. Last week, the FBI provided Congress with an FBI informant document that alleged Joe Biden accepted a $5 million bribe from a Ukrainian oligarch............

 Pro-Life Grandma Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison As Judge Appears to Mock Her Poor Health - Former and potentially future President Donald Trump was found "guilty" last Thursday on 34 felony counts in a hush money "trial." It's not just Trump they're going after, though with a weaponized and politicized justice system. As we've been covering, President Joe Biden's Department of Justice (DOJ) has been quite eager to prosecute prayerful pro-life activists using the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, including an elderly grandfather. Since then, more grandparents have been sentenced, including grandmothers in poor health. .......

The Corrupt DOJ and Biden Crime Family Can't Get Away With This -  "Never before have the two standards of justice in our country been more starkly revealed." That's what former President Donald Trump told supporters and the media during his speech Tuesday night from Bedminster following his unprecedented and historic arraignment in Miami, Florida, earlier in the day..........

Hillary Clinton Doesn't Even Bother to Deny She Got Away With Classified Docs ScandalFailed Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton cackled at the fact that she got away with her classified documents scandal while former President Trump faces damning prosecution by her party.........

 While the Deep State focuses on Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, what about Judge Beryl Howell, who overruled his attorney-client privilege? June 17, 2023 Has Judge Howell, by accepting the anti-Trump mindset of the Justice Department, taken a shortcut to a finding of guilt in the Trump case -- a shortcut based on her own anti-Trump bias? ........
 So what should we call these judges? Should we call them "Your Conjecturer", "Your Defamer" They certainly don't deserve the title "Your Honor" because honor comes from honesty, integrity, and impartiality (moral principles) not hatred or politics. The enemies of America, socialist tyrants, have infiltrated all three branches of the U.S. government. They have destroyed public trust in the justice system, presidency, and Congress, and they are currently using the justice system to prosecute their political opponents. .......
Prosecutors Hid Evidence in Convicting Mom of Murder, Texas death row inmate Melissa Lucio, convicted of killing her toddler, could now go free ...............
Criminals in Black Robes Joe Fried It is going to take a new Justice Department and several other changes to get lawbreaking judges out of our courtrooms...........
Recapping the two-tiered justice system in light of revelations that foreign intel spied on Trump associates February 16, 2024 by Jack Hellner The greatest threat to our republic and freedom are power-hungry specters manipulating Manchurian operatives, supported by out-of-control bureaucrats and the media—not Donald Trump................

2024 Danger: Prosecutions, Disbarments Aim to ‘Chill’ GOP Lawyers - The ongoing efforts to prosecute, disbar, and smear attorneys who served as election lawyers for President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign could leave Republicans short of legal talent for the election fight in November 2024.........

Trump Was Just the Beginning: Wisconsin AG Files FELONY Charges Against Trump Attorneys and Aides - The Alvin Bragg case against Trump was never just about Trump. It's about anyone associated with him, and the Wisconsin AG -- Josh Kaul -- just proved that. He filed felony charges against two former Trump attorneys and aides over the 2020 election.....

 Dershowitz: Radical Leftist Group Is Preventing Trump from Obtaining Top-Tier Lawyers Through Threats and Harrassment Harvard Attorney Alan Dershowitz published a report on Thursday on the Gatestone Institute webpage discussing the challenges President Trump is facing in defending himself from the numerous frivolous charges by the communist left. .............

Washington Post helps those who are intimidating lawyers into not working for Trump June 17, 2023 The Washington Post is helping tyranny envelop democracy in the darkness it says is fatal to democracy. ..........
The disbarment trial of Donald Trump’s former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark began last week, featuring testimony from several prominent statistician
Former Fulton County Elections Official Explains Why He Voted Against Certification Twice During Jeffrey Clark’s Disbarment Trial 04/02/2024 by:
During Jeffrey Clark’s Disbarment Trial, Cyber Security Expert Says Georgia’s 2020 Election Was Not ‘Conducted According to the Law’ - The second and final week of the disbarment trial of Donald Trump’s former DOJ official, Jeffrey Clark, began to wind down on Wednesday with more testimony from operations security expert...............

D.C. Bar Disciplinary Panel Makes Nonbinding Preliminary Determination of Culpability for a ‘Thought Crime’ in Disbarment Trial of Trump’s Former DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark -  The disciplinary trial of Donald Trump’s former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark wrapped up on Thursday with the D.C. Bar’s disciplinary panel making a nonbinding preliminary determination that Clark was culpable on at least one of the two counts against him. For drafting a letter that was never sent to Georgia officials advising them of their options in dealing with the 2020 election illegalities, he was charged with engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation, and engaging in conduct that seriously interferes with the administration of justice, Rules 8.4(c) and (d) of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Clark is also a defendant in Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis’s RICO prosecution..........

Decoding New York’s Legalese: President Trump Was Wrongly Prosecuted and Convicted  - By Owen JP Murphy  June 28, 2024 -  The corruption of the law in the Manhattan case against President Donald J. Trump should shock every American, and the devil is in the details of the law,  the prosecution, the judge, the jury, and the conviction. There were two financial accounts referred to in the prosecution. The first is a revocable trust fund for Donald J. Trump which was created just after he became president, and the second is the personal account of Donald J. Trump. The indictment indicates that Trump received invoices from Michael Cohen where each invoice was then added to the general accounting ledger with a voucher number, and then a check was issued to pay each invoice................Now there is a good case for using the Penal Law 175.10 to prosecute the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign organization. The campaign headquarters was located in Brooklyn in 2016, and the campaign organization along with the Democratic National Committee were fined $113,000 by the Federal Election Commission for falsifying the record of payment to the law firm Perkins Coie. The campaign organization reported the payment as legal expenses when in fact at least some of the payment was remuneration for Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier............

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