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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Sunday, July 7, 2024

2024 Election, Voter Fraud

By Rich Kozlovich

As I've been writing about the upcoming 2024 Presidential election I've saved a lot of articles with all the issues the candidates are facing, organizing them separately such as immigration, voter fraud, economics, the deep state, lawfare, and more.  My intention was to do sepearte articles on each issue.  

Well, the problem is the source material is coming in fast, furious, and constantly, so, I've decided to organize them all as individual gazettes where I can keep adding articles dealing with each of issues individually, and link those gazettes to articles I'm writing as source material.  

Unconstitutional and Against State Law.  Now that the RNC has passed out RINO control, they taking voter fraud seriously, and taking it to court, and by Republicans around the nation.  We're looking at the total demise of RINO leadership in the Republican party.  The Ryan, McCarthy, Romney, Kasich cabal are toast and have no credibility with the party rank and file.  

Here's the way I see it. The Grand Old Party is being revamped from inside. Ten or fifteen years ago they did a study on the make-up of the GOP, and 35% were leftist Rockefeller Republicans, and they were the leadership. 60% were Reagan Republicans, and 5% were Ron Paul Republicans.

If they did that study over again, I'm betting there wouldn't be more than 25% Rockefeller Republicans, and maybe less. The Reagan and Paul Republicans would more closely merge, totaling at least 75% of the Republican party. But no matter, none of the base would merge with the Rockefeller Republicans, and more and more of the base are deciding to run. First time runners who had no desire to be politicians. And that's going to grow.

The marginal RINO's (moderates) that are left will all of a sudden have an epiphany singing “I see the light, the fog has lifted, and I see the light”. It will be their “come to Jesus” moment proclaiming how real conservatism is the way of wisdom and truth. They will be useful but not trustworthy, and unfortunately that is probably a substantial percentage, since so few politicians ever started out with a backbone, and they’ll never grow one.

As for the true RINO's like Chaney, Kasich, Romney, Ryan, and the rest, will change parties in some way and be lost in the underbrush, except to be trotted out by the MSM.

Let's not lose sight of the fact..... and it is factual.... Joe Biden won the 2020 election via voter fraud, and truth be told, in both 2020 and 2022 Congressional seats were acquired by Democrats in the same manner, and for too long the Republican "leadership" ignored it, by implication, approves of it.   As Sir Thomas More in the movie Man for All Seasons stated:  Silence denotes agreement.  

There are eight rules of voter fraud, as outlined in this article, How Intelligent is Artificial Intelligence on the Subject of Election Integrity?  AI came up with this:

1. Manipulating Voter Registration and Roll Maintenance: 2. Tampering with Absentee and Mail-in Ballots: 3. Controlling Polling Places and Vote Counting Centers: 4. Exploiting Voting Machines and Software:  5. Disinformation and Propaganda:  6. Co-opting Media and Communication Channels: 7. Legal and Legislative Maneuvers: 8. Intimidation and Suppression:

As you peruse these commentaries observe if any or all of this is happening.  Here are  ere's my Voter Fraud Gazette, which I think is going to be so dramatic it will make the 2020 election look clean.  Some of the links go back a way.  Enjoy!

  • Activist judge formally orders state to interfere in 2024 presidential election Demands officials 'suppress' votes for President Trump. -  Democrats in Colorado and Maine, fearing what another term for President Donald Trump would bring to their political agenda, already have tried to remove him from the 2024 ballot. Now a judge in Illinois formally has ordered the state to interfere in the race, issuing a mandate to "suppress" votes for Trump........Porter is demanding that the board remove Trump from the ballot or "cause any votes cast for him to be suppressed.".............
  • Legal Group Demands Election Workers Verify Voters’ Citizenship Nationwide, Because They CAN - A legal group is demanding that all 50 states verify voters’ citizenship before casting their ballots after incidents came to light showing that illegal immigrants are being registered to vote. America First Legal has taken the initiative to mail letters to chief elections officers, secretaries of state, attorneys general, lieutenant governors, and governors in all 50 states imploring them to verify the immigration status of voters. The Department of Homeland Security’s data can reportedly be used by election officials to verify the citizenship of those registered to vote. “Based on the information you receive in response, you can take further steps consistent with applicable law to ensure that only U.S. citizens remain on your voter rolls,” the letter urges officials according to the New York Post.................
  • Election Validity Group Files Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania - Jack Gleason - They are claiming that the officials named above are not performing their duty to follow existing laws that safeguard our elections.United Sovereign Americans, Inc. and two Pennsylvania residents claim that state officials are not performing their duty to follow existing laws that safeguard our elections..........
  • Republicans Must Confront the Democrat’s Fraudulent Voter Registration Manufacturing Operation and the Bloated Voter Rolls to Win in 2024 - Without a doubt the key to the Democrat voter fraud is bloating voter rolls. This was crystal clear when the Biden administration dispatched federal agencies to collect registrations. And in February the Biden White House held a summit exclusively with far-left “voting rights groups” to execute plans to ‘register’ voters.  Democrat lawmakers and Joe Biden also fund suspect far-left groups that write up tens of thousands of voter registrations and turn them into county clerks in battleground states...
  • True the Vote Wins 'Monumental' Election Case Against Stacey Abrams' Fair Fight -  Election integrity group True the Vote declared a legal victory Tuesday against Stacey Abrams’ Fair Fight after a federal judge ruled their mass challenges of the eligibility of voters in the 2021 Senate runoff elections in Georgia did not violate the Voting Rights Act.  .......
  • Cheaters Shouldn’t Win and Winners Shouldn’t Cheat- January 2, 2024 By Jack Gleason- I remember watching the election returns in 2016 as liberal pundits followed the counting and gradually realized that Donald Trump was going to defeat Hillary Clinton. The next day, supporters cried and howled in despair......
  • Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why? - By Jerome R. Corsi  -  Dr. Andrew Paquette, who serves as research director of the all-volunteer citizens’ group New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), has proven that New York state’s voter registration roll now contains an algorithm designed to facilitate election fraud. One must understand how voter registration data works to appreciate just how serious this is. All registration data is predicated on algorithms, which are basically equations added into the registration in chronological sequence to transform a voter identification number (“Voter ID No.”) into a code. In an honest system, the voter who registers first gets Voter ID No. 1, the second voter to register gets Voter ID No. 2, etc. In other words, there’s a direct correlation between the date order of registration and the ID No., with the ID Nos. increasing by increments of one.........
  • Score one for TrueTheVote over Soros, Elias, Abrams and the Democrat vote machine January 3, 2024 The array of forces against the scrappy little voter integrity group were huge, but they had truth on their side. ............Apparently, they had been sued by Stacey Abrams's legal arm, Fair Fight, for voter suppression of black voters, because so many of the invalid registrations of out-of-state voters it found, (possibly done by Abrams's voter registration group, the New Georgia Project) were in the names of black people. Why wouldn't they be black people? Those are the people Abrams's operatives know about and seek to register for elections. Apparently, there's no such thing as a black political machine, such as we find in places like Chicago, Los Angeles, and most recently, San Francisco...........
  • REPORT: ‘At Least’ 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to 2020 Fraud, Without Which Trump WOULD Still Be President. Research by the Heartland Institute confirms that mail-in voting in 2020 was tainted by widespread fraud. Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center at the think-tank, revealed how they polled people on whether they voted in 2020 and whether they used an absentee ballot. Respondents who answered 'yes' to both questions received a series of follow-up queries........ 
  • RNC Files Bombshell Swing-State Lawsuit, Says Over Half of Counties Have More Registered Voters Than Adults- We’re constantly assured by both the Democrats and the establishment media that the voting system in the United States of America is safe, secure and well-maintained. In fact, it’s a bit too safe, secure and well-maintained for their liking; they would prefer that there was more mail-in voting and less voter ID requirements and voter-roll maintenance....
  • Electionator III - The Rise of the Machines There is an enormous and growing amount of evidence that the 2020 election was manipulated to give false results. The 2021 recall election for the governor of California had numerous improper results certified. The 2022 election also appears to have been manipulated, although not so obviously as in 2020. All these elections and more involved the use of hardware and software systems collectively known as "machines". .......
  • Election Interference: AG Garland Vows to Fight Voter ID Laws Suggests Racist: ‘Disadvantage Minorities’- Attorney General Merrick Garland has vowed to fight voter ID laws, which he characterized as a plot to “disadvantage minorities.” Appearing alongside Vice President Kamala Harris in Selma, Alabama, on Sunday, Garland called voter ID laws and other voter integrity laws “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary.” The two were speaking at an event commemorating the fifty-ninth anniversary of the Bloody Sunday attacks on civil rights marchers in Selma. Garland recalled the history of voting rights for black Americans since the end of slavery, which he said has “never been steady” into the present day, charging that voter ID laws have made it harder “for millions of eligible voters to vote and to elect the representatives of their choice.”.......
  •  Exclusive – Michael Whatley: RNC Hiring ‘Election Integrity Councils’ in Battleground States - The Republican National Committee (RNC) is hiring “election integrity directors and election integrity councils in every battleground state” ahead of the general election, RNC chair Michael Whatley said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily.............
  • BREAKING: Court Rules Undated Ballots CANNOT BE COUNTED in Pennsylvania Elections – Sanity Prevails! Jim Hoft The Third US Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled that mail-in ballots with no dates cannot be counted by Pennsylvania election officials. Democrats use this tactic frequently to add more ballots to their candidate’s totals following election day. This stops the Democrat Party insanity and lawlessness for now..........
  • Cybersecurity, Voter Eligibility Focus of New Ohio LegislationA plan to more stringently scrutinize voter registration data and citizenship verification during Ohio’s elections sits before the Ohio House of Representatives.The proposed legislation, which has yet to be assigned to a committee, also focuses on security of individual voting machines and would require the state’s board of voting system examiners to contain a person with cybersecurity expertise and credentials. “Integrity in our elections is critical to the foundation of our liberties as Americans,” said Rep. Bernie Willis (pictured above), R-Springfield. “Voters have to trust their vote matters and is being represented toward the candidate of their choosing. Technology is increasing at a fast pace and the standards voting machines are certified against are outdated. It’s time for a change that will protect everyone’s vote.”....
  • The road not taken - Despite the constant harangues from the Democrat Party that the standard bearer of the Republican Party is a “threat to democracy,” the election this November is really a choice between two radically divergent visions of America -- when all is said and done, it is really that simple.  A Republican Chief Executive will enable America to continue as the standard bearer and economic powerhouse of the Free World, while a Democrat Chief Executive will ensure under the guise of globalism that America will decline in order to comply with those who seek not to create new wealth and prosperity but rather to redistribute the hard-won fruits of American free enterprise.
  • MAGA Trumps GOP Establishment The Donald More than Twice as Popular as Mitch -  POLL: LATINO VOTERS SWITCHING FROM BIDEN TO TRUMP  According to a new poll, Hispanic and Latino voters are increasingly turning on President Joe Biden in favor of the presumptive Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump. At the same time, the poll shows that Latino voters still heavily identify with, and may be slightly trending toward the Democratic Party. Ipsos senior vice president Chris Jackson observed that among the polled Latino voters, â€Å“[i]n almost every case, Trump performs better than the Republican brand and Biden performs worse than the Democratic brand...........
  • Election Integrity Attorney Stefanie Lambert Arrested on Unrelated Bench Warrant After She Turned Over ‘Criminal’ Documents from Dominion to Law Enforcement - Stefanie Lambert, an election integrity attorney in Michigan, was arrested on Monday in Washington D.C. for failing to appear at a court hearing in Michigan involving charges against her for allegedly breaching voting machines. After agreeing to surrender to authorities in Michigan, Lambert was released on $10,000 bond. Lambert said in court filings, and a statement that she failed to show up for the hearing due to a miscommunication with her former counsel, who told her the meeting was canceled. The attorney was arrested after taking part in a hearing Monday representing her client, former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, against a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit Dominion Voting Systems filed against him in 2021. Dominion sued Byrne for predicting months before the 2020 election that there would be illegal election activity to change the election results and named Dominion as one of the actors involved.  
  • NY Citizens' Voter Audit Challenges Blue-State Hegemony -  When you first hear about the group New York Citizens Audit (NYCA), you wonder why it took so long for regular citizens to start scrutinizing their own voting rolls.  It's shocking ,really, even contrary to the American spirit, to think that voters in every state have taken so long to self-police their own voting process — instead assuming that whatever was happening was somehow honest, legitimate, or even legal by their states' own declared laws. It is those declared laws that Marly Hornik is using as a litmus test as she and her nearly 1,500 volunteers review New York State voter rolls they obtained from the New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE), as well as rolls obtained from individual counties...............
  • Meme War: Conservative Social Media Influencer Convicted of Election Interference - Conservative social media influencer Douglass Mackey, also known as Ricky Vaughn, was convicted of election interference in the 2016 presidential race after posting a satirical meme on Twitter. Mackey, who is being accused of trying to “deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote,” was convicted on Friday by a federal jury in Brooklyn of the charge of “Conspiracy Against Rights,” the federal government announced...............The DOJ’s case against Mackey, however, raises questions about free speech rights in the United States............Last month, James Lawrence, a lawyer representing Mackey, told Breitbart News that the American Civil Rights Union (ACLU) “is nowhere to be found” and “MIA” with respect to the DOJ’s prosecution of his client for speech protected by the First Amendment. Meanwhile, the government’s confidential witness in the case has been making bizarre claims about being the target of a “secret right-wing congressional investigation,” which is causing even left-wing journalists to question his credibility, such as Luke O’Brien, who recently said that the witness is “full of it.”..................
  • Election integrity returns to the national conversation - As we approach another presidential election cycle — one of the most pivotal in our nation’s history — the issue of “election integrity” will rear its ugly head once again, no matter on which side of the aisle you stand.  Without rehashing past elections (local, state, or presidential), it is clear that irregularities have occurred and perhaps determined a winning candidate.  To deny this is naïve. It is no secret that many of our election laws and practices were manipulated by the Democrat party under the guise of mandated “social distancing” during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.  Well, the pandemic is by all accounts over, and life appears to have returned to “normal,” yet the loosened requirements for voter registration and voting remain in many jurisdictions.  Why have we not returned to the pre-pandemic laws and regulations?  The answer is obvious: the laws benefit the voting habits and practices of one political party over the other.................
  • James O'Keefe Strikes Again. Biggest Drop Since Acorn! O’Keefe Media Group Exposes VAST NETWORK of Democrat Donation Harvesters – Caught in Criminal Acts!  The legendary journalist released a teaser video on Monday from his next massive investigation of Democrat's vast network of donation harvesters, millions of dollars in donation harvesting, hundreds of thousands of illegal drops crossing numerous states.....
  • Colorado agrees to settle lawsuit over voter roll corruption - The state of Colorado has agreed that its voter rolls were corrupted, and they needed to be cleaned, reaching a settlement in a lawsuit seeking to do just that. Colorado Public Radio reports the Colorado Secretary of State's office was sued by government watchdog Judicial Watch in federal court earlier..........As a result, the voter totals in multiple counties were falsely high. Officially, in the settlement, Griswold claimed there were no violations, but said the state would try to get the problem fixed.  Part of that will be providing to Judicial Watch public data from a federal survey on an annual basis for the next five years...................
  • Election integrity returns to the national conversation - As we approach another presidential election cycle — one of the most pivotal in our nation’s history — the issue of “election integrity” will rear its ugly head once again, no matter on which side of the aisle you stand.  Without rehashing past elections (local, state, or presidential), it is clear that irregularities have occurred and perhaps determined a winning candidate.  To deny this is naïve. It is no secret that many of our election laws and practices were manipulated by the Democrat party under the guise of mandated “social distancing” during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.  Well, the pandemic is by all accounts over, and life appears to have returned to “normal,” yet the loosened requirements for voter registration and voting remain in many jurisdictions.  Why have we not returned to the pre-pandemic laws and regulations?  The answer is obvious: the laws benefit the voting habits and practices of one political party over the other..........
Editor's Note:  This next article was posted before the RNC dumped Ronna McDaniel as their Chairman, and the difference is now dramatic.  RK
  • Where is the GOP’s election litigation team for the 2024 election? - Say what you will about the Democrat party's election shenanigans, especially in the last two elections, but they did assemble an effective election litigation team for the 2020 presidential election.  The Dems' team, led by former Perkins Coie attorney Marc Elias, caught Republicans flat-footed and scored an impressive courtroom record.  Of 64 cases, Elias won all but one minor case, which was later overturned in his favor.  These cases were crucial in securing "President" Joe Biden's "victory."  Also, in 2020, Elias founded the group Democracy Docket to continue the legal assault on sound and secure voting practices.  In 2021, Elias left Perkins Coie to start his own law firm, the Elias Law Group.........
  • Lara Trump: RNC Focused Like a Laser on Election Integrity- Republican National Committee (RNC) co-chair Lara Trump said Sunday that election integrity is a top priority in the upcoming November election and the committee is focused on it “like a laser.”During an interview with Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” on April 7, Ms. Trump said that the committee will dedicate all of its resources to its Election Integrity Division “as needed.”“When you talk about election integrity, it is vital. It is the number one thing that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, which, of course, Donald Trump himself will do for us,” Ms. Trump said.......
  •  Exclusive—Lara Trump: March the ‘Largest Fundraising Month for the RNC in History’ - A single joint fundraising event between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Trump campaign raised $40 million — $14 million more than President Joe Biden’s recent glitzy event — and March ended up being the “largest fundraising month for the RNC in history,” RNC co-chair Lara Trump said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily. This week it was announced that the Trump campaign and RNC raised a joint $65.6 million in March alone, bringing cash on hand to $93.1 million. Lara Trump provided greater perspective on this feat as the election is now less than 31 weeks away............

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