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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Commentary: A China Story Bob Woodward Chose Not to Tell 

In a just world, if the reporting of Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their new book Peril is accurate, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley would be sharpening his ceremonial sword and planning seppuku. Woodward and Costa have reported that Milley circumvented the chain of command and made unauthorized calls to CCP Gen. Li Zuocheng.

If Woodward and Costa got the story wrong, however, they should be the ones sharpening their swords. Although more reliable than most in Big Media, Woodward has reported many stories of questionable accuracy over the years. There was the dubious “potted plant” signal for the equally dubious “Deep Throat,” the imaginative deathbed confession of CIA Director William Casey, and the misinterpreted “slam dunk” quote by former CIA Director George Tenet among others...........he has repeatedly betrayed the American public by ignoring stories of major consequence. As it happens, his single greatest oversight involves China, specifically its role in the 1996 presidential election............ somehow he failed to mention that Chinese interests bought and paid for President Bill Clinton’s victory over Bob Dole. To miss the most striking feature of a campaign he covered in depth suggests not incompetence on Woodward’s part, but complicity...........

............ Clinton paid his Chinese loan sharks some of their vig by getting their “man in America,” John Huang, a job in the Commerce Department. In May of that same year, Clinton paid more of it by “delinking” human rights from the renewal of China’s most favored nation status............ February 1996 when a Chinese Long March 3B rocket crashed just after liftoff. This was the third such failure in three years involving U.S.-built satellite payloads, in this case a Loral-built Intelsat 708. Happily for Loral, however, its CEO Bernie Schwartz had a friend in the White House. In the 1996 campaign, no individual donor gave more soft money to the DNC than Schwartz.

In March 1996, Clinton overruled his own State Department and awarded authority over satellite-export licensing to the notoriously corrupt Commerce Department, temporary home of one John Huang. In April 1996, Commerce and the Clinton White House turned a blind eye when a Loral-led review team helped the Chinese military make necessary refinements in the Long March rocket...........

For the next twenty-five years, Woodward managed to vastly underestimate the significance of one story after another. In the Obama years alone, Woodward, the paragon of American journalism, missed Fast and Furious, the IRS suppression of the Tea Party, the Pigford scandal, Benghazi, the Obamacare fiasco, and, incredibly, the Russia collusion hoax..................That clowns like the general are running this country is a testament to Woodward’s half-century of willful blindness............To Read More....


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