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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Hong Kong Court Convicts Cardinal Zen for Pro-Democracy Support

ROME — Cardinal Joseph Zen has been found guilty together with five others of failing to properly register the 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund, which provided legal and medical aid to jailed protesters of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement.  Last May, Hong Kong’s national security police arrested the 90-year-old cardinal, the former bishop of Hong Kong, on suspicion of “collusion with foreign forces” under the city’s sweeping national security law, but these charges have not been brought.

On Friday, Zen appeared before Principal Magistrate Ada Yip at West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts together with four other trustees of the now-defunct relief fund, namely prominent lawyer Margaret Ng, ex-legislator Cyd Ho, scholar Hui Po-keung, and singer-activist Denise Ho. The secretary of the fund, Sze Ching-wee, was also tried and found guilty..............

Conspicuous by its absence was any protest of the prosecution by Pope Francis, who has been at loggerheads with Zen over dealings between the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Asked by a reporter whether Zen’s arrest and trial constituted a violation of religious freedom, the pontiff suggested that Zen got what was coming to him.  The pope first rebuked the idea that China is undemocratic, insisting that such labels are unhelpful because China is a very “complex” country. Second, he acknowledged Zen’s arrest but refused to criticize it or to defend the 90-year-old cardinal.  “Cardinal Zen is going to trial these days, I think. And he says what he feels, and you can see that there are some limitations there,” he stated.........To Read More....

Editor's Note: Below is background from my files and drafts I've been saving.  RK

Pope Francis' Deal With Communist China Did Not Work  Terry Jeffrey Jun 08, 2022

The deal Pope Francis made with Communist China did not work.  On Sept. 22, 2018, the Vatican released two statements about its dealings with this regime. One announced that Pope Francis had officially recognized seven bishops initially appointed by China's atheist government.

The other was called a "(c)ommunique concerning the signing of a Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China on the appointment of Bishops."

"The above-mentioned Provisional Agreement, which is the fruit of a gradual and reciprocal rapprochement, has been agreed following a long process of careful negotiation and foresees the possibility of periodic reviews of its application," said the Vatican's statement. "It concerns the nomination of Bishops, a question of great importance for the life of the Church, and creates the conditions for greater collaboration at the bilateral level............To Read More.....

My Take - A deal with people who've a history of dirty dealing, murder and tyranny didn't work out? And we're supposed to be surprised at this? No deal with the left will ever be honored. That's history and that history is incontestable. The question everyone should be asking is why the Pope would ever think otherwise, and it makes you wonder at so many of his views regarding Islam, environmentalism, global warming and immigration, which all pander to leftist propaganda.  

But he's not alone.    

In Scotland a Minister claims 'Bible must give way' to same-sex 'marriage'. He says people now 'know more' about sexuality 

"A minister in the state-endorsed Church of Scotland stunningly has claimed that the Bible is not always the authority that people must follow. The shocking statement comes from Rev. Scott Rennie, who openly lives a homosexual lifestyle, and concerns same-sex marriage."

So, we know more about human sexuality than God?  Interesting take from a person who's alleged belief system is supposed to be based on the Bible.  Which bodes well the question:  Since it's clear these people don't believe in the Bible, do they believe in God?  And since it's clear they don't believe they have to answer for their positions, they must not.  

Then we have a report that Texas 'ministers' are flying women to New Mexico for abortions.  

"According to Business Insider, every two weeks Christian ministers and Jewish rabbis from Texas fly a group of 20 low-income women to New Mexico for abortions. They claim it’s their faith that motivates them to ensure women have abortions — but in reality, they get to act as “saviors” to disadvantaged women without actually doing anything to help them."  Taking an anti-Biblical view on sex is one thing, aiding someone to commit murder is beyond the pale.  

Remember, these aren't secularists.  They're supposed to be believers in an ultimate moral power and authority that says this is a vile sin.   Which once again, bodes well this question:  If they don't believe in the Bible, and clearly don't believe in God:  Who needs them?  

While they're practicing their heresy not one word about the over 50 feared dead in Nigeria church attack where:

"gunmen opened fire on worshipers and detonated explosives at a Catholic church in southwestern Nigeria on Sunday, leaving dozens feared dead, state lawmakers said. The attackers targeted the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo state just as the worshippers gathered on Pentecost Sunday, legislator Ogunmolasuyi Oluwole said. Among the dead were many children, he said. The presiding priest was abducted as well".  

And who did this?  Supposedly it "was not immediately clear who was behind the attack on the church."  Get real folks, it was Muslims who did this. But no one dares say it because it might hurt Muslim feelings by being exposed as murderous monsters.  As if 1400 years of their monstrous and murderous history can be ignored. 
Vatican-Beijing Accord on Chinese Catholics Extended: ‘Mistake’ to Compromise Faith for Communists, Pompeo SaysPatrick Goodenough | October 26, 2022 - The Vatican and Beijing at the weekend renewed a controversial and secretive agreement on the appointment of bishops that walks a fine line between the Holy See’s desire to protect Chinese Catholics and the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to co-opt and control religious faith. In a brief announcement, the Vatican confirmed that the deal, first reached in 2018 and renewed in 2020, was being extended for a further two years, following “appropriate consultation and assessment.” It said the Vatican was “committed to continuing a respectful and constructive dialogue” with China for the accord’s productive implementation “and further development of bilateral relations, with a view to fostering the mission of the Catholic Church and the good of the Chinese people.”.......To Read More....

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