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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 5, 2021

So MLB is fine with ball games in Cuba and training in China, but Georgia is the human-rights problem

By Monica Showalter

You could tell that the Major League Baseball (MLB) decision to pull its All-Star game out of Atlanta was a deeply unpopular one, based on the ambivalent reaction of far-left failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.  Here's the money quote from her Twitter statement: ............

After all, isn't she the one who pushed through most of the fraud-enabling laws on the books in Georgia which triggered the recent legislative action?  The blacks-are-too-dumb-to-have-voter-ID idiotic notion, so by extension, nobody should have to show voter ID to vote, even though everyone needs to show ID to buy a beer at an MLB game, or buy a ticket to one?  

She needs to make up her mind.

So which is it?  Not wanting to see families hurt, or being all in for the boycott of Atlanta, which certainly should affect the city tax base?  She wants to have it both ways, boycott but nobody hurt.  That's because unlike MLB, she wants to win public office, and knows that screwing over black businesses, which will get it in the teeth with this MLB maneuver, is going to make her unpopular.

Here's the MLB statement:..... Abrams's response is just the tip of the iceberg of the hypocrisy and contradictions seen from this MLB maneuver — stiffing black-owned American small businesses just emerging from a pandemic to protest a U.S. law they are perfectly free to campaign for to change otherwise through elections, or else playing the ball game without politics and drawing a big audience.  Which is it for them?  And by the way, how many of their baseball players are American citizens?...............To Read More..

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