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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 6, 2021

The World As I See It, September 6, 2021

Biden, Harris, Afghanistan, The Church of Wokeness in the Military, Economics and Regulations!

By Rich Kozlovich

I'm finding it more and more difficult to decide what to write about.  And it's not because there's nothing going on, it's because there's so much going on I'm finding keeping up with it and deciding what to say has become almost mind boggling.  

We have a President who clearly has serious neurological problems, corrupt to the core, dumb as dirt (and always has been), surrounded by traitorous leftist lunatics he's appointed to positions of power and his Vice President, Kamala Harris, is anxiously waiting in the wings, who also is corrupt, incompetent, clearly dumb as a rock, vicious as a viper, with the moral fiber of a goat, but one's perfect.  Right? 

I recently received this e-mail from a friend, and while it's most likely not a true story, it is a true representation of Biden:

While suturing a cut on a hand of a 75 year old Virginia farmer, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Biden and his possible role as our president. The old farmer said, “well, ya know, Biden is a "Post Turtle”. 

 Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a “post turtle” was? The old rancher said, “when you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a “post turtle’. 

The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face so he continued to explain, “you know he didn’t get up their by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, he’s elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up their to begin with.

So what could possibly go wrong?  

Well, let's start with Afghanistan. It's a disaster, and day after day the story becomes more and more outrageous.  It is any wonder over 100 retired generals and admirals are demanding the resignation of the Secretary of Defense Austin and General Milley?  Both of whom have dedicated themselves to the Church of Wokeness while Afghanistan was burning.  

And now they're claiming it's a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for them to openly criticize the President, Sec. of Def,, or the senior officers in command.  Strange how none of them noticed that when they were criticizing President Trump.  A serious argument can made for treason in the upper ranks of the military, all branches, and the administration over this.  

One more point. I served and I can honestly say the Uniform Code of Military Justice isn't uniform, nor is it justice if you're from the enlisted ranks, as has been shown over and over again when senior officers commit serious infractions. 

I served with a few good officers I respected, but as a group, I despised the officers when serving.  I found most of them to be lazy, pampered, not all that bright and arrogant.   Is it different with combat officers.  I'm told it is, however, I wonder how true that is as I watch these self-serving invertebrates spouting nonsense,  All of which justifies my continued contempt for the officer corp as a group.  They're violating their oath to "defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic", and doing so for their personal benefit.  Is that treason?

The economy is heading for a serious downturn, with massive tax increases that will eventually fall on the middle class, all of which is bound to cause inflation, and no one can be sure how bad that will become.  As shows in his piece,  Democrats’ Vote-a-Rama Will Trap the Middle Class With Big New Taxes saying:

These attitudes and beliefs among the younger generations on both sides of the Atlantic do not bode well for the future of freedom. The ideas of one generation often become the implemented policies of the next one. 

If neither knowledge of, nor appropriate lessons from the reality of socialism-in-practice over the last one hundred years are learned, we may very well be condemned to repeat the past with all of its social, economic, and politically damaging consequences. (See my article, “Socialism: Marking a Century of Death and Destruction”.) 

Our system of education, from Kindergarten to advanced degrees is an all out effort by leftist misfits promoting national suicide.  Fixing that needs to be job one.

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