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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, April 19, 2021

America and the Johnstown Flood By Rich Kozlovich

On April 12, 2021 posted this article, The Day Lake Conemaugh Destroyed Johnstown, saying: 

One hundred and thirty-two years later, the truth of what happened here in May 1889 is still difficult to put into words.  Standing on the very soil where Colonel Elias Unger, the last president of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, had his home overlooking Lake Conemaugh, you can see from the distance where the Pittsburgh elite had their grand fishing club and elaborate cottages along the shoreline.

Look right and you can also see the remnants of the poorly maintained dam that once held back their pristine private lake. It gave way on May 31, 1889, after days of relentless rain, sending 20 million gallons of water raging down 14 miles toward the city of Johnstown.

Why is this such a thing for Zito?  Johnstown is a little over 65 miles from Pittsburgh, and she's from Pittsburgh, and believe it or not, that's not a forgotten event.  I was born 13 years earlier than she just south of Pittsburgh.  That flood occurred only 56 years before I was born, and at 74 you get a different, and better, perspective of time.  I can remember hearing about it as a kid, and from a lot of people, and they were outraged.  Naturally I paid attention to this as the years went by reading about it and watching documentaries about it.  Here's her description:

With each inch and foot and mile, the force of the water gathered and carried with it trees, boulders, dirt, barns, animals, mud, people (dead and alive), and houses. It flung them all at the unsuspecting town, killing more than 2,000 and causing millions of dollars of damage ............ “They had little idea of the fate that awaited them,”........... It is said that it hit the town and its people with the force of Niagara Falls.........“Most people only heard it coming,” Bosley said. “Those who saw it and lived described it as a rolling mountain of dirt and trees, building over 40 feet high.”

The flood was so powerful, a body was "found in Cincinnati, Ohio. The last body was found in 1911." All told, 99 families perished in the flood, including 396 children. One hundred and twenty-four women and 198 men were widowed. Ninety-eight children were orphaned.",0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

But the real story is why the dam broke in the first place.  It was an earthen dam, and it had been modified and hadn't been properly maintained.  Why?  The millionaire elite who belonged to the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, including one of the richest men in the world at that time, Andrew Carnegie, was concerned about costs.  And who was held accountable?  God!  The "dam's failure was ruled as a natural disaster, making it an Act of God".  

Furthermore when engineers investigated the reasons for the dams failure, they refused to divulge it, in fear of litigation.   They were afraid of being sued by God?  Really?  Or is it they were afraid of telling the truth and being sued by these wealthy and powerful men?   Do we have any doubt the massively wealthy and powerful members didn't have something to do with sweeping this aside in order to prevent their being held accountable for their despicable actions?

But that was 132 years ago, so, why do I want to talk about this now?

Because I see a similar mentality currently afflicting American culture.  A wealthy and powerful elite is building a huge reservoir of hate, culture clash, and racist animosity, and economic difficulties, that represent a seriously dangerous and already borderline revolutionary mentality in so much of the nation. 

Just as the owners of that dam were warned of the very real potential of the dam failing and causing a human disaster, the warnings of disaster over the nation's educational rot, corporate corruption, deep state corruption, racial discontent, leftist infiltration of academia and all of America's institutions,  not to mention America's judiciary at all levels, the media and even the armed forces, have been raised and ignored by those in powerful positions. Not only are they ignoring these warning signs, they're promoting the very things that are antithetical to those warnings, even demanding the end of police departments, or having seriously depleted police departments who are not allowed to enforce the law, and when they do, we're seeing corrupt prosecutors refusing to prosecute those arrested.  

We're seeing massive levels of corruption and crime perpetrated by the political elite including those in the

We're seeing what is clearly unconstitutional legislation being promoted over gun control and an effort to take over the election procedures in every state, in spite of the fact the Constitution clearly states only the state legislatures can make the election rules in their states, loading the Supreme Court, even making a city a state in order to get more seats in the Congress.  

We're seeing a massive number of non-legislation rules and regulations imposed unconstitutionally by a unintelligent, incompetent, corrupt and fraudulent President, who rose well beyond his level of mediocrity, who refuses to enforce the legitimate laws of the nation if it doesn't fit the leftist narrative, much like his Democrat predecessor, Barack Obama, who also rose beyond his level of mediocrity, and laid the corrupt groundwork and government framework for this treasonous behavior.  

And the media, academia, the entertainment industry, big business and industry, professional sports,  and politicians on both sides of the aisle are applauding it all.  

All of this, just like the massive rainfall at Lake Conemaugh that weakened the dam to it's destruction and the destruction of Johnstown Pa., these immoral actions are constantly weakening that protective "dam" of American culture that's held back the leftist insanity from which much of the rest of the world suffers, and I fear that protective dam is going to collapse, and nothing will hold back what will be a national, and international disaster.  "Because without America, there is no free world."  

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