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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Joe Biden's America

By Robin Itzler

Editor's Note:  This is one of the commentaries selected from Robin's weekly newsletter Patriot Neighbors. Any cartoons appearing will have been added by me.  You wish to get the full edition,   E-mail her at to get on her list, it's free.  RK

This is the Biden Consequence!  Let's take a quick look at the rise in antisemitism and the nation's economic situation. 

Do not think the rise in antisemitism at Columbia University and other colleges is from a small minority and a lot of outside agitators. If you do, you’re wrong! As reported in Gary Bauer’s April 25 American Values:

If you want some idea of how deep the rot at Columbia goes, just look at a recent vote held by the undergraduate student body:

  • 77% voted for Columbia University to completely divest from Israel.
  • 68% voted to close Columbia’s Tel Aviv Center.
  • 65% voted to shut down Columbia’s dual-degree program with Tel Aviv University in Israel.

Throughout the United States, stores are closing, and businesses are laying off employees. If the unemployed person worked in California, the most they can receive in weekly unemployment insurance is $450. This is the same amount California paid in 2004, the last time the state’s Employment Development Department (EDD) had an payment increase.

In 2004, the average weekly salary in the once-Golden state was $806. In 2023, it was $1,651.  Do you think $450 has the same buying power in 2024 that it had in 2004?

Every state has a different criterion for receiving their highest unemployment payment. For instance, some states pay more if the unemployed person has dependent children. H       ere is what some states pay: 

Minnesota, $890 - Oklahoma, $707 - New Jersey,  $830 - Montana,  $552  -  Colorado,  $781 - New Mexico,  $511 -  Ohio,  $757 - Utah, $391 - Iowa,  $714 - Iowa, $32

Few people expect unemployment benefits to replace their full salary, but it was always expected to restore about 50 percent of an employee’s wages. The situation is insulting in states with low payments when thousands of dollars in monthly freebies are being given to illegal alien invaders!

Denver is running out of money as it pays for all the freebies they are giving illegal alien invaders. What does Democrat Mayor Mike Johnson suggest? Well, we are living in insane times, so Johnson suggests defunding the city’s police department’s budget (reducing it by $8.4 million) and the fire department’s budget (reducing it by $2.5 million)!

This makes complete sense if you understand that Biden’s purpose in opening the southern border to criminals, mentally ill and terrorists is to have these millions register as Democrats! The only thing Biden & Company care about is that they vote Democrat—even if they go around attacking, raping and killing Americans. Denver Mayor Johnston shares how the money taken from police and fire budgets will be spent on ILLEGALS:

“The program also includes access to language instruction, career pathway explorations, industry-recognized credential training and work-based learning opportunities.” 

If we do not take back the White House, Senate, and House in November 2024, all the United States will become California and there’ll be no reason to relocate to a red state.

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