The Path of Totalitarianism Distorts History and Swallows Truth
By Rich Kozlovich
The problem with the left is - they don't care about facts, history or reality! They left care for only one thing - power! They have no love for facts or history as both condemn them as being irrational, misanthropic and morally defective. That's the history of the left, constantly beating their breasts in moral outrage over _____________(fill in the blank and anything will do since when your looking for moral outrage any one will do).
That is the only moral foundation all leftists share - the insane desire to gain and hold power over everyone's life, while constantly changing themselves into angels of light. But their motives, desires and actions expose them for the demons of darkness they are.
But there is a silver lining in all of this. Everyone - and I mean everyone - is being exposed for whom and what they are. The media including Fox, politicians, academia, professional sports, celebrities and activists. There is no equivocation any longer. And before this is all over - a great many people and institutions will be changed forever, some of them will be gone, some will rise in the nation's estimation and others will fall. But there will be no going back now, and the 2018 midterms will demonstrate that.
The media hate Trump. The Republican elite and leadership hate Trump. All the Democrats and their leftist allies hate Trump. The Hollywood loons hate Trump. The CEO's of major corporations hate Trump. Academia hates Trump. They've tons of hate, and not an ounce of common sense nor a scintilla of integrity between them. It appears the only group that likes Trump, and thinks he should be President of the United States, are the people.
There's no going back now! Everyone will be on stage and exposed - and once exposed - everyone will have to play out their role.
The media in some twisted logic is blaming Trump for all these violent outbreaks and no matter what Trump said, or when he said it, he couldn't say anything that pleased the media. Yet as far as I can tell - Obama - the one who really must bear a huge level of responsiblity for all of this - has said nothing to stop this madness, and the media ignores it.
Let's not make any mistake about this - this is Obama's legacy!
Below are articles from the Constitution, Front Page and American Thinker news sites. Please take some time to peruse these articles. This is part II, and more will be forthcoming.
Final thought from Benjamin Franklin: Truth will very patiently wait for us.
Democrat Leader calls Dr. Ben Carson a “White-Wing Nationalist”
Boston Police Chief Praises Officers for Restraint in Dealing with Leftwing Thugs who Pelted them with Bottles of Urine
VIDEO: Boston Rally Turns Violent as Radical Leftist Terror Continues
Duke University Capitulates To Radical Left, Removes Lee Statue
A Viable Solution to the Battle Over the Monuments
New Hampshire GOP Headquarters Hits by Radical Leftist Vandals
Where Does it End?
A Professional Bigot Celebrates the 26th Anniversary of His First Race Riot
American Police Face Violent and Deadly Night on The East Coast
Boston Beatdown: Beantown Prepares for Chaos as Radical Left Invades
VIDEO: Boston Rally Turns Violent as Radical Leftist Terror Continues
A Viable Solution to the Battle Over the Monuments
Bill Clinton Rape Accuser Demands Removal of Bubba Statue in SD
Play By Play of Last Night’s Game of Antifa Tear Gas Dodgeball
Antifa Weapons Cache Growing More Sophisticated By the Minute
UNC Chapel Hill Joins Confederate Fray with 800-Person Mob
Black Lives Matter tells White People – ‘Give Us Your Stuff!’
ESPN Defends Bizarre Robert Lee Decision, Blames “Fear of Memes and Jokes”
Paul Ryan Praises Trump’s Foreign Policy, Criticizes his Charlottesville Response
Petition Demands That Britney Spears Statues Replace Confederate Memorials
Muhammad Was an Arab-Supremacist Slaveholder, So Should the Left Demand that Mosques, which Commemorate His Racist Teachings, Be Torn Down?
Leftists are Acting Like Stalin in attempt at “Erasing History”
Liberal “Safe Spaces” and the Assault on Statues
Chelsea Clinton Hypocritically and Ironically Criticizes Defenders of Historical Monuments
The Civil War and the Democrat Distortion
News You Can Use for August 22, 2017
More Cowardly Overnight Statue Removals Hit University of Texas
The Left and the Media just Spent a Whole Week Calling All Republicans Racists
Freedom Center Confronts CNN’s Blacklist
The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group
How the Mainstream Media Operate
All the Statues Must Go
Distracting Ourselves to Death
Charlottesville Donnybrook
The Left Arms Up: John Brown Clubs
If There Aren't Two Sides, Why Is There Division?
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