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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Leftist are More Intelligent Than Conservatives. Really?

By Rich Kozlovich 

For decades I've seen the left make the claim they're so much smarter than conservatives, and done so with smug arrogance, as if that was obvious to any rational person. Two things are foundational to leftist thinking. If you disagree with them your stupid, or psychologically impaired. 

Well, time hasn't been on their side.  J. R. Dunn says,  Yes, the Left is that Stupid observing:

We’ve been hearing a lot of speculation that the Afghan debacle is more than it seems – that rather than being a typical outcome of activity by some of the dumbest, most ill-informed, and most blinkered individuals ever to occupy places in the U.S government, it is instead a dark, convoluted conspiracy aimed at some goal sinister beyond words.

Some of this is from the usual suspects who see conspiracies every time a cat falls out of a tree, and some by more reputable people. The core concept here can be expressed simply: “There has to be something else going on. Nobody could be that stupid.”

Ah, my dear naïve children of the Springtime… I’m afraid that your first encounter with the real world remains before you.

Shari Forst takes a look at  Liberalism in the Rearview Mirror and:
 ..........."how living through 9/11 turned a lifelong New York City Democrat into a conservative............I also stopped voting for Democrats from that point on. Although 9/11 occurred during George W. Bush’s presidency it was President Clinton’s foreign policy and whittling down of our defense spending that set the stage for this to occur. I have watched the Democrat party devolve into a mix of Marxists, Fascists, and Nazis marching us towards socialism, communism, and complete authoritarianism. I am watching the Democrat party spend this country towards becoming the Weimar Republic.
We now find leftists believe that capitalizing words is out out, here it comes.........oppressive!  How brilliant is that?  
One of my favorite writers is Andrea Widburg who on September 4, 2021 offered Proof that modern academic leftism is insanely stupid saying:

I quickly realized as I shepherded my children through public school and college that leftists in education are incredibly uninformed to the point of abject stupidity............  However, I have never come across anyone as spectacularly uninformed as Dr. Linda ManyGuns, who works at Mount Royal University, in Alberta, Canada.  Dr. ManyGuns has declared war on oppressive capital letters.............ManyGuns has a B.A., a Master's, a J.D., and a Ph.D.  She is the living embodiment of the fruits of our modern educational system.  She also conflates capitalism (which she despises) and capitalization (which apparently also needs to go).  This is her announcement of her Marxist-racial war on capital letters (emphasis mine):...............

I do not believe that anything could more perfectly illustrate that modern education is not intended to inform, but to indoctrinate.  The longer a person spends in academia, the less that person knows.

Then we have Renee Parsons commentary, What I Learned about Democrats from the Inside saying:

Many moons ago, as I joined the legislative staff at Friends of the Earth in Washington, D.C., its founder, David Brower, took me aside for a teaching moment..........  In a nutshell, Brower suggested that I would always know where the Republicans stood on any issue.  They would let me know upfront where their line was,........ and I could take that to the bank. On the other hand, Brower asserted that the Democrats would tell me what I wanted to hear.  They would proceed to do exactly as they wanted, whether or not it fit with our environmental agenda, with no apology or forewarning, with no opportunity to influence the outcome.............

 Today, as our country experiences the disintegration of one emergency into a full-fledged crisis of epic proportions, the Democrats, as partners in running the government, have no policy ideas to contribute or sense of doing what is right for the country.  The Dems have abandoned America in favor of an illusory doomed fantasy of a socialist/communist world with no understanding of its true future implications of less freedom, less happiness, more censorship, increased inflation with a lower standard of living, and more State control with a "free" economy where nothing is "free."

It frightens the hell out of me to acknowledge that the Democrats, like any good fascists, love their political party more than they love the country of their birth.

Truth is the sublime convergence of history and reality.  Everything we're told has a historical foundation and context.  Everything we're told should bear some resemblance to what we see going on in reality.  If what's presented to us fails in either of those categories, it's wrong.  All that's left to do is provide the intellectual response to explain why it's wrong.  

Well, history and reality are not on the side of anything that promotes the idea leftists are smarter than conservatives, furthermore, it's clear they're corrupt and insane!  

Does that sound a bit harsh and stunningly unkind?  

Leftism is now and has always been a failure, and yet they cling to leftist schemes telling the world socialism is the answer to mankind's problems.  Insisting on doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is certainly one definition of insanity. 

Truth isn't harsh, and it isn't unkind.  It's just the truth.


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